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Gallia event discussion thread - Teerin - 04-28-2013

Hey, folks. Basically, the event I had in mind takes place in Lorraine, and can involve every Gallic faction along with the Outcasts. This is inspired by Tau Madness, a weekly event which brought tons of activity to the Tau region. The aim of this event is, of course, to bring some more activity to Gallia.

What I'd like to see discussed here are the specifics (such as where in Lorraine), possible start times, and the frequency of this event.

Also, before anyone gets started with saying "Gallia is dead" or whatnot, it's not as dead as some people make it out to be. Furthermore, there has been a lot of indie activity lately, and having just a few more good, active players in the right factions would really help.

Below is the outline I've come up with for this event. Keep in mind that this is a discussion, so feel free to make suggestions on the following points. Also, I'm gonna skip pretty formatting.

General inRP Premise:
A series of attacks on Lorraine have been staged by the Gallic Council based in Champagne. With the support of a Maquis base that guards the connecting jump hole, the Council's fleet is easily able to slip in for an attack.

The Royalist forces, largely cut off from the rest of Crown controlled Gallia and aware their flank might be open to the Council, have increased their patrols around the system.

The third major party in this fight, an 'uninvited guest', is the Maltese Nation. With a new base in Lorraine and the ability to slip through the narrow minefield from Omicron-81, they are quite keen on getting in on the action.

Faction Involvement:
As mentioned above, all Gallic groups are invited to this event. The main fighting will be GRN & GRP vs. Maquis & Council vs. Maltese. But, since diplomacy can be a bit tricky for the rest, I'll provide a few suggestions.

Corporations will be able to assist with their security divisions. Also, some may decide not to engage the Council and instead only the Outcast forces.

Unione Corse players are advised to only shoot at the Outcasts. Otherwise, harrass the Gallic Junkers and watch out for Solar Engineering.

It is up to the Brigands and Gallic Junkers as to whether they attack each other, because even though they support opposite sides of the Second Gallic War, they often work together. For this reason, they may choose to avoid this fight. Both factions also have varying relations with the Outcasts. Some players are neutral, while others are hostile to them.

Before the fighting begins, each faction is respecfully requested to stay in their own system or near their base of operations. When the event starts, Lorraine is open for attack from all. Leaders are suggested to come up with a strategy to find and eliminate the opposing forces. If there is a clear victor after the fighting stops, they receive bragging rights.

Player Participation:
Although the Outcasts have been invited, it is possible that they might overwhelm the other sides of the fight. Should you log on as an Outcasts and realise this; please switch to a Gallic faction if you are able. To further encourage Gallic participation, I'm thinking about offering monetary rewards for players in official/unofficial Gallic factions that show up.

RE: Gallia event discussion thread - Johnathan Nox Carter - 04-28-2013

Well, aside from saying this is an interesting idea and i'd like to hear about more activity in Gallia, perhaps even participate myself, i could comment upon the chosen system and possible locations within it.
The system itself is nicely chosen since it allows a lot of people to join in from all sides - and yet as specific locations i'd suggest a few:
-within open space, probably near one of the stars... most likely this would be for the usual Council-GRN fights.
-within one of the Nebulae, perhaps the one which holds the O-80 JH; a "side" of the battle where the Royalists try to push back the Maltese forces...
-and maybe nearby the Sealed JG, as an attempt from the Outcasts' side to open another path between Sirius and Gallia.

RE: Gallia event discussion thread - Teerin - 05-11-2013

Those are good suggestions for locations, however the battle may end up anywhere given its three-sided nature. If this event actually gets played, the fight should be coordinated so that it doesn't stray too far though.
Also, the O-80 jump hole is in a minefield, not a nebula.