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Brixton Auctions - Printable Version

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Brixton Auctions - The Orbitals - 04-15-2013


[Image: Brixton.png]

Welcome to the Brixton Auctions market

Here you will find all the Auctions offered by the Orbitals. In this market you will find both Auctions of the most exotic products and gadgets that one can dream off and at the same time Buying offers done by members of the Community.
All the transactions being comodities and/or credits will be arranged "on air" our customers can contact any vessel with the tag [*O]- to do such transaction.

In orther to adapt to the fluctuating economy of Sirius, the offers are done as shown below:

List of tags for an easy serch:
[buy] [sell] [commodity] [Armor] [Codes] [Docking bay] [Survey scanner] [Jump drive] [Other]

Auction - Buying precedure

Auction number:
The auction code for an easy organization of the market

Product requested:
Means Brixton buys the commodity mentioned. Will appear the [buy] tag at the auction number

Self explanatory

Place of delivery:
Self explanatory

Initial price:
Each auction will have a initial price for the entire pack. From here the price weill be increased unitl a customer decides to buy.

Rate of increas:
This is the rate the price will increment each hour. To count the hours, the system will take the difference between the posting time and the buying time appearing "here at the neuralnet".

Max Time/Price:
This is the limit of the price the package can reach and at the same time the max time wich the offer remains open. After this point the offer will be closed and perhaps relaunched again to the market.

Open to:
Some of our customers decides to make the auctions close to frienldy parties. In that case here will appear the parties invited to such auctions

Auction - Selling precedure

Auction number:
Same as above

Product offered:
Means Brixton sells the commodity mentioned. Will appear the [Sell] tag at the auction number

Same as above

Place of delivery:
Same as above

Initial price:
Each auction will have a initial price for the entire pack. From here the price weill be reduced unitl a customer decides to buy.

Rate of idecay:
This is the rate the price will be lowered each hour. To count the hours, the system will take the difference between the posting time and the selling time appearing "here at the neuralnet".

Max Time/Price:
This is the minim price the package can reach and at the same time the max time wich the offer remains open. After this point the offer will be closed and perhaps relaunched again to the market.

Open to:
Same as above

In order to apply for an offer, please use the below template:
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Auction number:[/b][/color] Insert auction code here
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Person of contact:[/b][/color] Insert character name here
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Ship callsing:[/b][/color] Insert Ship callsing here
[color=#FFFFFF][b]ID:[/b][/color] Insert ID type here

Ladies, gentlemen, welcome to Brixton Auctions!

RE: Brixton Auctions - The Orbitals - 04-15-2013


[Image: Brixton.png]

Quote:Auction number: #0001 [Buy] [Commodity]

Product requested: Synth food
Quantity: 3.500 Tones
Place of delivery: New London's orbit - [*O]-New.Leeds.District
Initial price: 7.000.000 S.C.
Rate of increas: 100.000 S.C / hour
Max Time/Price: 7 days / 168 hours - 23.800.000
Open to: | Bowex | Getaway | Sytnh Food | //Factions & Indies

RE: Brixton Auctions - The Orbitals - 04-16-2013


[Image: Brixton.png]

Quote:Auction number: #0002 [Buy] [Commodity] [Closed]

Product requested: "Last Liberty music hits collection"
Quantity: 50 packages
Place of delivery: Magellan - Sector Encrypted
Initial price: 5.000.000 S.C.
Rate of increas: 50.000 S.C / hour
Max Time/Price: 7 days / 168 hours - 13.400.000
Open to: Encrypted auction: | Freelancers | Lane Hackers | Junkers | //Factions & Indies

Auction: 0002 - The Lane Hackers - 04-21-2013

Auction number: 0002
Person of contact: Mr Orlov
Ship callsing:
ID: The Lane Hackers

RE: Brixton Auctions - The Orbitals - 04-21-2013

[Image: Brixton.png]

::Transmission received::
::Calculating the final price::

Quote:Auction number: #0002

Initial price: 5.000.000
Elapsed time: 119 hours
Fianl price: 10.950.000

::Thanks for your transaction dear customer::
::The Brixton market::
