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All Blood Dragons. - gezza999 - 06-24-2008

Transmission received

Origin; Mito Shipyards.

Decoding transmission, please wait.

Decoding complete


To: All Blood Dragon Vessels.
From: Mito Shipyards, Hideyoshis Guard HQ, Asai Takao
Subject: Rhineland,

Greetings brothers, this is Asai Takao of the Hideyoshis Guard. There have been alarming reports which have been intercepted by our ships between the Rhineland and Kusari governments, including several battle reports I do not know whether this is true as of yet, but I believe that some of us have been mis-informed. Planet New Berlin; you will probably know of it. It is one of the stopping off stations for Diamonds from Dresden on their path to Kusari, it is also Rhinelands capital.

These messages we intersepted contain very odd descriptions, of Blood Dragon vessels orbiting planets, attempting to stop Rhinelands supply of Diamonds to Kusari, now. Let me state this once and once only. This is to stop immediately, over the last few months, our operations in Sigma-13 and our own home, Kusari, have been compromised.

It seems that several Bounty Hunters have crept in, and have been attacking our operations at random, the situation is beginning to become uncomfortable, and our ships are not to be wasted in Rhineland space any longer, though the Rhinelanders are feeding the demonic Samura, we are not willing to allow a minority to arouse the attention of the Rhineland Militaries, we have our own problems which require attention.

The Shipments must stop however, and therefore, I request, that these ships withdraw to Sigma-13, or Chugoku, our home, to intercept these transports in mid-space, rather than under the watchful eye of the Rhinelanders. If any more reports of Blood Dragons merrily sitting in orbit of New Berlin, we will take further action, I assure you.

Good luck to you our time is near.

Asai Takao Signing Off.


/// Right. Basically, don't camp the planet. If you're chasing someone, that's fine, but, after you've killed him, you have to leave.

All Blood Dragons. - SilentAssassin82 - 06-24-2008

FROM: Miagi-San

I have heard the rumours of these infiltrations way beyond our ZOI also. These actions cannot continue. Every minute these ships are away. Chugoku is left vulnerable. And we risk starting wars that we do not need nor desire. All ships seen to be disobeying these orders. If attacked by the enemy will be offered no assistance by his fellow Blood Dragons.

Miagi out.


All Blood Dragons. - Kuraine - 06-24-2008

***Incoming Transmission***
Comm ID: Taisho Takeda
Origin: Ainu Depot, Hokkaido system
Subject: Entering Rheinland

Konnichiwa, brothers and sisters,

I am just reiterating what our esteemed Dragon brother has stated, and will go further as to issue a direct order to any and all Golden Chrysanthemums that they are not to enter Rheinland at all, unless in pursuit of a target from Sigma-13. Even then, if the target manages to escape into the trade lanes near to the Sigma-13 jump hole within the New Berlin system, or if the target is destroyed around the jump hole, all Golden Chrysanthemums MUST withdraw from Rheinland immediately.

I would prefer it if the Sisterhood stayed out of Rheinland entirely, but sometimes enemies do need to be eliminated. If facing difficulties from a particularly slippery enemy, send a message by private channels to our Red Hessian allies and allow them to deal with the gaijin scum, for I doubt they will want such trash in their homeland either, and will draw less attention than our own forces.

So I say once again, this is a direct order to all Golden Chrysanthemum forces to stay out of Rheinland space, or we will be forced to take more direct punitive measures against such obvious breaches of Sisterhood operational protocol.

Taisho Takeda out,

***Transmission End***

All Blood Dragons. - timmychen - 06-24-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[From: Yuri Hikaru
.To: Blood Dragons]
[Begin Message]

This is truly disturbing.. what are you all doing in New Berlin?! Our struggle is with the Kusari government, not Rheinland's! If it's the diamond traffic you want to stop, don't attack the source - its too well guarded! Take to a large empty space where the trader cannot escape, and order them to drop their cargo or die. Or, if you want to profit, tax them such insanely high amounts so they either make no profit or refuse and get destroyed. We must discourage all traders from taking this route!

[End Message]

//If you want to stem the flow of traders who go through chugoku/hokkaido, pirate THERE. It's much easier, since you're in open space and there's no lanes to take.. if you have an organized bunch, have one at each end of Hokkaido, and one in Chugoku. That's how easy it is. And when they throw their BH caps at you, get together and kick its butt. If you're organized, you can pretty much -force- them to go through Honshu/New Tokyo. And that's all you need to do. No need going into NB to pirate.. because, well, that's just silly.

//Oh, gee, just saw the "( Try to keep responses in Role play... cheers)". I'm smart. Post edited.

All Blood Dragons. - Ding - 06-25-2008


I must agree that spreading Blood Dragon assets thinly only invites attack. There is a remedy for the mistakes of man, it is usually swift and harsh, however; there is no remedy for willful ignorance.



All Blood Dragons. - Asymptotic - 06-25-2008

// You have the right to point out bad RP, but not to order people around

All Blood Dragons. - Exile - 06-25-2008

' Wrote:// You have the right to point out bad RP, but not to order people around

Little Gaijin,

Yes. Oh yes we can order the so called "independants", the unorganized Dragon warriors that serveamongst our ranks. My father has allways done this, and now Takao will. Failure to comply to these orders will result in releasing an infernal wrath that will leave nothing but ash of those disobeying the order. I'd suggest you follow it.

Lets hope we dont meet under..Heretical means.
Gabriella D.

All Blood Dragons. - Asymptotic - 06-25-2008

// What if, say, I decide to "disobey?" What do you do, PVP me?

All Blood Dragons. - Ding - 06-25-2008

Honorable pilot, I see no reason to take offense, nor attack those who simply wish to clarify and solidify our cause. Do not rebuke those who care for you, look only to secure an understanding and harmony with those who would gladly bleed with you.

With much respect,


All Blood Dragons. - gezza999 - 06-25-2008

To: All Blood Dragon Vessels.
From: Mito Shipyards, Hideyoshis Guard HQ, Asai Takao
Subject: Questions, silly ones at that.

Now, I've had an anonymous message sent to me, some un-named person has decided to pose little un-important questions... Like, what are the consequences of not caring for the Blood Dragon cause and wasting resources in Rhineland. Well, it's simple. You will be asked to leave, bringing with you any honour which you have left, you will be taken to Kyoto base where your vessel will be thoroughly inspected.

Failing to follow our request , you shall be found. Our actions shall be a reaction to your ignorance and dis-honour, and you will be forced back to the place you belong.

As of now, my patience holds, but there shall be no more than one chance for you if you are seen in Rhineland territory, citizens are welcome to report the whereabouts of the offenders, so that they may be dealt with appropriately. We are willing to fight along side you, but if you desert from us, you shall have no mercy from us.

Good luck brothers,

Asai Takao signing off.


/// So, the arr pee confuses you... good to know.