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To: BDM, CC: Rheinland Bundestag - ORDERS REGARDING OSI - Printable Version

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To: BDM, CC: Rheinland Bundestag - ORDERS REGARDING OSI - EisenSeele - 03-21-2013

COMMID: Flotillenadmiral Siegfried, BDM| U-Flotte
LOCATION: BDM|RNC-Brynhildr, Mephistopheles Class 005 Production Type Cruiser, BDM|U- Forward Operating Base

[Image: epgokg.jpg]

It would appear that the OSI have chosen to be hostile to the Rhein. For the crimes of economic collaboration with the Hessians and the Libertonians, the unrepentant are to be purged.

At the moment, the Bundestag is deliberating on the status of the OSI as a legal entity, and may rule to deem the OSI as a hostile non combatant faction for collaboration with the hessians and the Libertonians. Such a designation change will mean that OSI is an enemy of the Rhein, to be liquidated with extreme prejudice.

By order of High Command, the second and fifth light Economics Warfare divisions will mobilize to map OSI movements and maintain watch of known routes. The use of force short of self defense and interdiction of contraband is not authorized until the order is given. If and when the Bundestag has deemed the OSI to be targets of opportunity, Operation Schweinhammer will commence.


RE: To: BDM, CC: Rheinland Bundestag - ORDERS REGARDING OSI - Pavel - 03-29-2013

===Incoming Transmission===

[Image: oldManSuit1thumb.jpg]

Buro admirals,

as reported by Bundespolizei, OSI are without doubt hessian supporters. You know what it means.

Begin operation Schweinhammer.

E. Schenke

===Transmission Terminated===

RE: To: BDM, CC: Rheinland Bundestag - ORDERS REGARDING OSI - Tabris - 03-29-2013

[Image: epgokg.jpg]

"The Red Flag has been sent up to the relevent Parties. Long Live the Federal Republic!"