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To: Rheinland Military Pilots | From: Laura Schoon - Printable Version

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To: Rheinland Military Pilots | From: Laura Schoon - DeathSpirit - 03-27-2013

[Image: schoon.png]

From: Lt.Laura.Schoon
Location: Unkown

Subject: Gut Tag my Friends.

'tag Pilots, tag mein Freunde

Its been a while since I've tried to contact some of you. Also some of you will know that I'm not the person who likes talking, or even following orders, but at this point it doesnt matter. Well, the reason why I am sending this message is that I'm kinda frustrated. I was looking around for some people I know, some old people from the Military. And I didnt find just a single one. Well some of you are in Higher Duty and not doing regular Patrols anymore. Well, I'm serving the Fatherland for a very long time now... many Admirals passed away... To name a few of them... Malexa, Alec and Rall. I still miss the old time, the time where we fight togther against any enemy who show up. So my dear freinds where are ?
Herr Otto von Mark? Frau Vivian Schmitt? Herr Joachim Landers, of course Admiral Weißmann? and so many other I who fighted with me next to my wing. I cant belive you're all dead or retiered. There still must be some out there.

I would like to meet you, if its possible, drinking a few bottles of gut Bier maybe. And have a nice evening or so.
I still can remember that some people dont like me very much, well maybe thats the reason why I get relegated two times in the Military. As I said following orders isnt one of the things I'm good at.

So what do you think my friends, maybe we could meet, or you maybe send a Message to me via. Private Communication Channels, I would be happy to hear you again, or at least to know if you are still allive.


Laura Schoon.

[Image: schoonend.png]

RE: To: Rheinland Military Pilots | From: Laura Schoon - Landers - 03-27-2013


SOURCE: Rheinwehr Kreuzer Altenau, Bremen System.
ENCRYPTION: Medium, port RM-HC-VT-1920-JFH
  • >>> Receiving...
    >> Decrypting...
    > Opening...
[Image: majorvl_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg]

SUBMITTER: Admiral Joachim Landers
RECIPIENT: Leutnant Laura Schoon
SUBJECT: Re: Gut Tag my Friends

  • Leutnant Schoon,

    I've received your message, I bet you still recognize me, even some years has been passed.

    Yes, I retired back then. The circumstances changed since then and the sense of duty led me back to my old place and rank. We're fine.

    For the sake of the old times, I'd meet you, but I'm afraid my tasks as an Admiral prevents me to do so. If there's anything specific you want, contact me. I'll try to find some time to deal with it.

    Für unser glorreiches Vaterland!

    Admiral Joachim Landers
    Rheinland Military Oberkommando



RE: To: Rheinland Military Pilots | From: Laura Schoon - DeathSpirit - 03-27-2013

[Image: schoon.png]

From: Lt.Laura.Schoon
Location: Unkown

Subject: Re: Gut tag my Friends.

'guten Tag Herr Admiral,

well I prefer Joachim, but I still dont know how this would fit with your current position. So how are you? I remember the time we both were Feldwebels. Now you're Admiral, well and I joined the local Police *smiles*. Some big changes happened as I think. But you know I never was the Person who likes to deal with Paperwork and stuff. I'm just doing my work, ya know... ok doing it more or less depends on rules and orders... Well, I remember my time at the Valkyrie's best time I've ever had, no rules simply orders. Search and destroy thats all. Maybe thats why I joined the Bundesgrenzschutz maybe, very simular to Valkyries. So what happened to Vivian? I heard she is missing in action? Did you search for her? I cant believe she's gone.

Maybe you have some information for me about Vivian, I would like to know what happened to her...

But well, as I said lets do this while drinking a few Bier, if you have some time for an old friend. You shoud have hollydays too. So come on, I know you want to.

Well, also I would be happy if Weissman, or Herr von Mark reply to this chat.


Laura Schoon

[Image: schoonend.png]

RE: To: Rheinland Military Pilots | From: Laura Schoon - DeathSpirit - 03-29-2013

.: Boosting Signal :.

RE: To: Rheinland Military Pilots | From: Laura Schoon - Landers - 03-29-2013


SOURCE: Rheinwehr Kreuzer Altenau, Bremen System.
ENCRYPTION: Medium, port RM-HC-VT-1920-JFH
  • >>> Receiving...
    >> Decrypting...
    > Opening...
[Image: majorvl_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg]

SUBMITTER: Admiral Joachim Landers
RECIPIENT: Leutnant Laura Schoon
SUBJECT: Re: Gut Tag my Friends

  • Leutnant Schoon,

    I can confirm, you've never been the pilot, who follows orders easily, hence you're not a member of the Primary Fleet anymore. You are rather a mercenary or freelancer than a soldier and I think the Bundesgrenzschutz is a better place for you indeed.

