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Bounty on two cruisers (Closed) - Printable Version

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Bounty on two cruisers (Closed) - Junker Congress - 03-29-2013

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

We have a little problem with some fools wanting to cause more trouble than they are worth. The problem is with two Zoner Corvo cruisers flying Outcast colors and throwing off all decency for the sake of......well, trying to make an enemy of everyone who meets them. The names are Rioreusu and Ganototosu We think it's time for this to end.

We are prepared to offer 15 million Sirius credits for each confirmed explosion of a ship under their command. If any pilot of group of pilots is able to take them both down at the same time I'll make the reward fifty million.

You must register on this channel and be approved by me. My usual disclaimer stands, if you cannot walk into a Junker bar without being of danger of having your throat cut, than you will not be welcome to collect this bounty. I hope that's not too hard to understand.

Ships approved to collect:

All "Merc Bros" vessels
Gypsie Skripto
Aurra Sing
Jack the Ripper
All vessels of the Onyx Syndicate
The (\^/)Aurora's.Herald
Rina Como-Contari
La Villa Strangiato

Happy Hunting,

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

RE: Bounty on two cruisers - Duvelske - 03-29-2013

[Image: ericstoneroc.png]

I am up for the challenge. Count me in!! I just docked on Saltese. So with your approval i would like to be able to collect this bounty.

The ship i will be using will be the [TAZ]Apple.Of.Sorrow.


[Image: duvelsketbbtm.png]

RE: Bounty on two cruisers - Valhalla Sr. - 03-29-2013

ID - Jacob Forges
Ship ID - The.Scorpion
RE: Bounty

[[:Video Feed Unavailable:]]

As always, consider Merc Bros on it.

~Jacob Forges

RE: Bounty on two cruisers - Hawk - 03-29-2013

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

Excellent. You are both added to the list.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

RE: Bounty on two cruisers - Gypsie - 03-29-2013


From: Gypsie Skripto, TAZ reporter
To: Temporary Autonomous Zoners
Subject: Cabbages

[Image: fearandloathingl.jpg]

Kallisti Crow!

Someone in Baffin poked me about this situation and since it's Zoner tech misuse, It's open season for all Templars. I am no Templar, just a humble reporter, but I happen to be having some drinks with James Trenton at the Drunken Junker. I wouldn't mind taking a look if I hear these hooligans are around. Hell, this might be a good story! I may be jumping in James' Sallie but if I take the ship I brought here, it's the [TAZ]Rotten.Apples Crow.

Yours in Eris,

Gypsie Skripto
Editor of the No Buns No Cabbages Reports


RE: Bounty on two cruisers - Zayne Carrick - 03-29-2013

Transmission established.
[Image: thumb.png]

Greetings, Arbiter Crow, this's Aurra Sing, a bounty hunter. Frankly speaking, I'm not fan of Junkers. But that two... are just insane. They've crossed my way several times an they'll pay for it.

Count me in and those vessels as scrap.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Bounty on two cruisers - Hawk - 03-29-2013

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

Two more added to the list. Keep em coming.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

RE: Bounty on two cruisers - monmarfori - 03-29-2013

A man appears, clothed entirely in dark hood. He is known as Jack the Ripper by many. He wears off his cloth, showing his actual human look.

[Image: jacktheripper.png]
Hiya folks, 'tis is Jack the Ripper. Here I'm flyin' a bomber called "Tetration", These pests r' gonna b' dead, so sign me up. Te' even pirate t' Rogues cause they're xenophobic guys. Nova em' up! T' two Corvos r' traitors!
He wears himself in black coat after.

RE: Bounty on two cruisers - Hawk - 03-29-2013

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

Welcome aboard Jack. Nice name by the way.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

RE: Bounty on two cruisers - Geodin - 03-29-2013

[ID: Orion Onyx, leader of the Onyx Syndicate]
[Location: Unknown]

In a show of solidarity with our Junker allies, the Onyx Syndicate is offering an additional 5 million per confirmed explosion for this bounty for the duration of the contract for everyone registered and approved by the Chief Arbiter.