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To: Ganototosu - Printable Version

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To: Ganototosu - Thunderer - 04-02-2013

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Very High Encryption =-

Priority: High
To: Ganatotosu
From: Auxiliary Fleet Vice Admiral Charles Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Thunderer, New London System
Subject: Our Deal

[Image: charlesrhallv2.jpg]

Oh. Of course. I am terribly sorry for using that frequency for unsuitable matter. I just couldn't wait until they fix my radio, which got broken when my utterly maladroit servant spilled tea on it, again, so I replied an already existent transmission, for I could not create my own. Again, apologize me for that outrageous event. *a scream is heard echoing trough the ship's wall* Oh, don't worry, it's the greenhouse. The watering system turned on again on its own while somebody was inside. The water is cold. *shouts:* Chaps, will somebody close those pipes, please?

Nevertheless, I have created a more secure channel, for this matter indeed is sensitive. I'm requesting you to block my last transmission from retransmitting and, if you don't delete it, keep it on a safe place. Bretonia is supposed to maintain friendly relations with the Zoners. If the Bretonian high command finds out of it, know that I have a whole fleet... no, a fleet and a half if I count in the Royal Fleet, to hunt you down. However, I hope we will manage to maintain our prior warm relations.

Anyways, here you may and should reply that transmission.

Farewell for now. I expect your response.

- Message Over -