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India - pragun - 06-23-2008

I, along with a few of my friends feel that India should be incorporated into the disco.
Contrary to what many people may think, India is a country with great minds... really intelligent blokes [ beleive me, i mean no offense to anyone, but the syllabus of the US SATs is taught in india in 8th Grade, I personally scored a 2340 on 2400.. seriously ]

India has had a great cultural heritage, and has been very important in the past, and has trade relations with the entire world... The indian space research program is considered to be the third best in the world ( first is the US with NASA, the russia ).
The historical importance of the indian subcontinent has been highlighted by the fact that it has a whole ocean named after it.

Moreover, having an indian system will add diversity to the game... a totally different civilisation ( wayy different from europe or the americas ).. i'm not saying its better or worse, just different..
Just imagine people, all the diversity it could add to the game.

I mean, it doesnt seem really fair that europe gets 3 houses, and asia, being much larger, get only 1... and that too from a part which is segregated from the mainland.

I feel that it would be a great move to have an indian house in the game. A lot of us would love it !

I for one, am ready to help as much is needed with this, that is, if the admins are interested.
I m all thumbs when it comes to coding, but i can help a lot with the History, and the RP parts... being an indian myself..

Ponder over it people, and let me know what you think....

As for now, as we indians say it..

"Phir milenge, aap se baat kar ke khushi hui... "

- we'll meet again, it was nice to talk to you

India - beander2 - 06-23-2008

Well, I've wondered this, too, in a more general sense. The response I get, though, is that FL is off of Starlancer, and what we have here is in line with the original vision for the game.

Personally, I think the vision (of Starlancer and FL, not Disco) was fairly incomplete, created by people with a certain knowledge base that apparently was unaware of the entire southern hemisphere...

I also think mods are intended to complete things, to perfect the original and fill in the gaps. However, I seem to be in the minority, at least on this specific aspect. I've proposed African before, only to be laughed at. I still might do some sort of diasporic African RP at some point, but I'd have to do a fair bit of research first.

India - Xing - 06-23-2008

thats because nation such as india are not portrayed, not at all in starlancer. Where the coalition represent nearly every eastern bloc nations and Alliance the western, india were among the non-alligned, and probably was so in starlancer until it was (probably) forced into war on whoever side.

As such, a coalition nation should truly be next since we now have all the predominant alliance factions...

India - pragun - 06-23-2008

' Wrote:Well, I've wondered this, too, in a more general sense. The response I get, though, is that FL is off of Starlancer, and what we have here is in line with the original vision for the game.

Personally, I think the vision (of Starlancer and FL, not Disco) was fairly incomplete, created by people with a certain knowledge base that apparently was unaware of the entire southern hemisphere...

I also think mods are intended to complete things, to perfect the original and fill in the gaps.

Yes... exactly my friend.. it would bring a nice change to the game.... Im sure, even if it was not a part of starlancer, it can RP'ed in some way...

Be a little more supportive people, its all about the sense of building a healthy community...

India - Screenlag - 06-23-2008

I was thinking about what houses you could add. But we shouldnt add many more systems, my theory is that the population will split up and a huge part will be in the new sector, while the others are left doing ordinary trading and RPing.
Maybe if it would be possible to increase the player capacity...

India - Cosmos - 06-23-2008

india can be the zoners then.

India - Boss - 06-23-2008

Igiss is adding the French this version. Also, I thought India was a part of the Coalition.

India - pragun - 06-23-2008

P.S. - i knw France is being added this time, i was thinking of the next time...

The coalition u say.. here is some RP, based on the real-life foreign policy of NAM [ non-aligned movement ]

India, since its freedom from colonial rule, in 1947 A.D, on earth has been following a policy of NAM

When the war came, originally India did not align itself to either the coalition or the alliance, but due to significant proof against the coalition, it decided to align itself with the alliance.

India was incorporated into the alliance, but not publically... it was done in a private, top-secret meeting with the alliance heads.

They decided that india should act as a spy, and hence was sent to "join" the coalition...

Now i dont knw if its true or not, whether india was a part of the coalition or not, but as u can see.. with a little imagination, we can RP anything...

India - pragun - 06-23-2008

we could also add that India never took part in open fights even for the coalition...
It has always taken a more peaceful stand [ even in RL... remember Gandhi ? Ahimsa ( non-violence) ?? ]
So it was a part of the coalition intelligence.
The coalition found out about this later on, and they captured india.
They were kept as POWs...
But now they fought against the oppresive rule, and fled... to join ranks with the alliance...

India - Xing - 06-23-2008

If we are taking every little nation in discovery, thing is we will end up with 2000 solar systems, people dispersed widely everywhere it wont even be funny anymore, and generally, making the mod way too heavy for anyone to download.

I, however, am willing to see subfactions of larger factions representing nations. For instance, Swissscorch who suggested a Zurich system in Rheinland to represent the swiss minority.

I admit, India has no one truly representing them, but it is generally accepted I believe, that zoners are a bunch of different nationalities (so are junkers). A sub faction of either is possible, consisted of regroupment of said minority.

reason why I am now requesting the coalition. Otherwise, a good chunk of the world is kind of left away from freelancer, and they played a very major role in starlancer...