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To: Rheinland Federal Police - Printable Version

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To: Rheinland Federal Police - Thunderer - 04-01-2013

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Priority: VERY HIGH
To: Rheinland Federal Police
From: Eamonn O'Doherty
Location: Omega... Error... Loading Data... Bering System
Date: 1st April 819AS
Subject: Beer Fest

[Image: doherty.jpg]

Ahoy there, laddies! Oi've heard the Zoners are makin' a beer fest in the Bering system! Don't trust me, though, me ears are qoite full of that yellow thing. Actually, it's also orange on some spots... *puts a finger into his right ear and pulls out an abominating shapeless mass* Also green... Anywoys... Lots of ale, enough ta fill up a whole Behemoth! All koinds, including the beers from Frankfurt and Dublin! Women, also women, beautiful women! Those swoines, the Libertonians, have also heard of this.... Just hurry, before they drink it all!

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RE: To: Rheinland Federal Police - Thunderer - 04-02-2013

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-= Medium Encryption =-

Priority: VERY HIGH
To: Rheinland Federal Police
From: Eamonn O'Doherty
Location: Dresden System
Date: 2nd April 819AS
Subject: Re: Beer Fest

[Image: doherty.jpg]

It was the 1st of April joke. Ye lazy lads probably didn't even notice it, nor bothered ta notice anything. *drops a few tears* No, oi'm not croing. It just smells too awful 'ere. It's because they gave me pickles. *frowns and says seriously:* Oi'm intolerant ta pickles.

So, ta tell ya what oi'll do. Oi'm a crazy, dangerous, foul poirate who's now also enraged. Save yer pickle transports. If ye can. *he starts to grin and chuckle, but then chokes of the smell*

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