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Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - Printable Version

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Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - Dragonfly - 06-21-2008

------------------- INCOMING TRANSMISSION --------------------
---------------------- UNIDENTIFIED SOURCE ----------------------
--------------- HACKER SIGNATURE DETECTED-----------------
FROM: The Supreme Spectre "Screaming Shadow"
TO: Every Oppressed Person in Liberty
COMM ID: ------- NULLIFIED -----------
[Image: goslogofixednm9.png]

A Time Long Past

My name is ... I can't believe it; I have forgotten my name has been a long time since anybody asked me my name, 20 years at least...

I was born in Manhattan along with two brothers, and one sister but she...

We used to be pacific people, the kind that never gets in troubles with anyone, but when change when 2 Liberty Security Forces officers, Believe they are the cleaners of the universe, entered our house and murdered my mother and little sister implying that my father worked with pirates, she was just 1 year old and they ended her live...

Apparently my father was working for Pirates, I really didn't know which ones, but they seemed to be involved with liberty. My father was not able to carry the burden of our family's murder and he begun to abuse Cardamine, he fell into the deepest depression at the point that he forgot he was a father, in the end he lost his mind and just ended his live with a family relic, an Old blaster that had been used by our ancestors at the battle against the ancient coalition it the long forgotten Sun System.. As the blaster touched the floor, the ancient power cell in the blaster reacted to the Cardamine particles suspended in the air from the broken inhaler, provoking a violent explosion, and leaving behind only the shadow of a time long past.

In that moment we knew we were born with a destiny, the path of War was chosen for us, the Honor of hunted men climbed to our shoulders, since that moment we forgot our names, we forgot our past and we start a fight….

The Origins of the Guild

I was twelve when "that" happened, my brothers where eleven and ten, we where alone, childs with no faith, with no one that to take care of us, we learned how to steal in order to survive, but when I got fifteen I met a man called Gabriel Santacruz, out paths crossed when I tried to hack his neural net account, I didnt know it, but he was one of the most wanted criminals in Sirius and also my father's best friend, he told us the true identity of our father; apparently he was one of the best pirate fighters.

Gabriel told us that my father knew LSF was looking for him so he left his job with pirates and went to Manhattan, the only place where they would never search.
There he met my mother and got married. Gabriel gave us our fathers will, we inheirited three Dagger-class ships an a datadisk containing an old video, it was old but it worked on an old optical computer, the video contained out father's last will as the following:

"I leave *Static* dagger ships to my children *Static* "

He also explained us the true pirate reality, that they were just normal people like you and me, he also told us that the government had been hunting them since unmemorable times, they killed children and women without feeling any remorse, the video was really stunning but there also something elusive, at the end there were like 10 minutes of static before he said something about revealing our mother's secret.

Anyway, after getting the daggers we took separate ways, we had decided that no one else was going to go through the hell we lived, we decided to reach the pirates that used to work with our father, the Outcasts, the Liberty Rogues and the Lane Hackers were on our "possible" list. My youngest brother went to a Rogue base called Buffalo placed in the NY system, my other brother went to an Outcast base, Cali, in the Tau Systems and I went to a Hacker base called Mactan at the Magellan system, two years later we found ourselves fighting together against the corruption of the Liberty bureaucracy and government, we were going to meet at Freeport 2 to organize the polish details, when we were leaving for the Freeport an LSF wing appeared and engaged our ships, many of my brothers were slaughtered that day only i and few pirate lords escaped, the few survivors fled to their home bases and passed on the voice about the incident. There were exactly three survivors including me, now it is them who i call "brothers" but we've forgotten our names, now we are only shadows of a time long past.

That was three years ago, for a long time we have been ready, we have been armed, waiting in the corners for the right moment, and now it is the time, the time for Shadows to rise up and embrace Liberty, to finally produce a change.

OOC Description: Well, it is not me who will explain this part;

Basically we are a criminal group the operates in Liberty Space, the fearsome alliance between Outcasts, Rogues and Hackers, inspired by this quote:

"The powerful alliance between Lane Hackers, Liberty Rogues and Outcasts serves as the dominant unlawful force in Liberty space and most Independent Worlds."

We are that alliance so we use OC, Rogue and Hacker Tags/IDs, this is also a way to encourage RP and creativity. We may leave OC a little aside since their best fighters and cap ships are in the Omicron systems too busy fighting Corsairs. So if we use any destroyers they would be the ones designed/built at Buffalo. Perhaps we may even hijack a liberty cruiser or something alike, I am not sure yet on how will we RP this however, but probably it will be something like "Don't destroy it! Deactivate its turrets and then board it!".

