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detailed combat log? - Printable Version

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detailed combat log? - Ursus - 03-19-2013

I've been using Advanced Combat Tracker with STO, and its pretty nice for reviewing combat loadouts and techniques.

Your things are now links. They were too big. 700px width max.   ~ae

I was thinking a plugin for FL/disco would be useful, especially for group fights. Of course, a client-side log would have to be available for parsing. Maybe something like "/log combat on|off" command? I dont even know if this is possilbe in flhook. I know there's some info there but I dont know how much.

Off the top of my head, you'd want an entry for every unique damage recieved (IE, a mine damages three ships, you want three lines)., with timestamp, damage giver, damage receiver, damage source (gun name, or mine name, etc), damage amount, damage to hull or shields. Maybe a couple more but I think that would do it.


RE: detailed combat log? - Veygaar - 03-19-2013

I foresee major lag involved with tracking/recording all this data. But I'm no expert so perhaps not?

RE: detailed combat log? - Ursus - 03-19-2013

(03-19-2013, 03:01 AM)Veygaar Wrote: I foresee major lag involved with tracking/recording all this data. But I'm no expert so perhaps not?
The data is already sent to the client anyway, so the only thing new would be passing it to a log file.

RE: detailed combat log? - SMGSterlin - 03-19-2013

Seems like something where if you're using it, you're taking the game FAR too serious...

RE: detailed combat log? - Ursus - 03-19-2013

(03-19-2013, 03:53 AM)SMGSterlin Wrote: Seems like something where if you're using it, you're taking the game FAR too serious...
Not sure if trolling or idiot

RE: detailed combat log? - SMGSterlin - 03-19-2013

Very srs.

When you start using something that shows you in detail what you're doing in the game, so that you can adjust off of that in order to gain more of an edge, I highly believe you're playing the game wrong. :p

RE: detailed combat log? - Ursus - 03-19-2013

1) You're making a judgement call, which you are not worthy to make (see what I did there)

2) Do you choose guns and equipment based on stats or do you just click on whatever is at the top of the list so that you are not taking things too seriously. Do you look at refire rate, speed, etc? Ever been to conn? why so serious? get a life already

3) There are lots of reasons to study data.

Mostly #1 though.

RE: detailed combat log? - SMGSterlin - 03-19-2013

Making a judgement call concerning my statement, and saying I shouldn't be doing the very thing you just did. Yes, I see what you did thar.

But yeah, stats that are already in the game? Yep, I look at those.

Accumulating my own data based off actions in game, in order to study them and make my self more "super 1337" at PvP? Nope, I'm not that much of a try hard, if you are, then good luck with that, just calling it how I see it.

RE: detailed combat log? - Ursus - 03-19-2013

(03-19-2013, 06:53 AM)SMGSterlin Wrote: Accumulating my own data based off actions in game, in order to study them and make my self more "super 1337" at PvP? Nope, I'm not that much of a try hard, if you are, then good luck with that, just calling it how I see it.
So we agree that the judgement call is based on your limited ability to imagine mroe than one scenario, ie you are not worthy to make such calls.

RE: detailed combat log? - SMGSterlin - 03-19-2013

Diverting attention away from my past statement by USING my past statement, in order to defend yourself from said statement.

Good job.