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<)CsF(> Unidad especial de Corsair Recruitment - Printable Version

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<)CsF(> Unidad especial de Corsair Recruitment - Dragonmaster - 04-27-2013

[Image: CSF_Logo_Mid.png]


From the beginning until now  the Corsairs have always had some of the best pilots in Sirius. And that was and still is necessary, because of the threats coming from the outside. A lot of years ago, after a secret mission ordered by the Corsair Elders, the Corsairs had a large number of casualties. Families and loved ones had been extinguished. Many generations later, after that fatal mission the best pilots and Comandantes met in a bar on Planet Crete. That was the day Corsair Forces was born. Two years later, at 819 A.S., the leaders of Corsair Forces founded <)CsF(>, which stands for "Corsair Special Forces" = Unidad Especial de Corsair = The Intelligence Service of Corsair Empire.

Not much is known about this special unit. The members remain mostly kept secret, because they need to stay anonymous and revealing them would put the mission's success at risk. We are a secret unit and we collect informations in- and outside of Corsair Space. As the Intelligence Service, Unidad especial de Corsair is working throughout Sirius.
Anyway, <) CsF (> has a lot to do nowadays , because the threats by enemies have become not less but even much more.

We are a Corsair faction that protects and serves all of the Corsair Empire! Our primary goal is to protect all Corsair Systems from any hostile intruders! We will ensure wealth and justice for our kids - for our families!

Unidad Especial de Corsair, makes also secret trade agreements. Which helps the empire to expand and grow up his power!
We follow the Corsair Rules strictly and we will warn any pilot, also the pilots of our faction, that break them! If someone who has been warned still continues to break the Corsair Rules - our Rules, he will be hunt down or thrown out of our faction and be EXECUTED!
Attention: At times we are forced to do kamikaze attacks. But our funerals are awesome. The girls are thrilled about this funerals!


Capitan, Dimitris de la Ramirez
Francesco Alonso
Cpt. Gennaro Zapatero-Salazar

MEMBERS: Classified




ID and IFF: Corsair or Corsair Guard

TAG: <)CsF(>


1) Tell us the reason, why do you want to join us?

2) Create a background story about yourself (at least 20 Lines)

3) We will send you a Questionnaire with 10 questions about the Corsair Rules!

4) Once you have finished the Questionnaire, send it back to us, we will respond as soon as possible.

5) If the answers are correct, than you will be allowed to join our group and use our tag.

6) We are a special unit so we have to fight a lot.Therefore the RP is very very important.

7) When you are added to our group there will be combat exercises on the agenda.(1-2 times a week)

Allowed Ships

Figthers and Enlightenment Armada:

M3 Class "Legionnaire" Corsair Fighter Basic Light Fighter

M5 "Decurion" Corsair Fighter Advanced Light Fighter

M9 "Gladiator" Corsair Heavy Fighter Heavy Fighter

M7 "Centurion" Corsair Very Heavy Fighter Basic Very Heavy Fighter

M10 "Titan" Corsair Very Heavy Fighter Advanced Very Heavy Fighter


CLI-11000 "Arrow" Civilian Light Interceptor scout ship

CTE-4000 "Griffin" Civilian Light Fighter

BYC "Marauder" Civilian Heavy Fighter

E78-12 "Spatial" Civilian Deep Space Explorer

"Sutinga" Heavy Attack Fighter

"Raven's Talon

"Jackdaw" Heavy Attack fighter

Bomber Armada:

M14 "Praetorian" Corsair Bomber Main Bomber

"Havoc Mk II" Bomber

"Waran" Heavy Attack Bomber

Cañonera Armada:

M42 "Imperator" The fear itself

"Condor" Gunboat

"Claymore" restricted

Armada de Guerra:

"Praefect" Main Attack Cruiser



Flota de transporte:

M18 "Correo" The fast horror, for every Trader!

"Raba" Main smuggling transport

M22 "Armicustos" Smuggling Transport

Z-8550 "Pitbull" pirating Transport vessel

"Essedarius" Transport

Series "DL" Border Worlds Transport Smuggling transport ship

"Titanic" Base supply ship

CT-73 "Stork" Base supply ship

TTR-1130 Series Pilgrim Liner Smuggling Liner

"Shukensha" restricted

"Bustard" restricted[/url]

DU5-7Y "Hegemon" Asteroid Miner not in use

¡Vamos a luchar por el imperio, viven y mueren!

¡Viva el Imperio Corsario!

