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Constellation Cartography - Information & Feedback - Printable Version

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Constellation Cartography - Information & Feedback - Challenger - 04-14-2013

Brief History:

In the months following the Tournus Exchange incident, Martin Vernier suffered from frequent, debilitating bouts of schizophrenia and vivid hallucinations. While his medical issues were eventually repressed and his sanity largely restored, one recurring vision had burned itself into his mind’s eye: The entire sector on a single star chart. His home destroyed, and his face horribly disfigured by an exploding plasma conduit, Martin Vernier decided to found Constellation Cartography. His dream: To create an accurate map of the entire sector.
He quickly set to work, hiring a team of administrators and cartographic experts to handle day-to-day operations. The Constellation Cartography department of human resources was founded in 817 A.S, in a leased office on Planet Orleans. While the H/R department worked to hire knowledgeable individuals and skilled pilots in preparation for the greatest mapping endeavor ever seen by the Sirius Sector, Martin Vernier turned his attention to the last piece of the puzzles: A headquarters.
Eventually, he contacted the Kingdom of Gallia in response to their freehold sale of Waterloo Station in Orleanais. The king is initially skeptical of his offer, but the only competing interest are the Unione Corse, a group difficult to take seriously under the best of circumstances.


Vessel Tag: CC|

Everyone but pilots:
ID: Solar Engineering (Subject to change, feedback welcome)
IFF: Solar Engineering (Subject to change, feedback welcome)
ID: Freelancer
IFF: Freelancer


1. To create and maintain high-detail maps of the entire Sirius Sector.
2. To establish a Cartographic Consortium between all six houses and all major corporations for purpose of standardizing and introducing a measure of sanity to hyperspace coordinate surveying.

Diplomacy: While Constellation Cartography considers itself an independent Gallic corporation, its purpose is not to warmonger, but rather to set a Sirius-wide cartography standard. Employees are directed to avoid conflict, and only fight in self defense or defense of corporate holdings. The following breakdown indicates corporate opinions on our neighbors.

All law enforcement
All trade corporations

Unione Corse
The Order
Gallic Junkers
Farmers Alliance
Freelancers, independent traders
Colonial Remnant

Reapers of Sirius
House pirates/Unlawfuls


(Outcasts are listed as hostile due to Martin Vernier's deep hatred for them; the Tournus Exchange was destroyed by an Outcast Dreadnought.)

Pecking Order:

Founder/Chairman: Martin Vernier
The chairman, while not a rigid dictator by any means, is at the top of the food chain. All final decisions pass by the desk and bear the signature of the person in this seat.
Martin Vernier, once-esteemed administrator of the Tournus Exchange trade and refueling hub, is the financial backer of the organization. As the one who more or less began the entire project, all executive directives are issued by him.

CEO/Chief Administrator: Victoria Derosa
The CEO, while not the topmost authority in the company, is one of the most important public figures. The CEO will handle most communications and relations with important figures and business partners.
Young, blonde, and gawjuss, Derosa is more than meets the eye. Inherently unlucky throughout her early life, Martin Vernier quickly recognized her talented mind and cognitive capabilities after encountering her in a freeport in 818 A.S. Her fortunes have since turned around, and has already expanded the operations of Constellation Cartography by magnitudes. For her abilities in leadership and her motivated and forward-thinking mind, she has earned the position of CEO.

Administrators (ZOI - Gallic Interior):
Administrators are “important” employees, in charge of coordinating and overseeing a myriad of operations. These can range from base-management to trade coordination to cartography.

Cartographers (ZOI - Gallic Interior and special assignments to Sirius):
Cartographers are the staff which lead the mapmaking ships and operate hyperspatial equipment.

Associates (ZOI - Gallic Interior + Border):
These are employees in charge of maintaining and performing the low-level operations of the company, which can be things such as ferrying supplies or doing reconnaissance.

Contractors (ZOI - Depends on Individual):
These are fellows contracted by the company for various purposes, such as contracted traders or escort pilots.

Pilots (ZOI - Gallia Interior + Border and special assignments into Sirius):
These unusual employees are few in number, but their services are invaluable to the continued efforts of Constellation Cartography. Generally flying light fighters, these brave souls fly deep into space to obtain high-resolution spatial telemetry.

Current Roster:


/*** OOC Notes - A couple of things

- This is not intended to be an official faction, nor do we have any plans at this time to apply for faction status. Constellation is a corporation with <300 employees.
- Our diplomacy at present is little more than gut instinct as to who we would choose to befriend based on our group's values and objectives. Feedback is appreciated as we attempt to hammer out the finer points.

RE: Constellation Cartography - Information & Feedback - Echo 7-7 - 04-14-2013

1) Are you aware that your goal is, inrp, not obtainable, as there are systems whose owners will simply not permit their space to be mapped by outsiders for various security reasons?

2) If you are branching off from Solar Engineering, that immediately prevents you from being able to achieve your second goal, as you will not be welcomed in Liberty or Bretonia. Additionally, neither the Colonial Republic nor the Coalition is likely to look favourably on you due to Gallic origins.

RE: Constellation Cartography - Information & Feedback - Challenger - 04-14-2013

(04-14-2013, 05:27 AM)Echo 7-7 Wrote: 1) Are you aware that your goal is, inrp, not obtainable, as there are systems whose owners will simply not permit their space to be mapped by outsiders for various security reasons?

2) If you are branching off from Solar Engineering, that immediately prevents you from being able to achieve your second goal, as you will not be welcomed in Liberty or Bretonia. Additionally, neither the Colonial Republic nor the Coalition is likely to look favourably on you due to Gallic origins.

First off - thanks for taking a look at this. You've brought up some good points that we've been struggling with as well.

Regarding your first point - Yes, we recognize that the goal of a sirius-wide map maintained by a single corporate faction is for all intents and purposes impossible. As a lawful corporation, we will respect the wishes of any house we wish to map and contact them prior to any operations. You're right to point out that we will never be given permission to map guard systems - this is fine, we will not map them. Objective #1 is more of a lofty idealistic guiding principle than a hard objective.

Regarding the second point, I'll reiterate that this is not intended to reflect the attitudes of other factions; we have no quarrel with CR or SCRA, though we recognize that they would probably wind up firing on us if we ever came in to contact with them.

As for Solar Engineering, I don't think it accurately reflects the nature of our organization. We don't wish for our efforts to be influenced by house warfare (insofar as pacifism is possible) but I'm skittish about going with a generic ID/IFF combo like Freelancer because it feels like a cop-out. We are a gallic corporation, but we don't bear Liberty or Bretonia the same ill will that the crown does.