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Bonjour! - Chaqery - 04-28-2013

Hello everyone! I was recently referred to Discovery (and Freelancer, for that matter) by a friend and it looks to be a very enthralling experience.

I suppose telling you a little bit about myself would be in order. Chaqery is my name (though most call me simply Chaq), and I've been seriously roleplay on mediums like Garry's Mod, Minecraft, Warhammer Online, Face of Mankind, a little bit with EVE, a smidgen with Sins of a Solar Empire (Yes, it's possible) and ArmA II for about 6 years, with a myriad of Roleplay scenarios like the Star Wars: Clone Wars, Fallout, Half-life, MilitaryRP ( a personal fav), Medieval RP, some steampunk things there and there even, and then of course settings like Face of Mankind, EVE, or Sins of a Solar Empire. That said, I'm extremely excited about participating in the RP here, as well as enjoying all Freelancer has to offer.

I speak both English and French, so Gallia peaks my interest, but I also plan to experiment with the various factions, just to get the full experience.

Anyways, it's a pleasure to be here, and I hope to see you all server-side!

RE: Bonjour! - Johnathan Nox Carter - 04-28-2013

Well, first off all, a warm welcome is in order. Smile

Aside from this, i have to say, that's a long list of RP experiences... so you will most likely fit here very well. Though, i'd recommend you peek around the forum a bit and read the rules as well as other guide-lines or just simple threads around. It would help you get some idea about how things are done. Aside from that, the in-game atmosphere is something you'll love just as much as the forums, or even more.

Feel free to ask anything you need and find help from general members, the Angels or the Admins/Moderators.

Other than this, good luck and safe flights!

RE: Bonjour! - Eduard - 04-28-2013

Bonjour to you too.

Où habites-tu? En Francais? So, do you live in France? Big Grin

But, that being said, welcome to Disco. I am not french, but It's sure a fair sight to see french players as they seem a bit rare.

If you want to take a look at the various french factions, or factions with french touch to be precise, hit me and I can point you around.

Enjoy your stay

RE: Bonjour! - Enkidu - 04-29-2013

Nice to meet you, I'm Achille. Yeah, there's quite a few Gallic factions out there, but the activity isn't always great on them. Currently me an Ed are working on starting up a new one if your intrested, but you probably want to get settled in first.

Au Revoir, and have a good flight.

RE: Bonjour! - .:Polarkreis:. - 04-29-2013

[Image: welcome_to_the_club.jpg]

RE: Bonjour! - jammi - 05-01-2013

Hi there! Always awesome to see more experienced roleplayers here. Gallia's fairly unpopular at the moment because of the way the systems are designed. They're better for exploring than actually playing in, as it it stands. I know AD has redesigned them for the next mod version, so that should make for a much better game experience.

In practical terms, I'm sure the Gallic factions would love another enthusiastic member. The GRN (navy), IDF, EFL (trade) and Council (viva los revolucion) springs to mind, but I know the Union Corse (mafia) are also out and doing things too.

Well, if you have any questions or want to have a chat, send me a PM. Have a great time! Big Grin

RE: Bonjour! - VerbalArtist - 05-02-2013

Maybe you can get some more action going in Gallia. Welcome.

RE: Bonjour! - Tyler - 05-02-2013

ALG is also hiring, although inRP my character speaks just a few words of Gallic, out RP I do speak quite a bit of French. ALG however is not from Gallia, but a very open and fun playing faction for Disco, trading based. For more information check my signature links.

Oh, and welcome Wink