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Missile Launchers for nomads broken? - Printable Version

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Missile Launchers for nomads broken? - blackholea - 03-23-2013

I've been kicked (and banned from the server) twice now.
Both times, it was on my brand new nomad account, and I was purchasing a Nomad Missile Launcher Type III (first time) and Type II (second time).

The first time, after I waited about a week, I was able to log back on. (it might have been sooner, I just checked that account after a week).
However, I'm surprised it happened twice.

Has anyone seen a problem like this? I am in a Nomad light fighter, and I haven't left the original spawn point yet.

Note that after I logged in the second time, I noticed the missile launcher was added to my ship; however, there were no missiles, and I couldnt find any for sale in the equipment shop. I'm not sure if that's expected or not.

RE: Missile Launchers for nomads broken? - Narcotic - 03-23-2013

I've heard about that bug before already. However, people tried to buy them that often until it worked without being kicked. As for the ammunation, you'll probably have to buy it manually or try it at the other Nomad bases.

RE: Missile Launchers for nomads broken? - Zynth - 03-23-2013

The bug occurs due to the excess ammo you get from buying a launcher. Buying too manylaunchers consecutively will result in the ammo limit being broken, resulting in anti-cheat and a kick.

Doing it multiple times may result in a ban.

A simple way to fix this is to sell all your ammo after you buy the launcher.

I figured that out after I made my second missile ship.