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Saddened by the rule 5.6 - Printable Version

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Saddened by the rule 5.6 - Sava - 04-26-2013

5.6 Fleeing from combat and then docking at a station or planet while you are in range of the ship you were fighting counts as PVP death. Transports and freighters are exempt from this rule.

Why are they exempt?

RE: Saddened by the rule 5.6 - jammi - 04-26-2013

Because escape is the win condition for a transport. We're not going to penalise them for doing what their ship class is supposed to do.

If someone is abusing the exemption for combat purposes, we'll zap them for a 1.2 sanction. So no, it's not changing.

RE: Saddened by the rule 5.6 - Sava - 04-26-2013

What if that is a pirate transport?
What if the transport is feeding fighters?
What if the transport is not trading but annoying with his presence?

Edit: previous redaction where trade ships and their escorts could 'pass' the system they were killed in was waaay better, don't you find?

RE: Saddened by the rule 5.6 - Karst - 04-26-2013

Previously, it wasn't possible to attack transports in cruisers and battleships, and transports didn't have to leave the system when killed.
This line was added at the same time those two were changed, to balance it out I guess.

Also, transports might not be docking because they are fleeing, but simply to buy/sell goods.
It seems kinda lame that a pirate that can't actually kill a transport will "kill" it if the transport just ignores the pirate, continues its route and then docks.

Basically, like jammi said, if a transport reaches a base, the pirate failed to stop them and the transport "won".

RE: Saddened by the rule 5.6 - jammi - 04-26-2013

Sava, read my post. If the exemption is being abused, we'll take action. It's not changing.

RE: Saddened by the rule 5.6 - Sava - 04-26-2013

Rawr. I'm lazy to post screens and report guys who f1'd out of piracy and you think anyone will record movies to prove that the docked cargo ship wasn't trading at all?

RE: Saddened by the rule 5.6 - SMGSterlin - 04-26-2013

The only way this rule would get changed, is if they buffed transports to a point where they stood a better chance against pirates, even in capitals.

RE: Saddened by the rule 5.6 - Karst - 04-26-2013

You said you're saddened by this exemption, but you didn't really say why.
What's your issue with the rule, anyway?

RE: Saddened by the rule 5.6 - Sava - 04-26-2013

A trade ship escorted by two fighters can be dealt with by a gunny, which then with ease takes remaining escorts.
If the snubs strike the convoy, they have or-or - either they rethreat and survive, or kill the transport and then have low chances against it's escorts (which have still full b/b, while raiders don't).

Balance is the problem. Deal with the balance first, and everything will be fine.
By these stupid rules leading team is trying to solve problems in VERY unnatural way.

RE: Saddened by the rule 5.6 - Karst - 04-26-2013

That's the entire point of escorts, that they increase the security of the traders that hired them.

If the trader escapes because his escorts protected him, everything is working as intended.

Not to mention 99% of all traders don't have escorts anyway.