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RHA Roll Call - April 2013 - Printable Version

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RHA Roll Call - April 2013 - aerelm - 04-01-2013

You have one week to post in this roll call, use the following template:

[list][*]Shipname - Shiptype
[*]Shipname - Shiptype
[*]Shipname - Shiptype
[*]Shipname - Shiptype
[list][*]Codename - Quantity
[*]Codename - Quantity
[*]Codename - Quantity
[*]Codename - Quantity
[/list][*][color=#38761d]Shared Accounts:[/color]
[list][*]Account name
[*]Account name
[*]Account name
[*]Account name
[*][color=#38761d]Last Online Time:[/color]

In case anything is unclear, this is how you should use the template:

  • Name: <~~ Put your character's full name here.
  • Rank: <~~ Put your character's current rank here.
  • Ships: <~~ List exact name and type of your each and every [RHA] tagged ship below.
    • Shipname - Shiptype
    • Shipname - Shiptype
    • Shipname - Shiptype
    • Shipname - Shiptype
  • Codenames: <~~ If you are using any codenames from [RHA] armories, include them in this list. If not, simply delete this line and the following list.
    • Codename - Quantity
    • Codename - Quantity
    • Codename - Quantity
    • Codename - Quantity
  • Shared Accounts: <~~ List all the [RHA] shared accounts you have access to. If there's a shared account you should have based on your rank, but don't have yet, include it in the list but put a (X) in front of it.
    • Account name
    • Account name
    • Account name
    • Account name
  • Last Online Time: <~~ Include your last online time

P.S: This is not one of those April's fools stuff, so don't mess. [Image: emoticon-00133-wait.gif]

RE: RHA Roll Call - April 2013 - Schwarzengel - 04-01-2013

  • Name: Friedrich Dresner
  • Rank: Brigadegeneral
  • Ships:
    • [RHA]SOA-Schwarzengel - Odin
    • [RHA]SOA-Flammenwerfer - Storm
  • Shared Accounts:
    • Support Accounts A, B, C, D, E
    • Training Accounts A, B, F1, F2
    • Heavy Hitter Accounts A, B, C
    • Capital Ship Accounts A, B, C
    • Battleship Accounts A, B
    • Logistics Accounts A, B
    • Mining Account A, B, C
    • SOA Accounts A, B, C
  • Last Online Time: 23/03/2013 21:46:30

RE: RHA Roll Call - April 2013 - aerelm - 04-01-2013

  • Name: Karl Leitner
  • Rank: Major
  • Ships:
    • [RHA]Wanderfalke - Sabre
    • [RHA]Wanderfalke- - Cutlass
  • Codenames:
    • Medusa - 4
  • Shared Accounts:
    • Support Accounts A, B, C, D, E
    • Training Accounts A, B, F1, F2
    • Heavy Hitter Accounts A, B, C
    • Capital Ship Accounts A, B, C
    • Battleship Accounts A, B
    • Logistics Accounts A, B
    • Mining Account A, B, C
    • SOA Accounts A, B, C
  • Last Online Time: 30/03/2013 14:49:56

RE: RHA Roll Call - April 2013 - (ツ) - 04-01-2013

  • Name: Klaas Klever / Reinholt Klever
  • Rank: Gefreiter

  • Ships:
    • [RHA]Klaas.Klever (Odin)
    • [RHA]Reinholt.Klever (Odin)
    • [RHA]Jousting.Bieber (Thor)
  • Shared Accounts:
    • All minus any Gunboat or Capaccounts

  • Last Online Time: Today

Thx for unlocking the old rollcall thread and saving my time.

Also Amir: reply to app!!!!

RE: RHA Roll Call - April 2013 - why_so_serious - 04-01-2013

  • Name: Alvin.Richter
  • Rank: Gefreiter

  • Ships: Odin, Odin, Thor
    • Shipname - Shiptype
  • Codenames:
    • Codename - Quantity 2 Thors Hammer, 2 Golden Blade
  • Shared Accounts: all gefreiter can has

  • Last Online Time: Yesterday

RE: RHA Roll Call - April 2013 - bloogaL - 04-01-2013

  • Name: Falk Herrmann
  • Rank: Hauptmann

  • Ships:
    • [RHA]SOA-Felix.Jaeger - Sabre
    • [RHA]Falk.Herrmann - Sabre
    • [RHA]FaIk.Herrmann - Odin
    • [RHA]Drache - Sabre
    • [RHA]Blitz - Cutlass
    • [RHA]Todesfalke - Thor
    • [RHA]RHGB-Wirbelwind - RA-4 Molly Gunboat
    • [RHA]RHC-Thetis - Hel
    • [RHA]RHC-Franke - Vidar
    • [RHA]RHB-Ragnarok - Jormungand
  • Codenames:
    • N/A
  • Shared Accounts:
    • Support Accounts A, B, C, D, E
    • Training Accounts A, B
    • Heavy Hitter Accounts A, B, C
    • Capital Ship Accounts A, B, C
    • Battleship Accounts A, B
    • Logistics Accounts A, B
    • Mining Account A
    • SOA Accounts A, B

  • Last Online Time: Yesterday.

RE: RHA Roll Call - April 2013 - Savas - 04-01-2013

  • Name: Dario Sigmundr
  • Rank: Flieger,

  • Ships:
    • [RHA]Dario.Sigmundr- Odin
  • Codenames:
    • None
  • Shared Accounts:
    • None

  • Last Online Time: 4/3/13

RE: RHA Roll Call - April 2013 - ChillerMiller - 04-01-2013

  • Name: Peter Schubert, ???
  • Rank: Oberst, ???

  • Ships:
    • [RHA]Peter.Schubert - Odin
    • [RHA]SOA-Todesengel - Sabre
  • Codenames:
    • Natters [Image: skype40.gif]
  • Shared Accounts:
    • All of them

  • Last Online Time: 22/03/2013

RE: RHA Roll Call - April 2013 - mc_Floyd - 04-03-2013

  • Name: Lukas Fauler
  • Rank: Oberleutnant

  • Ships:
    • - Enough
  • Codenames:
    • Ragnarok- 4
    • Heimdall - 4
  • Shared Accounts:
    • Support Accounts A, B, C, D, E
    • Training Accounts A, B
    • Heavy Hitter Accounts A, B, C
    • Capital Ship Accounts A, B, C
    • Mining Account A
    • SOA Accounts A, B

  • Last Online Time: 2 weeks ago, the time before the big lagg started

RE: RHA Roll Call - April 2013 - SERG - 04-03-2013

  • Name: Otto Kittel
  • Rank: Gefreiter

  • Ships:
    • Otto.Kittel - Mighty Odin
    • Otto.Kittel[B]- Stubborn Thor
  • Codenames:
    • Golden BLade - 1
    • Golden BLade - 1
    • Golden BLade - 1
    • Golden BLade - i think 1
  • Shared Accounts:
    • Standard RHA shared accounts set
    • dont remember their names
    • dont use any

  • Last Online Time: Despite that ae says it was half a year ago, actually it was a month ago.