It is our common objective to overthrow the liberty corrupt government and eventually instill our own men as leaders so we can reach other particular objectives like the free distribution of Cardamine and the dissolution of the corrupt Ageira Techs. Due to this, our faction is oriented to PvP and cap-ship fight, from small pirating parties hacking tradelanes in independent systems, to huge Capital fleets striking with full force at NY.

Of course we will also attack the other Liberty Systems, this is also an attempt to "bring life" into other Systems, like Texas for example, if we set up a blockade around planet Huston, the LSF of the navy would come and stop us... (right?), successfully bringing the attention to somewhere else besides NY.

We would also provide shelter to pirates looking trying to escape from lawfuls, or those who ask for assistance (kind of escorts and protectors of our kin).

Who knows, if everything goes as planned, we could possibly make the lawful authorities sweat from time to time. Making the LSF actually "fight the enemies of liberty" and let the LPI take care of smugglers and so.

And at the same time we would be satisfying the instincts of those blood-thirsty pvp lovers. Two birds with one shot.

- Regards "Desired Distortion" (Honestic). Solitude Watcher of Strategy

Diplomacy and Goals

Allied (Waiting for Confirmation): Our trusted friends with whom we maintain a symbiotic relation.
Help them in everything you can.

- Lane Hackers (LH, HF)

- Liberty Rogues (LR)

- Outcasts (101st, BLS, RoS)

- Mollys

Friendly: If they ask for help give it, they are trusted people

- Blood Dragons

- Junkers

- Unioners

- Red Hessians

Neutral: Avoid attacking unless in self defense, perhaps only in case of extreme need.

- Zoners

- Golden Chrysanthemums

- Hogosha


- Bundschuh


Suspicious: Avoid attack unless in need, or if hostile to your ID, possible hunting opportunities

- Mercenaries

- Traders (ID)

- Terrorists

- Non-Libertian corporations

Hostile: They pose a threat and/or possible pirating opportunities, attack at will

- Nomads

- Keepers

- Das Wilde

- Bounty Hunters

- Farmer's Alliance

- Universal Shipping

- RepEx Shipping (RepEx|)

- Artisan Farmers Alliance [AFA]

At War: Our Sworn enemies, tease and engage on sight

- Liberty Navy



- Ageira

- Cryer

- Interspace



- Synth Foods

- Omega Pirates Guild (OPG)

The Goals of GoS

It is our common objective to overthrow the liberty corrupt government and eventually instill our own men as leaders that way, we can reach other particular objectives like the free distribution of Cardamine and the dissolution of the corrupt Ageira Techs along with other dirty corporations.

We sworn to protect every friendly pirate pilot with all our strike forces.

Get New York out of the Liberty Security Force's (LSF) hands

Set a safe route for Cardamine smugglers

Zone of influence

Mainly Liberty Space, however some of our men may spread to any system where an ally may need help.

[Image: zoiversionpngew0.png]

Ranking & Roster

Naming Convention:
Basically abstract and "obscure" things.

- [GoS]-Adjective.Abstract object, preferably sensations and emotions.
- [GoS]-Sweet.Perversion

Supreme Spectre:

- [GoS]-Screaming.Shadow (arc.dragon)

Ultimate commander of the GoS, has the right to command any other member and may be only defied by his two Watchers. Can use any ship he likes.

Solitude Watchers:

- [GoS]-Desired.Distortion (honestic)
- -----------------------------------

The Second in GoS command, the only ones who may defy the will of the Supreme Spectre, both act as diplomats when required. They have the right to use any capital ship.

Void Manifestations:

[GoS]-Suffering.Pain (3000HP)
[GoS]-Furious.Rage (Gargamel)
[GoS]-Infinite.Hate (Kurt Werners)
[GoS]-Silent.Overmind (pascal)
[GoS]-Blinking.Desolution (blink_4)

The elite members in GoS, who look for its interests and territory. May organize strikes by calling lowest ranking members, against enemies or when looking for resources.

They may use cap ships until de Cruiser level.

And Battleships only with previous authorization of the Spectre and both Watchers.

Darkness Denizens:

The backbone and bulk of GoS, may organize themselves to form "hunting" groups and attack enemy transports or convoys, they must also heed the call of Manifestations if required. They can attack military wings at will. They may use ships up to the Gunboat and Transport level.

Redundant Shadows:
The lowest full member of GoS, they are allowed to organize strikes against civilian targets only, otherwise they must stick to higher ranking members. They may fly any allowed LF, VHF or freighter. And must heed the call of Manifestations.

The initiates of GoS, they may strike only at civilian targets and may only fly LF belonging to their faction (ID). Also they must heed the call of highest ranking members. They are in a week trial period, after which they MAY be ascended if the leaders think it is the right time.

Ships & Equipment List

Allowed Ships

.* = Dependant on Individual RP or may requiere premission from the proper faction| e.g. Hessian Cruiser with outcast RP due to their alliance.

