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raven claw - too strong? - Printable Version

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raven claw - too strong? - poor_newb - 05-05-2006

i just started to try this mod because i thought it is supposed to be balanced and all, then i was looking at the fighters and i see the raven claw is just too good

- 8 guns + torp, thats way more firepower than any other fighter
- great maneuverability, its smaller hull size makes it dodge even better
- more armor than the eagle and sabre, even though its already superior in firepower and maneuverability
- it even looks better than the other new fighters

on the server, every fighter player i meet so far is flying this ship

i think this ship is just way too powerful, am i missing something here?

raven claw - too strong? - Met2085 - 05-05-2006

meh the racen claw is for ppl that dont like challenges, I like the Talon better

raven claw - too strong? - gezza999 - 05-05-2006

I love TALON!!!!!!! I thought the Raven Claw was less powerfull? Or was that just in the last verson?

raven claw - too strong? - Met2085 - 05-05-2006

no the rc has eight weapon mounts 4 lvl 9's and 4 lvl 10's

The talon has only 6 lvl 10's, But in my personal opinion, I like having all lvl 10 mounts then only half/half

raven claw - too strong? - Alpha 429 - 05-05-2006

met is right on the talon you could have 6 codename weaps but only 4 on the rc.
as for the torp well a lot of ppl use the nova but i dont like to because in pvp the nova using person just blows himself up as well. i prefer the swarm missle pod because u can fire hundreds of them at a fighter and they turn and usually hit. :)

raven claw - too strong? - Igiss - 05-05-2006

Raven Claw should become less maneuverable in the next version, I know it's a bit unbalanced. However as for weapons, I find this ship balanced enough.

raven claw - too strong? - Nightfall - 05-05-2006

Talon RULEZ!!!!

raven claw - too strong? - poor_newb - 05-05-2006

its not a good mod if all that there is to choose from is raven or talon, the other fighters need to be more viable too, especially the house ones

look at the house fighters, they are all just clones of each other and are inferior to raven/talon in virtually every way

light fighters are useless because these "agile elite" fighters flys just as fast and have twice the armor and firepower

the big slow fighters like titan are also useless because the extra 6000 armor wont do jack against 6 lvl10 guns all firing from a talon who can outmanuver the titan with his eyes closed

all in all, instead of having to choose between 3 overpowered ships in the orginal which i was absolutely sick of, this time i get to choose between 2 overpowered ships which is even worse

so wheres the "expanded" experience this mod is supposed to give me?

raven claw - too strong? - Nightfall - 05-05-2006

If I told you that I got beaten by Red in a Hammerhead armed with class 9 weapons (maybe it had nomads, not sure, but he was spawning missiles like crazy) would it make you happier?
I was in a Talon with 6 CERBERUS and some other things, took him some 15 minutes to get me while I could barely hurt him, he was SO FASTER than me, codenames don't help if you can't hit something. Btw, our duels don't usually last under 5 minutes even when we're both in Talons. :D

raven claw - too strong? - romer - 05-05-2006

The ravenclaw could stand to lose a little bit of manuverability. Although I do recall taking one out with a Rheinland bomber, and that ship is flies like a pig. I'm sure that in the hands of a skilled pilot the ravenclaw is a serious threat. But each ship has its advantages/disadvantages. Curious though how almost everyone seems to have one. For me personally, bad aim=firing guns more=running out of power, the ravenclaw has just enough power to support my spray gun tactics :crazy: