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Recognition - Ash - 04-29-2013

I got an epiphany while gandering over this topic earlier and it made think that perhaps it was actually a good idea. The topic i'm speaking of mentions the user Malaclypse, now for those of you who aren't familiar, Malaclypse was a golden oldie to discovery, quite literally, a massively influential player to zoner role play and purpose.

Anyway what got me thinking is what we as players and characters contribute to the server. The discipline it takes to maintain such a high level of RP where there is (lets be honest) a lack of administrative presence to enforce any related rules is greatly commendable. In my opinion the ones who contribute mostly to this effort are those, who have more than just their presence to add to the server. Players like:

Adamantine Fist
The Joker
and the entirety of The Angel's members past and present

Some of these names won't mean much to you as I'm simply listing a few of the names that stand out to me personally. Though some of you may be sceptical about how some of the people above have contributed they all have one thing in common. They really care/cared about this server. Discovery has excelled to the point it's at today because of them, and the time they committed not just for their own entertainment value but for the entertainment value of the community as a whole.

Just to put any assumptions to rest, what I am about to propose is not for my own gain. In fact I would prefer not to have this applied to me seeing as A: I wouldn't want it to begin with, and B: I don't deserve it.

Some of their characters have affected at least a handful of us during their time here and have influenced our perceptions of how game play should be.

So what I say is would it be harmless to formally recognise some of these iconic characters in game?

Some characters have gone down in history as it is, and even though some of these people are long gone, their characters still affect our role play today.

So why ignore the taboo and incorporate them into the mod software. Suggesting something as simply naming a base after one of their most iconic characters, if it applies to their RP of course. i.e.

The Panzer Facility
Tenacity Depot
Clover Outpost (jinx)
Athenian Academy

Or perhaps incorporating something more RP into the mod for those who have left indefinitely like wrecks of the character's ships.

The Necrosis (me_b_kevin)

Such inclusions would have to be a rarity since such a small feature should not impact much on the overall role play of the mod.

RE: Recognition - n00bl3t - 04-29-2013

(04-29-2013, 03:56 PM)Ash Wrote: The topic i'm speaking of mentions the user Malaclypse, now for those of you who aren't familiar, Malaclypse is a golden oldie to discovery, quite literally. I've actually no idea if he's still here but i'd be impressed if he was.

RE: Recognition - Ash - 04-29-2013

It saddens me deeply to hear, I had no idea.

It happens to the best of us.

RE: Recognition - tothebonezone - 04-29-2013

(04-29-2013, 03:56 PM)Ash Wrote: Dab



But yes, it'd be quite awesome to allow some of these people who actually affected the world to leave their marks, and would help show that they did so, instead of just fading from memory (or rather, to the depths of the forums.)

RE: Recognition - n00bl3t - 04-30-2013

(04-29-2013, 08:58 PM)Ash Wrote: It saddens me deeply to hear, I had no idea.

It happens to the best of us.

Yes well, I figured most people knew by know. I only found out recently, thanks to a topic in Flood.

I figured I'd post that first, in order to separate it from what else I have to say, since Malaclypse does not have anything to do with the below.

(04-29-2013, 03:56 PM)Ash Wrote: Though some of you may be sceptical about how some of the people above have contributed they all have one thing in common.

These are my current feelings on the matter.

Past that, there is the question of how people are judged to contribute and the elitism/unfairness that stems from that.

RE: Recognition - Echo 7-7 - 04-30-2013

The Dev Team's current policy is not to include references to Player Characters. One could assume that this extends to the players themselves.

I personally feel it would be unfair for us to try and quantify the contributions of individuals towards the roleplay environment.