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To: The Bretonian Privateers - Printable Version

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To: The Bretonian Privateers - Hawk - 04-04-2013

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

I'm getting a preliminary report that one of our barges was destroyed in Dublin by your people. The captain claims your people charged him a tax and then destroyed him after he paid it saying Junkers are not welcome in Bretonia anymore. It was my understanding that you wanted our help in a quiet manner. If I am wrong about this simply say the word and I will withdraw all my people at once. I will also bring to a halt any consideration of the requests you have made to me recently.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

RE: To: The Bretonian Privateers - Hawk - 04-05-2013

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]


Crow Out

****End Transmission****

RE: To: The Bretonian Privateers - Core_One - 04-06-2013

Name:Christine Scherbatsky
Location: Leeds, Glasgow
Subject: Dublin incident
To: Jack Crow

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcScCZs97fK1lQ4q69GUrWo...w6c2XC8hQg]

G'Day Mr. Crow.
You and your Junkers are welcome in Bretonia. Sometimes there are agresive Privateers, who want money from all traders. Junkers are friendly to Privateers. But sometimes they don't know about it. You are friend for me and I hope others Privateers will change their words about your Junkers. If you want I can meet you in Bretonia for example at planet New London or Trafalgar and we can speak about it.

Regards Privateer Christine Scherbatsky.

RE: To: The Bretonian Privateers - Hawk - 04-06-2013

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

I think I would like to have that meeting. I would also like to see those responsible for this attend that meeting. This goes well beyond a misunderstanding. They did more than simply tax a vessel overzealously. AFTER collecting this tax, they destroyed the vessel declaring my people to be criminals in Bretonia. Please tell me when I should plan to meet with you.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

RE: To: The Bretonian Privateers - Core_One - 04-06-2013

Name:Christine Scherbatsky
Location: Leeds, Glasgow
Subject: Dublin incident
To: Jack Crow

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcScCZs97fK1lQ4q69GUrWo...w6c2XC8hQg]

You can meet me everytime. I know, he destroyed your ship, but more Privateers are friendly. But Privateer who robbed and destroyed your ship is gone. I think. But moment, you said THEY?? I will inform all Privateers about relationship with Junkers. Tell me time and place and I can meet you. I will pay food and drink.

Regards Privateer Christine Scherbatsky.

RE: To: The Bretonian Privateers - NOVA-5 - 04-06-2013

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Lucius.Vorenus****
****Location: La Mona Castra****
[Image: vorenusdirects.jpg]

Ahh Hawk, we've managed to pull a few files from that nasty Barge incident.
Seems they've a hatred towards Junkers, classing us unlawfull in Bretonia,
how tiersome and sickning it's becoming, ambushed by order of the Bretonian
crown now is it, i mean, who gives these drunken blaggards the permission to
fly these Royal liners, arn't they out there to help protect us citizens or not?
We can't just go and claim vendetta on these four plebs, not with the war &
all, we'll need them out there to help keep the Gauls out of Bretonia, those four
could do some real damage, if only they could sober up for just one day that is.
We'll send a few ships down that way for now, see what pans out.
Anymore trouble though & we'll be cracking some bottles over skulls!...

To: Christine Scherbatsky,
A donation was freely given to those privateers before they said TAX, tax is
what a Pirate demands, donations are what rightfull folk ask for,
that is the form! You go have a word with them saying it's so hard for us to
move in Bretonia these days, you'll have a nice peacfull flight down there
won't you, no trouble at all for lawfulls like yourselfs, you crack a whip at
those scoundrels will you, do yourself a favour and make sure that
Junkers stay friendly to you Privateers!...


****Transmission Ends****

RE: To: The Bretonian Privateers - Core_One - 04-06-2013

Name:Christine Scherbatsky
Location: Leeds, Glasgow
Subject: Dublin incident
To: Jack Crow, Lucius Vorenus

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcScCZs97fK1lQ4q69GUrWo...w6c2XC8hQg]

First. I can say them about Junkers. But I am not leader or something like that. Privateers work for Queen and for Bretonia War Cabinet. We are lawfuls in Bretonia and what they did is against rules, because Junkers are quasi-legal and our helpers inside Kusari. As I said, I want meet Jack and talk with him about it.

Regards Privateer Christine Scherbatsky.