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How do I make freelancer run on primary GPU? - Printable Version

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How do I make freelancer run on primary GPU? - Ninefour - 03-30-2013

I've recently got a new laptop and apparently freelancer is running on the crappy secondary intel HD integrated video card(newer games are OK). All I wish is to make freelancer run on the primary GeForce GT610m card. I've set freelancer to run on the GeForce using nVidia control panel but apparently it doesn't make any changes and I have to play using the integrated intel HD on low FPS. Any advices?

RE: How do I make freelancer run on primary GPU? - AeternusDoleo - 03-31-2013

Not sure how you can even have 2 graphics controllers active over the same monitor. Disable the intel one would be my advice, that should force it to go to the other card.

RE: How do I make freelancer run on primary GPU? - sindroms - 03-31-2013

There was a setting on your Nvidia pannel about adding the "Run with High Performance GPU " to the context box. I did mine, looks like this:

[Image: x1MArg6.png]