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To: RHA Oberkomando, from Order Overwatch - Printable Version

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To: RHA Oberkomando, from Order Overwatch - Omicron - 04-07-2013

[Image: T6FLPmo.png]
I take Hessians as an entity at least neutral diplomacy wise. I do understand also that even in your ranks you happen to have morons incapable to tell a difference between friend and enemy. I do not blame your command, it happens to everyone.

Regardless, you need to do some cleaning if Order has to trust Red Hessians without expecting a backstab. During my ussual sweep for Nomads, me and group of Hessians followed into Omicron Gamma to clean area up from this Nomad infestation. To my surprise, instead of meeting said Nomads I was shot in back from Hans Rottenburg and Albrecht Ferdi, both flying Thor class bombers. Images will say it all.

1, 2

I expect their heads on a plate delivered to let's say Freeport 9. I accept substitutes like whatever you do to insubordinates in your ranks.

Golanski out.

RE: To: RHA Oberkomando, from Order Overwatch - Schwarzengel - 04-07-2013

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Major Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]

Herr Golanski,
Even though the two of our groups are not considered "allies" per se, there's a reason I am personally looking into this matter, but before that, I have to inform you neither of the ships listed in your logs exist in our database, which most probably means both ships are newly commissioned and are not yet added to our central piloten database. A less likelier possibility is also that someone has managed to work out a way to forge fake Hessian identifications and steal a couple of our ships, and is now using it to tense up the relations between the RHA and various foreign groups. I believe despite the occasional tension between the two of our organizations, your group deserves a special treatment among other neutral/friendly parties related to Red Hessian Army, as our mutual struggle against the Nomad threat cannot be simply ignored, which is why I've taken in this report in person and will see those pilots dealt with.

That said, I have to say such reaction to this situation is rather unexpected coming from a man of your position. As I've been told, you yourself have to deal with the misconduct of your independent pilots on a daily basis, which such conclusion coming from you feels to be rather naive. You have to understand that even though the Army is true to its cause, the same cannot be said about the common population of the Red Hessians, and with certain new pilots, it might take some time to get a full understanding of faction's diplomacy and regulations. To bring up an example, despite our long-lasting cooperation against Das Wilde threat in Omegas, we've never come to you with complaints regarding some of your independent capital pilots aiding Corsairs in defense of Gamma when our forces are in action, even long after the end of your alliance with said group, and common sense requires the same understanding from your side.

The behavior of these two pilots is a misconduct nevertheless, but another point to bring forth is the stance between our groups. What you're expecting from us in regards to this incident, is what a high command member would expect of his closest allies. If Order is considering Red Hessian Army as such, let us know and we'll gladly work our relations further to be able to fight the Nomad threat more effectively, but if the Order high command is still bitter from our relations in the past, which was mainly in an answer to your alliance with Corsairs, we'd require the understanding that such requests coming from a neutral party outside of our primary zone of influence is unreasonable and demanding. As a result, Red Hessian Army Oberkommando will be taking actions in regards of the reported incident, and we'd like to thank you for notifying us of this misconduct, however, these two individuals will be dealt with internally and the decision will be made within the boundaries of Red Hessian Army.

As a display of courtesy, we will be notifying you of any and all actions taken in regards of these two pilots.

Brigadegeneral Dresner over & out!

[Transmission Terminated]

RE: To: RHA Oberkomando, from Order Overwatch - Omicron - 04-07-2013

[Image: T6FLPmo.png]
Internal threats should be prioritized and Order under my command adresses insobordination with great care and ultimately lethal force if neccesary. Complains of misconduct have decreased over the time with this policy in effect. If you are disgusted by this request, SCRA which you happened or still happen to be closely allied with, deal death to their own units on regular basis as form of casual punishment issued on the spot by commisars - this is what I call extremity.

As you mentioned Order warships venture into Omicron Gamma but neither me or anyone from command was notified of such precedent. We will take an action if proof shall be delivered. Repeatative, non-provoked acts of hostility may be punishable by death verdict in more severe cases. This has been in effect before I even took admirality position.

I reccomend you following solution: warn your pilots to not provoke or assault Order vessels as failure to do so might result in another incident. Anyone found violating your command long-standing order should be treated as enemy. Therefore I am asking permission to terminate any saboteurs in your ranks and thiefs of your ships and IFF's that would violate your directives in order to harm relations between our two groups. As I read, you have already taken opportunity to do same with renegades protecting Omicron Gamma already.

Golanski out.