[Image: HighCommandSig.png]

RE: Corsair Forces and Recruitment - Starkk Aaroniero - 04-28-2013

Hola Sir,I Am Starkk Aaroniero! I was born on Cadiz Base in Omega - 5 System.
My Parents and i we lived on a Corsair Smuggling Liner. One day we were attacked by a Outcast Fleet.
You See,The Outcasts Murdered My Family And Left Me Alone To Die.That Was When I Was 7 Years Old.I Swore To Get Revenge and Kill The Outcasts!I Journeyed Through Whole Sirius To Train,Become The Best Pilot There Is,For 5 Years I Would Study The Best Pilots,Just To Create My Own Style Of Flying!After Those 5 Years I Was 12,But I Was Already An Experienced Pilot".I Continued Training And Training.The Corsairs Then Gave Me A Teacher,Someone With Alot Of Experience,Someone Who Hated The Outcasts....Just Like Me!He Was Impressed With What I Had Learned By My Self,But He Said I Still Had To Learn Many Things!After 6 Years I Ended My Training,Not Because I Was Finally The Perfect Pilot I Wanted To Be,No.But Because The Outcasts Once Again Would Take Away Everything I Love!They Attacked And Killed My Teacher,They Nearly Killed Me,I Lost My Left Eye,But I Got Away....Once Again!That Was 3 Months Ago.I Have Been Thinking,What Will I Do Now?What CAN I Do Now?The Answer Is Simple.The Corsairs Are My Only Family and I Will Protect Them At All Costs!I Will Not Let Any Other Man,Kid Or Child Suffer Through What I Have Suffered!So Please Corsair Forces,Let Me Join,Sent Me The Questionnaire! You Will Not Regret It! Please,Don't Do It For Me,Do It For The Corsair Empire!

Signed: Starkk Aaroniero

RE: Corsair Special Forces and Recruitment - Dragonmaster - 04-29-2013

(04-28-2013, 09:37 PM)Starkk Aaroniero Wrote: Hola Sir,I Am Starkk Aaroniero! I was born on Cadiz Base in Omega-5 System.
My Parents and i we lived on a Corsair Smuggling liner. One day we were attacked by a Outcast Fleet.
You See,The Outcasts Murdered My Family And Left Me Alone To Die.That Was When I Was 7 Years Old.I Swore To Get Revenge and Kill The Outcasts!I Journeyed Through Whole Sirius To Train,Become The Best Pilot There Is,For 5 Years I Would Study The Best Pilots,Just To Create My Own Style Of Flying!After Those 5 Years I Was 12,But I Was Already An Experienced Pilot.I Continued Training And Training.The Corsairs Then Gave Me A Teacher,Someone With Alot Of Experience,Someone Who Hated The Outcasts....Just Like Me!He Was Impressed With What I Had Learned By My Self,But He Said I Still Had To Learn Many Things!After 6 Years I Ended My Training,Not Because I Was Finally The Perfect Pilot I Wanted To Be,No.But Because The Outcasts Once Again Would Take Away Everything I Love!They Attacked And Killed My Teacher,They Nearly Killed Me,I Lost My Left Eye,But I Got Away....Once Again!That Was 3 Months Ago.I Have Been Thinking,What Will I Do Now?What CAN I Do Now?The Answer Is Simple.The Corsairs Are My Only Family,and I Will Protect Them At All Costs!I Will Not Let Any Other Man,Kid Or Child Suffer Through What I Have Suffered!So Please Corsair Special Forces,Let Me Join,Sent Me The Questionnaire! You Will Not Regret It! Please,Don't Do It For Me,Do It For The Corsair Empire!

Signed: Starkk Aaroniero

Hola Senor!

I will send you the Questionnaire via Pm.
Answer it and send it Back to me.
And than i will Answer you as Soon as Possible.

