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4 Diffrent Prices for Passengers on Manhatten - Printable Version

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4 Diffrent Prices for Passengers on Manhatten - Fudgeums - 03-31-2013

Just wanted to state a little Text Glicth but it did Aggrivate me when i brought a load of passengers to Manhatten expectting 2.5k a pop and there price only being 500 i rechecked the Manhatten buying list and noticed it has 4 Diffrent listings for this

RE: 4 Diffrent Prices for Passengers on Manhatten - Echo 7-7 - 03-31-2013

This is intentional. There are multiple different Passenger commodities with different price listings.

RE: 4 Diffrent Prices for Passengers on Manhatten - AeternusDoleo - 03-31-2013

Not a bug. There are multiple "Passenger" commodities. You'll have to check at buy time or in space via the trade menu which one goes where.

RE: 4 Diffrent Prices for Passengers on Manhatten - Hone - 04-01-2013

Not everyone wants to fly to the same place remember, and not all bus fares cost the same amount.