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I completely forgot... - Printable Version

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I completely forgot... - Joleia - 03-21-2013

To introduce myself.

Hello (to our English friends)
Mirëdita (to our Albanian friends)
Ahalan (to our Arabic speaking friends)
Parev (to our Armenian friends)
Zdravei / Zdrasti (to our Bulgarian friends)
Nei Ho (to our Cantonese speaking Chinese friends)
Dobrý den / Ahoj (to our Czech friends)
Goddag (to our Danish friends)
Goede dag, Hallo (to our Dutch friends)
Saluton (to our Esperanto speaking friends)
Hei (to our Finnish friends)
Bonjour (to our French friends)
Guten Tag (to our German friends)
Gia'sou (to our Greek friends)
Aloha (to our Hawaiian friends)
Shalom (to our Hebrew speaking friends)
Namaste (to our Hindi speaking friends)
Jó napot (to our Hungarian friends)
Halló / Góðan daginn (to our Icelandic friends)
Halo (to our Indonesian friends)
Aksunai / Qanuipit? (to our Inuit friends)
Dia dhuit (to our Irish friends)
Salve / Ciao (to our Italian friends)
Kon-nichiwa (to our Japanese friends)
An-nyong Ha-se-yo (to our Korean friends)
Salve / Salvëte (to our Latin speaking ancient Roman friends)
Ni hao (to our Mandarin speaking Chinese friends)
Hallo (to our Norwegian friends)
Dzien' dobry (to our Polish friends)
Olá (to our Portuguese friends)
Bunã ziua (to our Romanian friends)
Zdravstvuyte (to our Russian friends)
Hola (to our Spanish speaking friends)
Jambo / Hujambo (to our Swahili friends)
Hej (to our Swedish friends)
Sa-wat-dee (to our Thai friends)
Merhaba / Selam (to our Turkish friends)
Vitayu (to our Ukrainian friends)
Xin chào (to our Vietnamese friends)
Hylo; Sut Mae? (to our Welsh friends)
Sholem Aleychem (to our Yiddish speaking friends)
Sawubona (to our Zulu speaking friends)

Just thought i would cover most of those, now then. I have been around for quite a while. since .86 was when i last played and was in the KNF, i have returned several months, close to a year later and am amazed at how much the game has changed since then. while yes there seem to be fewer people playing it seems that the community at large is becoming closer and that's something i don't think any other game out there asides from minecraft has over us. I myself have found old friends as well as new friends, i'm working on joining a faction i never thought i would have fun playing, i am contributing to the community myself and more. One thing i have noticed is most pirates are still as annoying as ever and traders seem to be few and far between, RP seems to be more of the focus nowadays and the events that take place both on here and in game show that.

It is a pleasure playing with you all and i hope to continue playing with all of you for a long time to come.

RE: I completely forgot... - TLI-Inferno - 03-21-2013

Yeah, the whole pirate thing is one big cycle. Too many lolwut pirates killing traders all the time, so traders stop trading to pirate and they do whatever the lolwut pirates did to them. The amount of lolwut pirates continues to increase while traders decrease. With less people to pirate, some of the people get bored and leave.

As for the RP focus, yes the forum-users lean more towards wanting RP while the many lolwuts in-game keep it as a "lolwut" server.

I think PVP and RP are both good when used responsibly. (Meaning, to PVP within RP, and to RP within the game, rather than letting OORP anger influence RP or PVP decisions).

RE: I completely forgot... - Zen_Mechanics - 03-23-2013

(03-21-2013, 12:54 PM)TLI-Inferno Wrote: Yeah, the whole pirate thing is one big cycle. Too many lolwut pirates killing traders all the time, so traders stop trading to pirate and they do whatever the lolwut pirates did to them. The amount of lolwut pirates continues to increase while traders decrease. With less people to pirate, some of the people get bored and leave.

As for the RP focus, yes the forum-users lean more towards wanting RP while the many lolwuts in-game keep it as a "lolwut" server.

I think PVP and RP are both good when used responsibly. (Meaning, to PVP within RP, and to RP within the game, rather than letting OORP anger influence RP or PVP decisions).

Pirates in general use the system monitor to track potential traders, next thing you know theres a welcome party in Kansas hole! ( Cloaked as well cuz after all its a party ).
That's so meta and so lame, People might as well F1 before jumping and bring a cruiser to deal the situtation, In anycase.. no rp here sorry.

RE: I completely forgot... - Ichiru - 03-23-2013

Ni Hao and Hello!

RE: I completely forgot... - Username removed - 03-23-2013

This community is as a living creature in itself, and the lolwuts are the cancer of it. Fortunately the Community has found a way to deal with the cancer: Lolwut pirates kill lolwut traders so lolwut traders become pirates and they do the same thing, when there is no one left to pirate, they either enter in Conn which servers as a quarantine system for the cancer, or leave, leaving only the good folk around, at least until the lolwut traders notice there are no more pirates and return the cancer. Anyways, waddee.

RE: I completely forgot... - why_so_serious - 03-23-2013

To cut your story: Freelancer gives cancer.