RE: Corsair Forces and Recruitment - Starkk Aaroniero - 04-29-2013

(04-28-2013, 09:37 PM)Starkk Aaroniero Wrote: Hola Sir,I Am Starkk Aaroniero! I was born on Cadiz Base in Omega - 5 System.
My Parents and i we lived on a Corsair Smuggling Liner. One day we were attacked by a Outcast Fleet.
You See,The Outcasts Murdered My Family And Left Me Alone To Die.That Was When I Was 7 Years Old.I Swore To Get Revenge and Kill The Outcasts!I Journeyed Through Whole Sirius To Train,Become The Best Pilot There Is,For 5 Years I Would Study The Best Pilots,Just To Create My Own Style Of Flying!After Those 5 Years I Was 12,But I Was Already An Experienced Pilot".I Continued Training And Training.The Corsairs Then Gave Me A Teacher,Someone With Alot Of Experience,Someone Who Hated The Outcasts....Just Like Me!He Was Impressed With What I Had Learned By My Self,But He Said I Still Had To Learn Many Things!After 6 Years I Ended My Training,Not Because I Was Finally The Perfect Pilot I Wanted To Be,No.But Because The Outcasts Once Again Would Take Away Everything I Love!They Attacked And Killed My Teacher,They Nearly Killed Me,I Lost My Left Eye,But I Got Away....Once Again!That Was 3 Months Ago.I Have Been Thinking,What Will I Do Now?What CAN I Do Now?The Answer Is Simple.The Corsairs Are My Only Family and I Will Protect Them At All Costs!I Will Not Let Any Other Man,Kid Or Child Suffer Through What I Have Suffered!So Please Corsair Forces,Let Me Join,Sent Me The Questionnaire! You Will Not Regret It! Please,Don't Do It For Me,Do It For The Corsair Empire!

Signed: Starkk Aaroniero

Hola Senor!

I will send you the Questionnaire via Pm.
Answer it and send it Back to me.
And than i will Answer you as Soon as Possible.

Si Gracias Capitan!Thank you for sending the questionnaire!
I Will do my best,to answer it correctly!!

Signed: Starkk Aaroniero

RE: Corsair Special Forces and Recruitment - Dragonmaster - 04-30-2013

Hola Hermanos !

Felicitación - Congratulations, Senor Starkk Aaroniero !

I wish all Pilots would know about the Rules so much as you know!
We have processed your request, and we are happy to tell, that you are now a Member of Corsair Special Forces!
So you can use Our Tag now ! So i will send you the Codes.
Welcome in our Fleet!


RE: Corsair Forces and Recruitment - Starkk Aaroniero - 04-30-2013

(04-30-2013, 03:41 PM)Elada1 Wrote: Hola Hermanos !

Felicitación - Congratulations, Senor Starkk Aaroniero !

I wish all Pilots would know about the Rules so much as you know!
We have processed your request, and we are happy to tell, that you are now a Member of Corsair Forces!
So you can use Our Tag now !
Welcome in our Fleet!


Gracias Capitan,Gracias!
You Will Not Regret It!!!

Signed: Starkk Aaroniero

Corsair Special Forces and Recruitment - Dragonmaster - 05-05-2013

Hola Hermanos !

At the Last General Meeting of the Corsair Special Forces, we had a Discussion about Our New Recruits.

We have Decided that after you pass our recruitment test,and join our fleet, you will be given a small donation of 30mill. S.C.

These Credits are only to be used to either buy a better ship or to upgrade your current ship.

That Was The Decision in the general meeting we had.

This Was An Official Message From The Leader Of Corsair Special Forces !

Signed: <)CsF(>Atrahasis

RE: Corsair Special Forces and Recruitment - Dragonmaster - 05-27-2013

Time and again if we in Space, there are Pilots they ask us for joining Our Group! But please read the Recruitment exactly and than we can talk about a membership !

Your <)CsF(> (Corsair Special Forces) Team!

RE: Corsair Special Forces and Recruitment - Dragonmaster - 05-30-2013

[Image: gbbh.png]


RE: Corsair Forces and Recruitment - Pepe - 07-30-2013


[Image: kfw.png]

Pepe "El Comisario" Ladron

Senor Ramirez,

I'm mucho glad to see more Corsair ships around. But... having tagged ship in our space means knowing our Laws. I already noticed you get our 57th tag without checking it with me or any of my superiors. That was not smart, Senor. But it was brave, so I'd like to know more about you and your group anyway.

So, I hope you can understand why our relations can't start from better point.

Without knowledge of our Laws and Foreign Affairs you could lead your group to the wrong path. I can only hope you didn't give troubles to some of our loyal suppliers *saves a short prayer to Santa Muerte*. Eh... just to be sure... can you send me a list of our Laws and list of suppliers loyal to Crete, por favor? Maybe you know who our friends are, but I'd like to be sure about it, si?

.... *waiting* That's all for today, Senor Ramirez. Waiting for your answer, por favor. *nods*

*El Comisario reaches OFF button and transmission ends*

[Image: vnt.png]