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New Factory modules? - Printable Version

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New Factory modules? - Geodin - 04-14-2013

Are there any new factory modules planned for PoBs in 4.87?

Is it impossible to balance the potential abuse of commodity-factories that turn basic commodities into higher level ones? I see why this wasn't implemented, but I'm wondering if there is a way to figure out the problems with the concept.

Just curious.

RE: New Factory modules? - Jinx - 04-14-2013

we have some ideas regarding pobs still - but its unclear how developed they are atm. - but the topic of expanding pobs is not done - we are just at the beginning of pobs

RE: New Factory modules? - belarusich - 04-14-2013

(04-14-2013, 10:19 AM)Jinx Wrote: we have some ideas regarding pobs still - but its unclear how developed they are atm. - but the topic of expanding pobs is not done - we are just at the beginning of pobs

ADD 10 lvl base! 30 modules, 32(as i remeber) million hull, MAXIMUM EFFECT!

RE: New Factory modules? - Leppy - 04-14-2013

(04-14-2013, 09:13 PM)belarusich Wrote:
(04-14-2013, 10:19 AM)Jinx Wrote: we have some ideas regarding pobs still - but its unclear how developed they are atm. - but the topic of expanding pobs is not done - we are just at the beginning of pobs

ADD 10 lvl base! 30 modules, 32(as i remeber) million hull, MAXIMUM EFFECT!

Yes because level 4s arent essentially impossible to kill as it is already...

Also, a 30 module weapon base? Yeah, that sounds like a great idea...

RE: New Factory modules? - glassofwater - 04-14-2013

OP ideas were OP.

RE: New Factory modules? - Alvin - 04-14-2013

(04-14-2013, 10:45 PM)Leppy Wrote:
(04-14-2013, 09:13 PM)belarusich Wrote:
(04-14-2013, 10:19 AM)Jinx Wrote: we have some ideas regarding pobs still - but its unclear how developed they are atm. - but the topic of expanding pobs is not done - we are just at the beginning of pobs

ADD 10 lvl base! 30 modules, 32(as i remeber) million hull, MAXIMUM EFFECT!

Yes because level 4s arent essentially impossible to kill as it is already...

Also, a 30 module weapon base? Yeah, that sounds like a great idea...

However the dev could always make Lv 10 bases health and repair rate to be on par with the current the lv 4 base, and make the current lv4 base to be weaker and easier to upgrade.. For the turrets maybe to add a script to prevent adding too much guns per level ? Smile

RE: New Factory modules? - Geodin - 04-17-2013

I didn't mean add more core levels. I meant adding factory modules, specifically for commodity creation from lesser commodities or other factory items like cloak/jump/survey/docking modules

RE: New Factory modules? - jammi - 04-17-2013

These are all avenues that will be explored in due time. PoB development basically rests on Cannon though, and he's currently very busy with another important project.

Suggestions for what people would like to see are appreciated nonetheless. Community creativity is a great resource for us to tap into. Tongue

RE: New Factory modules? - Tibbles - 04-17-2013

(04-17-2013, 09:55 AM)jammi Wrote: [...]
Suggestions for what people would like to see are appreciated nonetheless. Community creativity is a great resource for us to tap into. Tongue


Prduction = pilot acording to base IFF
Requeriments = 1 passanger (crew is used for bases so could generate problems) + X food + Y food + "weclome to disco" comodity + Z Sirius 10.000 credits card = 1 Pilot

Armor factory - Apropiated for Corporations like BMM or Navies shipyards?

Production: | UAU 1-8 | CAU 1-8
Requeriments: | Basic alloy | Ship hull panels and or Scrap metal | Premium scrap and or Super alloy

Bar / Restaurant / Grill Apropiated for OS&C?

Production: [Insert balanced income here] (I would sugest a very slow rate of "convertion" to prevent power trading, or the need to deliver Food comodities from all over Sirius
Requeriments: | Passangers / tourists ... | Food+Kyushu rice+Sinth paste+Luxury food... | Water + Wine ... |

Smelter - Apropiated for junkers?

Prduction: | Basic alloy | Ship hull pannels |
Requeriments: | Scrap metal | Premium scrap |


Things to have in mind on this factories are the "proximity factor" that could generate a production facility near to a place that sells all the comodities needed become a way to powertrade. To prevent his I sugest caomodities requeriments from all over sirius, or a slow/poor convertion rates.

Edit: Why don't you make a thread with a template for modules ides with a small guideline to prevent OP madules? Something like this;

Module name: My dining room

Module construction requeriments: [comodity 01] [Comoditya 02] ...

Produces: [product A]
Requeriments: [requeriment 01], [requeriment 01] ...

Produces: [product B]
Requeriments: [requeriment 01], [requeriment 01] ...


The code

[size=large][color=#FFFFFF][b]Module name: [/b][/color][color=#FFA500]My dining room[/color][/size]
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Module construction requeriments:[/b][/color] [comodity 01] [Comoditya 02] ...
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Produces:[/b][/color] [product A]
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Requeriments:[/b][/color] [requeriment 01], [requeriment 01] ...
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Produces:[/b][/color] [product B]
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Requeriments:[/b][/color] [requeriment 01], [requeriment 01] ...

RE: New Factory modules? - Geodin - 04-22-2013

Module name: Ore Smelter

Module construction requirements: 50,000 Basic Alloys; 20,000 High Temperature Alloys; 40,000 Industrial Materials; 20,000 Robotics; 10,000 Cyrocubes

Produces: Processed Mineral (Gold, Silver, etc)
Requirements: 200 Ore, 600 Industrial Materials, 600 H-Fuel/MOX/etc

Produces: Manifolds
Requirements: 200 Scrap Metal; 200 Industrial Materials; 200 Basic Alloys

Perhaps some sort of built in time delay? I know the parts are only consumed per 16 second time frame. Is there a way to prevent abuse of these by capping the limit that can be produced in a 24/h cycle?