Supreme Spectre

Any Allied ship

Solitude Watchers

Any Rogue/Outcast/Hacker ship, (Any Allied Ship)*

Void Manifestations

Any Rogue/Outcast/Hacker ship up to the cruiser/destroyer level, (Any allied ship up to the cruiser level)*
They may pilot battleships only with previous authorization of the Spectre and both watchers.

Darkness Denizens:

Scimcitar, Slipstream, Hyena, Werewolf, Sabre, Greyhound Barghest Bomber, (Falcata Bomber)*, Rogue GB, (Allied GB including the Hacker GS)*, Pirate Transport, Border Worlds transport, Pirate Train.

Redundant Shadows:

Scimcitar, Slipstream, Hyena, Werewolf, Sabre, Greyhound, Barghest Bomber, Bactrian Freighter


Scimcitar, Slipstream, Hyena, Mule Freighter

Allowed Weaponry

.* = Dependant on Individual RP

- Liberty Rogue Lasers, Lane Hacker Tachyon Guns, Outcast Pulse/Neutron Cannons, a combination of the three kinds of weapons would be ideal.

- Civilian Debilitators, All kind of Mines/Missiles

- Nova Torpedoes, (Infernos)*. (Mini-Razors)*.

- (Codies)* and (Nomads, be careful with this ones to.)*


What we offer to new recruits

- A fully armed LF or a Small Freighter (in which you must prove yourself worthy, financing you own better ship thorough piracy would be a good way to do so.)
- A weekly salary based on your rank.
- A welcoming and warm community.
- Freedom from Liberty oppressors.
- A lot of team work, we never work alone.
- Bloody battles for honor and glory
- Every member must look after the others, the spoils of any battle are shared among the members (of course the organizer will get a bonus)




Allied (Partial Confirmation): Our trusted friends with whom we maintain a symbiotic relation.
Help them in everything you can.

- Lane Hackers (LH, HF) (not confirmed yet with LH)

- Liberty Rogues (LR)

- Outcasts (101st, BLS, RoS) (not confirmed yet with 101st and RoS)

- Mollys

Friendly: If they ask for help give it, they are trusted people

- Golden Chrysanthemums

- Blood Dragons

- Junkers

- Unioners

- Red Hessians

Neutral: Avoid attacking unless in self defense, perhaps only in case of extreme need.

- Zoners

- Hogosha

- Bundschuh


Suspicious: Avoid attack unless in need, or if hostile to your ID, possible hunting opportunities


- Mercenaries

- Traders (ID)

- Terrorists

- Non-Libertian corporations

Hostile: They pose a threat and/or possible pirating opportunities, attack at will

- Nomads

- Keepers

- Das Wilde

- Bounty Hunters

- Farmer's Alliance

- Universal Shipping

- RepEx Shipping (RepEx|)

- Artisan Farmers Alliance [AFA]

At War: Our Sworn enemies, tease and engage on sight

- Liberty Navy



- Ageira

- Cryer

- Interspace



- Synth Foods

- Omega Pirates Guild (OPG)

Ranking & Roster

Naming Convention:
Basically abstract and "obscure" things.

- [GoS]-Adjective.Abstract object, preferably sensations and emotions.
A (.) is used by fighters & gunboats pilots, a (,) i used by Freighters & Transports pilots, a (^) is used by Cruiser pilots and a (*) is used by Battleship pilots.

- [GoS]-Sweet.Perversion, [GoS]-Sweet^Perversion, [GoS]-Sweet,Perversion or [GoS]-Sweet*Perversion

------------------- TRANSMISSION ENDED --------------------
---------------------- CLOSING COMM CHANNEL ----------------------

Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - shadowjman - 06-21-2008

very interesting and well thought out. i do like what you have here. a collaboration of the main unlawful factions is a good idea for RP diversity. but the thing is that the command structure would have to deal with all 3 of the factions to get ships oked for purchace as well as weaponry. and who would be in charge of who. if one decides to be a lane hacker would he have to answer to the LH faction as well. same for the other 2. that is just the few things that are crossing my mind when i read this.

well i do like the idea. we will see where this goes.


Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - n00bl3t - 06-21-2008

Sounds interesting. Shouldn't have more than one ID. Specify guns a little more tightly as well; you shouldn't really be needing nomad weapons.

Apart from that the information presented needs to be checked through again because there's a few errors in tense, grammar, etc.

Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - Reverend Del - 06-21-2008

I'm going to say this looks well thought out, but also think about where you're parking yourself, Liberty does not need the love, as all it's factions are already filled. It's also the most crowded House already. Secondly Liberty does not -need- more caps. The factions within Liberty are small compared to the outcast we use very little in the way of caps prefering not to draw the attention of the Navy and simply deal with the LPI. When we do draw the Navy's eye it should go badly for us. As it usually does.

