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To: GMG| from Kishiro| - Printable Version

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To: GMG| from Kishiro| - West - 04-30-2013

[Image: TB_Misaki_zps812db9c0.png]

To: GMG| Guildmasters
Encryption: Low
Topic: Okinawa Defence.

Konnichiwa Guildmasters, yesterday when our platinum convoy was returning from Nagano system we discovered Torii outpost guarding Nagano JH. We would like to confirm it's legal status in Okinawa system, due to the fact that it didn't bear GMG affilation and docking on it was restricted so our pilot couldn't check anything inside. Here is guncam shot:
Attached file - 1
GMG pilot on the field couldn't answer on our questions and suggested to contact guildmasters, so arigatou for your time and

CEO Kirihara.Misaki

[Image: logomedium2long.png]

RE: To: GMG| from Kishiro| - Asbestos - 04-30-2013

[Image: tarokatsuorevamp.png]
To: Kirihara Misaki
From: Guild Master Taro Katsuo
Location: Shuri Base, Okinawa

Konnichiwa Misaki-chan!

Torii Outpost is indeed a legal construct in GMG space. Its construction was ordered by myself with the approval of the Guild. It will allow us to look after the safety of our own system and that of our border to the largely criminal system of Nagano. Too many Hogosha and Farmers Alliance criminals flood into the system, with the majority of them originating from the Nagano hole.

In all honesty, I'm surprised how your operations in Nagano can survive, or even thrive for that matter. The Samura aren't known to share their resource nodes willingly, and I'm certain that the Farmers in the system are doing everything they can to grieve you whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Once completed, Torii Outpost will secure the immediate area around the hole. It will enable us to restrict its accessibility while at the same time hindering many of the criminal elements that raid our operations in Okinawa. Hopefully, this will lessen the Hog and Farmers' attacks.

Our plans for the Nagano jump hole are still not public knowledge, and as such I would like this conversation to stay between us, Misaki-chan. After all, you are our closest partner and ally. If we can't trust you, then who could we ever hope to trust.

Guild Master Taro Katsuo,

RE: To: GMG| from Kishiro| - West - 05-01-2013

[Image: TB_Misaki_zps812db9c0.png]

To: GMG| Guildmasters
Encryption: Low
Topic: Okinawa Defence.

Arigatou for your answer Katsuo-san, we will not disclose any information about this station until your official notice, but we are sure that samura already knows about it since we saw several transports using okinawa route to reach Rheinland space. Perhaps they don't know yet about it real purpose, but even if they do, it's already too late for them to make a move.

And about our activities in Nagano, we are successfully using mobile miners for such purpose and so long were avoiding any problems, samura patrols are such incompetent that they allowed us to mine right under their noses *smiles*.

CEO Kirihara.Misaki

[Image: logomedium2long.png]

RE: To: GMG| from Kishiro| - Asbestos - 05-05-2013

[Image: tarokatsuorevamp.png]
To: Kirihara Misaki
From: Guild Master Taro Katsuo
Location: Shuri Base, Okinawa

Konnichiwa Misaki-chan!

I thank you for your understanding of the situation. I'll ask the commander of Torii Outpost to let Kishiro| vessel pass by the base and through the hole safely, without the fear of being mistaken for pirates or trespassers and targeted as such.

And if you are ever cornered in Nagano and require help, know that we're not far away.

Guild Master Taro Katsuo,