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Hello...second time, I guess? - Printable Version

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Hello...second time, I guess? - Mighty Glacier - 03-25-2013

Well, long time since I've played Freelancer last, or Discovery.

Hello once again, people! I've serious doubts that I am remembered by anyone, given how my last voyage into the world of Discovery, which was approximately two years ago, was rather short before my FL interest had fizzled out for what seemed to be a LONG time. But, if anyone does, I'm the guy who had a character by the name of Gabriel Gallius (or something like that) who joined the Liberty Navy, and to be honest, really sucked. At least, that's what my personal opinion had to say about him. I didn't play the mod for long, though, as I mentioned earlier, due to the fact that my Freelancer high was coming down soon after getting into the community. I can't help but think maybe I pissed a few people off then, seeing as how I was somehow who got in then went AWOL mere moments after! It is something I deeply regret, now that I'm immersing myself again after all this time, but the community has likely changed since then...meaning that new opportunities await!

Some time after my previous departure, I once again became interested in FL, to the point where I tried out another mod, Crossfire. I will admit that I didn't like it very much, the new story missions seemed to drag on far too long with all the stretches of empty space. I'm getting off topic here, no need to go into detail about other mods - suffice to say, after I was finished with that, I went back to other things, and FL and any other mods were forgotten again.

Fortunately, not too long ago boredom struck me, and I re-obtained the vanilla Freelancer game and installed it, played through the story, and started having fun with mods. One I had fun with not long ago was Itano Circus, because hey, MISSILES. LOTS AND LOTS OF MISSILES. The post-game singleplayer had become too boring, however, and I couldn't stop remembering Discovery...which led me to now. I downloaded the installer for the latest version of Disco, and after IONCROSS-ing the hell out of my single-player saves to get capital ships and mainly just dick around with all the additions due to boredom (that Phantom Cruiser is kinda fun, but it seems I won't be able to use it in multiplayer), I've finally decided to resume what I had started over two years ago.

I do hope you enjoyed my tale, and that I'll be welcome back into Discovery with open arms. tl;dr: I used to play multiplayer Disco FL, had a character in the Liberty Navy, quit for a long time without warning, tried other mods in the time between then and now, got Discovery back just a little bit earlier, HERE WE ARE.

RE: Hello...second time, I guess? - Narcotic - 03-25-2013

Hey, welcome back aboard the Forums.

Now that's a long introduction, and I read it all because I like the font.
Anyways, have a good second try and I'd suggest you to not play within Liberty again .In case you're looking for fine roleplay, this place might disappoint you quickly. The Omicrons are having an activity boost currenty, due to the Nomad ID being opened. Also the area around Dublin is crowded for the next two weeks, since we started some 'economy minievents'. Oh and don't forget to learn the server rules by heart.

Enjoy your stay.

RE: Hello...second time, I guess? - Mighty Glacier - 03-25-2013

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Egh, I was kinda wanting to pick back up where I left off, just with a new character this time...oh well. I guess we'll see how it all goes from here.

RE: Hello...second time, I guess? - Amon.Cire - 03-25-2013

Yup, House space is pretty dull these days in terms of RP. To the boarder worlds you go!

Oh, and welcome back! See you in space!

RE: Hello...second time, I guess? - jerkovile - 03-25-2013


RE: Hello...second time, I guess? - (ツ) - 03-30-2013

Hello there. Nice font. Ring for me, in case you find some of that omnious "RP" thingy.