I am not inherently opposed to this idea although I think that this alliance is already represented well enoygh by the existing factions present in Liberty.

Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - n00bl3t - 06-21-2008

Put them in Kusari? (Even though Kusari's seeing a lot more activity these days.)

Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - Reverend Del - 06-21-2008

To be honest I think bretonia needs the love more than anywhere. Gaians and Mollys nned some action.

One point I did forget, I do RP as the Leader of the Liberty Rogues. Sylpheed is the head honcho. Although in practicality that means I just have him sitting around doing paperwork and such, I would be most aprreciative if you took that status into account, that is if you're dead set on staying in Liberty.

Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - Oniros - 06-21-2008

Officially, the Guild cannot be validated in this form because you will use different IDs and different affiliations. You will create a chain a command over four factions, and a global alliance in RP who ever exists through diplomacy between the different official factions.

Unofficialy, the Guild can perfectly focus his members on your main goals
Quote:It is our common objective to overthrow the liberty corrupt government and eventually instill our own men as leaders so we can reach other particular objectives like the free distribution of Cardamine and the dissolution of the corrupt Ageira Techs. Due to this, our faction is oriented to PvP and cap-ship fight, from small pirating parties hacking tradelanes in independent systems, to huge Capital fleets striking with full force at NY.
Clearly the GoS are "charismatic leaders" who want and need to take control of main positions in LH, LR, Outcasts and later in the Liberty Governement. They can fly all kind of capital ships and bring war at the door of manhattan. In RP, this Guild is not the Alliance. It is the secret alliance of few men. In some extend, the darkest, they could be under the control of the Phantom.
For RP sake, I'm not sure that Manhattan need perpetual dogfight and capital ship battles. Being honest most of us come in manhattan and stay because they know PVP action will come shortly.
So, it doesn't change anything if you play the GoS like you wanted to play : a dark alliance of few men (brothers according to the background) against the corruption or anything else in Liberty.
But certainly not
Quote:"The powerful alliance between Lane Hackers, Liberty Rogues and Outcasts serves as the dominant unlawful force in Liberty space and most Independent Worlds."
We are that alliance

Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - Honestic - 06-21-2008

Let see...
Indeed there will be a kind of "Three men" goverining form, (the Spectre and Both Watchers) but for resons of paperwork ( as i understood, the rules state that every faction must have one single leader) Dragon will be apointed as "official" Leader, perhaps he will RP a lonley Hacker sitting in the command center of a Spyglass.

N00bl3t: Yes i thought of it, perhaps we will leave nomads aside.

Del: I noticed the existent love in Liberty already, but the action is usually only in NY (there is usually no LSF or LPI in Texas for example), so we will try to avoid this system.

Oniros: About IDs, it came to my mind a couple of times, we considered the idea of having an own ID, basically because we dont "represent the three factions, but we are "formed" by pilots and commanders of the three factions. And again, we will try to avoid NY and focus on the other three Liberty Systems (this is also an attempt to un-crowd manhattan).

Thanks everyone for you ideas and suggestions, i will take them in cosideration, hoping to polish this new faction as much as possible.

- Regards Josh.

Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - sovereign - 06-21-2008

I would suggest joining up with the existing DPL (political branch of the LR) and LH~ (possibly the [BLS] too) before going further with this, to get a better feel for how Liberty moves. Its a neat idea, but for it to work you need to know the ropes better than the back of your hand.

Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - Dragonfly - 06-21-2008

Well I have just end to read all your posts and............

I see that Josh have already answered your questions so Im not going to answer each one individually again, but I think that I need to clarify some things.

The Guild of Shadows propose is to give support to all the friendly pirates factions (I mean LR, LH, OC and all their allies) and to establish a pirates army that seek the pirates benefice. And make some save smuggling routes for the pirates, who need to maneuver with a train, just to save their cargo and their lives. Something that is really annoying in my point of view.

Also I think that the actual pirate factions are not enough to face the Liberty lawful factions.

Why am I saying this?

Because I have been playing for a long time as a pirate pilot, but I dont see any one that stand up in front of a LSF (for example), including the members of the unlawful factions.

Also talking about the capital ship battles, I think that is something that is necessary at disco, because the most of the players with a battleship lose the spark when getting a battleship, so we are also trying to add some fun to disco

And finally answering the IDs question
Well I dont think that its a problem to have three different kinds of IDs at the GoS, I think that this can give us a bigger influence zone, the plan was to get our own ID but that is more difficult.

And no Shadowjman if you decide to be a LH, LR or OC its your choice you wouldnt have to answer to the other factions as well.

any other question ask here or at my SKYPE acount (arc.dragon)

good day