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The 522nd Secedes from the Northern Fleet - Printable Version

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The 522nd Secedes from the Northern Fleet - Vape - 06-23-2008

Now Lieutenant General James Wooley stepped up onto the podium in the Senate Building on manhattan. He was there to declare the 522nd secession from the Northern Navy.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Senate, im sure that you have become aware that the Northern High Command has become corrupt."

"In fact my own battlegroup has been accused of corruption."

"These accusations have no ground to stand on."

"But as a result of seeing the corruption inherent in the Northern High Command, i am announcing the Secession of the 522nd Battlegroup from the Northern Command."

"We will be returning to our duties as a Liberty Marine Corps Battlegroup."

"Additionally, we are moving our headquarters to Texas, as Colorado has become a hotzone."

"I am also pleased to announce the promotion of Colonel Donovan Markey, to Brigadier General, for his service to Liberty and the Battlegroup."

"Any questions?"

The 522nd Secedes from the Northern Fleet - Xing - 06-23-2008

Isabelle had been tossed around for days, assisting the meetings and conference provoked by the turmoil of the (very probable) upcoming civil war. She looked around and saw many of the northern fleet officers about to turn berseck. Tension was high. What an idiot, she thought. But oh well, the evil was done.

"Sir, I didn't thought you had authority to the point of deciding on which side of the fleet your unit is. These vessels you command are, in theory, northern fleet property. I doubt they... she looked a bit sideway toward where most NC officers were regrouped will let you do just this. So, how are you going to proceed to this separation?"

"as we are of one same navy, I'd advise... to avoid being the spark to light up an open conflict, shall we."

The 522nd Secedes from the Northern Fleet - Vape - 06-23-2008

James looked toward General Kaitlynn
"General, the 522nd will remain neutral to both sides, i am not trying to start a conflict."

"The 522nd is loyal to Liberty, not either side of the navy, but all of Liberty."

"However, we will not kill our brothers...period."

"My duty is to protect the citizens of Liberty, not destroy them."

"Regarding the vessels, they are not the property of the Northern Fleet, but the property of the Liberty Marine Corps, need I remind you that the 522nd was formed from elements of the Marine Corps, with the exception of Marauder Squadron, but information on them is Classified."

"It is simple as this, our ships, personnel and equipment are being relocated to Houston as we speak."

"I personally am disturbed by "evidence" the LSF has uncovered, but am taking no chances what-so-ever, the lives the men and women under my command take precedence"

The 522nd Secedes from the Northern Fleet - Boss - 06-23-2008

The newly minted General Markey stood.

"General Wooley, thank you for this promotion. I will wear this with pride and duty. I have ordered the Hampton Roads to the Mississippi for an IFF overhaul, and Marauder and Hammer squadrons are en route to Houston. Skybolt asked me to tell you that his bomber is fully operational, but that the others are still waiting for the refits to be completed."

He sits back down to listen to what will happen next

The 522nd Secedes from the Northern Fleet - jimmy Patterson - 06-23-2008

*sitting at his office on california minors L-9 he watched and pondered mumbleing to himself"what hell did just un earthitself?

The 522nd Secedes from the Northern Fleet - RickJames - 06-23-2008

Another day at a nondescript office building in an average city on an average continent on Planet Manhattan.

Serpico turns the volume up on the holo projector as he sips coffee from his blue and gold =LSF= mug. Head's pop up from work cubicles as other agents look to see whats going on.

*The holoprojector begins to replay the Senate session from a few moments before.*

Serpcio shakes his had chuckling to himself before moving to his desk. An agent turns and says to Serpico, "Whats this mean Serp?"

Serpico begins to dig out recent Naval readiness reports, Senate budget hearing analysis, and begins thumbing through them, "Overtime..lots and lots of overtime. Might want to call the wife and tell her your working late."