    Vivian Schmitt, still considered to be MIA. Information about the search and it's results are classified above your level of clearance.

    I'm temporarily on the Moselle, you might find me in my office. Herr von Mark... as far as I know he's in Bremen. Admiral Weissman is extremely busy these days, it's better not to bother him.

    That being said, come to my office on Battleship Moselle, if you want to meet.

    Admiral Joachim Landers
    Rheinland Military Oberkommando



RE: To: Rheinland Military Pilots | From: Laura Schoon - DeathSpirit - 03-29-2013

[Image: schoon.png]

From: Lt.Laura Schoon
Location: Unkown

Re: Gut Tag my Friends.

*she looks angry*
Do you really think that I contacted you as an Admiral? Do you think that I care about classified Informations? *she hits the table* She was one of my best friends in the Military, I fighted with her serveral times. We looked the death in the eye. We behave like were Sisters! And you are telling me, you cant tell me? Are you kidding me?

I was writing to you as a friend, I was asking about the People we both know, as we were Feldwebels. Cant you understand this, that I want to know what happened to her?

I often used not the regular ways I may should. But in fact that my personallity. I am as I am, and if you dont want to give me such a little information, where she was last seen, or who she fight at last. Its your honor to tell me this. I'm afraid, you changed since you're "Admiral"... just like all the other Persons, A wise man says once: "Give might to a Person, and you see its true face." Seems like that wasnt a lie.

I'm afraid Landers you've disappointed me, never thought things would turn this way, but seems it like usually, I'm on my own again...

In a sign of our Friendship, I will move to Moselle as fast as possible.



[Image: schoonend.png]

RE: To: Rheinland Military Pilots | From: Laura Schoon - Landers - 03-29-2013


SOURCE: Rheinwehr Kreuzer Altenau, Bremen System.
ENCRYPTION: Medium, port RM-HC-VT-1920-JFH
  • >>> Receiving...
    >> Decrypting...
    > Opening...
[Image: majorvl_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg]

SUBMITTER: Admiral Joachim Landers
RECIPIENT: Leutnant Laura Schoon
SUBJECT: Re: Gut Tag my Friends

  • Laura,

    Sooner or later you will realize it's much more complicated than you can imagine right now.

    This is the military. And at the top, things are different. We have our duty, we are to serve our Vaterland, our Kanzler and the people. Sorry if I put personal things aside. I still consider you as one of my best friend and companion and I'll never forget this.

    Come, I might have some drinks somewhere.




RE: To: Rheinland Military Pilots | From: Laura Schoon - DeathSpirit - 03-31-2013

[Image: schoon.png]

"Office - Admiral Landers"
*She knocks at the door*
*A good known Voice says, "Come in Please".*

'tag Joachim,

nice to see you, Its been a while, isnt it? How are you...
*she smiles*
Well, I think we could use drink, thats the reasonn why I've took 2 Biers with me. *she gets 2 Bottles Beer out of her Police Uniform* Take one, its for you. *she smiles again*

Well, I think you're right, some thinks are more complicated then I could imagine, its like the old days isnt it, taking orders, accepting orders. Not much to ask about.
*she takes a sip out of her Bottle*
Ahhh, so how its going in the Rheinwehr, some bloody new Rekruts... Stuff like usually as I think, dealing with them, train them how to act in a Battle... I meet a Leutnant from the Military here last time I was in Braunschweig, his name was Adrian Wiesen I think, he isnt that was a Leutnat should be as I was a Rekrut, but anyway. *She takes another sip* I think we talked enough... Its time to go for me...

*she puts a letter on his Table*
Open in when I'm gone, ok?

*she went out of Landers office*

Quote: Dear Joachim, you're my friend, one of the last I have, I respect you as my friend and as the Admiral, and I realized that I cant demand that from you, It thinks I'm on my own again. I'm talking about Vivian again, I will search her, no matter what it will costs, she would do the same for me. And well, if I may die, I want you to know how, at least you. I will take a brake from my duty in the Bundesgrenzschutz, so that I can do this. I just want you to know where I will stay the first days, I will be at Heisenberg Research Facility, in Koeln, there is a nice pub. And well I will start to search there. Also you will be the only person that will know what I do or where I am, please keep that for you. And in the case that I die, I want you to know that I allways loved you as my brother. Thank you.

In Love


[Image: schoonend.png]