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Population of Sirius planets - Igiss - 06-23-2008

And another quick question from me.

Is there any info from the in-game infocards about population of various Sirius planets? I know about 100 millions on Manhattan, but do we have any info about other planets? at least one, or two...

Information about population dynamics for various Sirius houses is also welcome.

Population of Sirius planets - Jura_II - 06-23-2008

New Tokyo:

Settled in 5 AS, New Tokyo is
the capitol of the Kusari
Empire and, with nearly two
hundred million people

clinging to its scattered
islands, its most populous
. Despite -- or perhaps
because of -- this crowding,
New Tokyo is a vibrant world
with centuries of history...

From it's info card.


And Manhattan:

Manhattan was the first human
colony established in the
Sirius Sector. Over the last
eight centuries it has grown
into a teeming world of 220
million people who
live and
work in a single city that
covers the vast majority of
the planet...

Population of Sirius planets - me_b_kevin - 06-23-2008

also one thing to remember is population growth. i'm sure there are statistics to show the actual numbers.

but that's only if you wanna get into all of that. i know i wouldn't :D

Population of Sirius planets - Igiss - 06-23-2008

Jura, lots of thanks for the info.

There isn't much info about this in the original game. And definitely no statistics. Each base has population info, but bases form just a minor share of total Sirius populace.

Any information about Crete or Malta?

Population of Sirius planets - Othman - 06-23-2008

Found a linkie that could come in handy..

The site has the data about the planets in 4 houses and border worlds.

All I can say about Crete's populace is that, we could make assumptions only about that, since it looks like there is no exact data available.

The assumptions could be based on the planetary stats and the background of the Corsairs.

Planetary details of Crete below..

DIAMETER: 17,609 km.
MASS: 7.02 x 10e24 kg.
TERRAIN: Terrestrial
ESCAPE VELOCITY: 14.01 km/sec

Planetary details of Malta below..

DIAMETER: 13,534 km.
MASS: 6.02 x 1024 kg.
TERRAIN: Terrestrial
ESCAPE VELOCITY: 12.69 km/sec

Population of Sirius planets - me_b_kevin - 06-23-2008

i found this on statistics,

it's just an example, but at the top it says that our current world doubles it's population every 40 years or so. if you wanted to figure that in, since discovery happens about 30-40 years after SP, then the population of most planets would have almost doubled since SP.

but that's only if you wanna do that, i'd say it's fine just to go with SP numbers. no need to get all technical :D

Population of Sirius planets - Igiss - 06-23-2008

17 years after SP.

See population stats for western EU countries for the last 100 years. Even if we exclude wars, there's no exponential growth. Thing is, we don't know what demographic policy the Houses are using, and how many colonists initially arrived on the sleeper ships.

Judging from two numbers we have - less than 200 mil for New Tokyo, 220 mil for Manhattan, it's possible to judge how many people can inhabit Kusari and Liberty. For Kusari, "less than 200" is the most populated planet. Even if the other 3 populated planets have around 100 million on average (Junyo probably has less), total population is around 500 million. For Liberty, the numbers may increase since planets like Texas and Denver can have even bigger population than Manhattan. So, it could be around 700-800 million, whcih makes the largest population for a Sirius house (if we don't count Gallia).

Population of Sirius planets - Screenlag - 06-23-2008

I think that's something you could add ingame. you know as those history datapads, but with statistics and stuff... like economy =P

Population of Sirius planets - Xing - 06-23-2008

something is wrong about those stats, because at the sheer rate people must be dying in space...

What would roughly be the population of human being in space, and their mortality rate? o0 it doesnt catch up with the planetary population for sure

Population of Sirius planets - Culebra - 06-23-2008

200 million on Manhattan seems really low. That would mean the planets populations is less than the US.