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Malaclypse Freeport Erisian Racing Games! - Printable Version

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Malaclypse Freeport Erisian Racing Games! - Gypsie - 03-26-2013

Malaclypse Freeport Erisian Racing Games

Kallisti fellow cabbages! The Temporary Autonomous Zoners are glad to announce that construction of Malaclypse Freeport has finally been completed! To celebrate this, and inaugurate the base to the public, we will be holding an event in Baffin!

The event will consist on two races with three categories.

The Chao Rally

This rally will have two categories, one open for light fighters and freighters, and the other one open to other fighters, bombers and transports.

All racers will gather at Malaclypse Freeport at the start of the event, where a TAZ Aquilon Carrier will be waiting for them. When everybody is packed tightly around the Aquilon, they will all be blind jumped into a random system. The first one to arrive back to Malaclypse Freeport for each category will be the respective winner.

Freighter / Light Fighter Category:

1st place: 80.000.000 sc
2nd place: 20.000.000 sc
3rd place: 10.000.000 sc

Code:     TMT|Louis.Bourgogne

Fighter / Bomber / Transport Category:

1st place: 86.000.000 sc + 35.000.000 sc and 4 x DULZIAN codename weapons (courtesy of JAMES.JACKMAN'S WRECK DOWN SERVICE)
2nd place: 20.000.000 sc
3rd place: 10.000.000 sc[/color]

CR|-Sage[17th]     Christopher,Jacobs|Merc     CR|-Vindication[15th]     CR|-Claudrius[49th]
CL}Rina'Como     Judge-Justin     TMT|T.Maruso     Jack.Cromwell

The Barge Drag

Suspended due to lack of registrations.

Sponsors Needed!

If you or your group wish to sponsor the event, donations to spice up the prizes are always welcome. If you have any ideas for alternative fun prizes, those are welcome too.

To register your vessel for the race, please fill up the following form:

Ship Callsign:
Ship Class:

The Onyx Syndicate's Bellagio Casino will be operating during this event in Baffin for everyone watching the race. They will also be taking bets on the race itself.

NOTE: As long as you are inside Baffin, all the Pentabarf rules apply, including not to fire at each other. Now, when you are outside Baffin, it's not our problem heh!
//This event is scheduled for Saturday 20th of April GMT 13:00.

RE: Malaclypse Freeport Erisian Games! - Mr.Fabulous - 03-26-2013

Name: Jaden Armand
Ship Callsign:
Ship Class: "Garanchou" GMG Freighter
Category: Chao Rally (Freighter Category)

RE: Malaclypse Freeport Erisian Games! - SummerMcLovin - 03-26-2013

Greetings Discordians,

I believe I have likely earned some R&R as the Hell's Angels do, even we Rapiers need to cool off from time to time. Perhaps some surveillance can be carried out on any interesting positions along the way...

What are the rules concerning weaponry, cruise disruptors etc? What of (arranged) outside interference or assistance for the less scrupulous amongst our competitors?

I will prepare nonetheless, my form:
Quote:Name: [REDACTED]
Ship Callsign: CR|-Sage[17th]
Ship Class: Colonial Nyx Very Heavy Fighter
Category: Other Fighter/Transport

Agent Sage, ending message.

RE: Malaclypse Freeport Erisian Games! - Eduard - 03-26-2013

***Incoming Transmission***
*** Decrypting Data ***
*** Data Decryption Complete***
***Sender I.D Identified***
*** ID: Lawrence Morrison ***
***Opening Containing Files***

Greetings, gentlemen, allow me to present myself:
My name is Lawrence Morrison, executive manager of the "Turbo Marlins Racing Team" also indentified as TMT| , owned and sponsored by the Warhound Brigade and also sponsored by the Bounty Hunters Guild Core.

As executive manager of this fine racing team, I would like to sign up two of our finest racers, mister Maruso and mister Bourgogne for The Chao Rally.

Below I have attached you all the necessary information for this registry:

Quote: Name: Tadashi Maruso
Ship Callsign: TMT|T.Maruso
Ship Class: Hayabusa Light Fighter
Category: Light Fighter

Quote: Name: Louis Bourgogne
Ship Callsign: TMT|Louis.Bourgogne
Ship Class: Arrow Light Fighter
Category Light Fighter

Have a good day, dear gentlemen!

*** Transmission Closed ***

RE: Malaclypse Freeport Erisian Games! - Lennox - 03-26-2013

**Incoming transmission**

Identification: Light Runner
Subject: Race?!

Hey there, uh..Zoners?

This sounds like lots of fun to me. Hell, count me in. About time I go for another race again.

Quote:Name: Christina Ross
Ship Callsign: Light.Runner
Ship Class: Onuris
Category: Light Fighter

Can't wait...and see you soon!

**End of transmission**

//hopefully work won't interfere :/

RE: Malaclypse Freeport Erisian Games! - Gypsie - 03-26-2013

From: Malaclypse Freeport


All racers added to the list.

Thanks agent Sage for the question, a clarifying note has been added at the bottom of the opening post.


RE: Malaclypse Freeport Erisian Racing Games! - Gypsie - 03-27-2013

* Daily Update *

RE: Malaclypse Freeport Erisian Racing Games! - Gypsie - 03-28-2013

From: Malaclypse Freeport


Any more racers?


RE: Malaclypse Freeport Erisian Racing Games! - Gypsie - 03-29-2013

From: Malaclypse Freeport

Kallisti Racers!

I'm glad to announce that JAMES.JACKMAN'S WRECK DOWN SERVICE is sponsoring the race, handing 35.000.000 sc and 4 x DULZIAN codename weapons to be added to the Fighter/Bomber/Transport category prizes.


RE: Malaclypse Freeport Erisian Racing Games! - Starsunder - 04-02-2013

Name: Christopher Jacobs
Ship Callsign: Christopher,Jacobs|Merc
Ship Class: Falcon
Category: Fighter / Bomber / Transport

No entry fee, but money to be won? Count me in.
