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To: The AI|s | Highly Encrypted - Printable Version

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To: The AI|s | Highly Encrypted - Eduard - 03-18-2013

[Image: corketb.png]

This is the Brigade Master of the Warhound Brigade speaking.

Honestly, I do not even know if this message will ever reach anyone at all, or anything to be precise but, if it does, allow me to get straight to the matters at hand...

Recently, I personally encountered several of your... your assets in the Omicrons. I came to find out that you posses knowledge regarding nomads. Moreover you are at war with them since you want to protect your planet Gammu.

Well, to crack the nut, the Warhound Brigade is also at an open war with nomads so we have a common enemy here.

If it is reasonable, I would like to get to know your... hmmmm.... your group better so I want to suggest a meeting, a meeting which may be in the benefit of all parties... Nothing special though... Or we could leave this transmission up for chatting, if it ever reaches you...

Have a good day!
Brigade Master out.

[Image: wbbhunitbend.png]

RE: To: The AI|s | Highly Encrypted - Felix_Wannamaker_III - 03-18-2013

[Image: oJgJhAH.gif?1?2220]

::Greetings from the Artificial Intelligences of Gammu::

::I am known as Ghostwheel by the Humans::

::I was created to gain a better understanding of the 'Nomads' that we might better protect Gammu::

::We will meet with your group, as well as the 'Bounty Hunter's Guild Core', with the understanding that Gammu does not take part in the wars between the humans, and thus will not change our stance with the Order or the Corsairs::

[Image: UYqoQoT.gif]

RE: To: The AI|s | Highly Encrypted - Eduard - 03-24-2013

[Image: corketb.png]

Greetings, again.

It seems that our meeting was disturbed before we could get to a decision.

However, I would like to change that. I would greatly appreciate if we can resume the discussions and come to an agreement on this frequency. I believe it's much safer and this way we won't be disturbed by swarms of rampaging nomads anymore.

Brigade Master out.

[Image: wbbhunitbend.png]

RE: To: The AI|s | Highly Encrypted - Kiith - 03-27-2013

[Image: oJgJhAH.gif?1?2220]

Warm greetings to you, Mister Corke.

To you, the entity with the vessel designated Legion is speaking. You may use the name "Bob" for me, though, as it somehow became usual for humans to call me like this.
Anyways, you are right. Checking the records I see we had to stop our negotiations at the Freeport at a point were some things already were sorted, but other questions remained unanswered.
To give a short recap of what we discussed yet:
  • The WHB recognizes the nomad threat, and whishes to initiate a cooperation between my kind and them
  • The WHB promises not to use the jumphole in Omicron Kappa for eventual attacks on the Corsair system Omicron Gamma
  • While the WHB promises to support gammusian vessels in battles against nomad forces, the gammusian entities will support the WHB with a yet unspecified amount of different ressources

While we came to a general agreement to the first to points, I would especially like to elaborate the discussion about the service the gammusian entities will offer the WHB in return for their general help. Also, please correct me if I forgot to mention a point, please.

[Image: UYqoQoT.gif]

RE: To: The AI|s | Highly Encrypted - Eduard - 03-27-2013

[Image: corketb.png]

Brigade Master, here.

You seem to have this covered up... "Bob".

As for the last part, I would like to clear it up that while we provide the possibility for coordinate strikes and defense against nomads, we, as you said, would like you to support us with resources.

Like I already told you, this resources could be used in constructing a decent capital fleet for the Warhound Brigade as it currently lacks one. This fleet could use a combination of AI and Core technology to reduce the overall consumption of resources like fuel and manpower and also boost its efficiency. We have no interest in your weapon technology though.

Moreover, we would like a trade in resources concerning nomads, like nomad tech and data, since you already have knowledge regarding them, and also the possibility of performing reconnaissance and research missions into their space.

I believe that by this agreement, both of our sides could have a very significant profit. As you provide support for the construction of our fleet, in turn, our efficiency against fighting the nomads will increase significantly since we will then have the firepower to hold their lines at bay using your technological versatility and our constant pool of manpower as well as screening and skirmish tactics.

I need to make a point regarding our agreement concerning the corsairs, while we understand that you try to do your best not to raise an alarm for them and trigger them into destroying you, you must note that they are lowly pirates and terrorists, it'll just be a matter of time before, even if we maintain secrecy, they will try to harass you. Take it as a warning, even if we keep the curtains down, there'll be a moment when you will need to lift them and it'll be better to prepare for that moment in time.

Overall, I would like to think of this not just a simple cooperation against a common enemy, but more like the start of a bond between two groups. A bond that I hope will last and form a long lasting friendship. For example, we heard rumours coming down from the main fleet of the Core about a issue regarding a zoner installation putting your system at a possible risk am I right? In the future, our possible alliance would do nothing but good as we radiate our influence and hopefully keep such pesky troubles at bay.

That would be all
Have a good day!

[Image: wbbhunitbend.png]

RE: To: The AI|s | Highly Encrypted - Kiith - 03-29-2013

[Image: oJgJhAH.gif?1?2220]

I understand where the profit for the WHB lies when we can get to an agreement here, and it is totally legitimate for your side to request our help with improving the combat efficiency of your fleet against the ever increasing nomad threat. Although I would like to point out that our own operations to gather resources are relatively limited according to the capacity of raw materials we can extract from Planet Gammu and the surrounding areas. So please, do not expact miracles. Apart of that I can assure you that the Gammusian collective will support the WHBs efforts in gaining strength. And, as you already stated, not only to help ourselves to defend our home in the Omicron space but also to create a symbol of cooperation.
As for the exchange of intel about the nomads themselves I would say we establish a close cooperation between specialized units of my kind and WHB experts. We have to remember that the nomads show their danger potential every day and that it is not like playing with toys. Thus we would like to know that the intel and material we transfer to the WHB gets into the right hands when we are working together. Do not understand me wrong: It is not about keeping the nomad technology unaccessable for humanity, but more to ensure a safe handling of this kind of technology.

As a side note according to your warning: We are quite aware of the danger the corsair fleet is, and it is also clear that they will not be satisfied seeing us working together with your group. But as long as it is possible we will keep neutrality, and maybe set up a defense line against possible aggressions. We would just like you to not provoke any kind of hostilities that could affect us until it is inevitable.

[Image: UYqoQoT.gif]

RE: To: The AI|s | Highly Encrypted - Eduard - 03-29-2013

[Image: corketb.png]


We have an agreement then.

Let this be a testimony and the start for an ever lasting friendship and alliance.

AIs, I salute you.

[Image: wbbhunitbend.png]