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To: James Dean, Sirian Vanguard - Printable Version

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To: James Dean, Sirian Vanguard - Commissar - 04-30-2013

[Image: ContentsMayDiffer_zps49f84b8f.png]

Hey James,

Glad to have more hands!

So, here's the deal. We'll be transporting a load of cargo to a central or at least, well patrolled, Gallic system. They're not horribly likely to like the cargo or what we're doing with it. What I'll need your people to do is hit up Gallic light patrols and generally make as much noise as you can to drag them off the scent. Along with one other member, two of your pilots (if you've got them to spare, of course, wouldn't want to sound pushy), will form our offensive fighter wing.

I'll only need you to keep the pressure off until Contents and the rest of our wing can clear the combat zone. After that, we're all set to go, probably before the Gauls have had the chance to give you any more then a few paint scrapes. As the lightest elements of our little force, you'll be the last out, since you'll need to hold any patrols in position long enough to stop them pursing the rest of our ships. Should be an easy in, easy out.

Remember, the goal here isn't to kill, just to cause enough mayhem to prevent the Gauls noticing Contents until we're long gone. Once we're in Gallic Space, the wing'll be under your man's command, to use as he (or she!) deems fit, within the usual boundaries of the mission, and my...Er... Orders. Jeez, I'm not used to saying that.

On the note of orders, though, I'm running this little jaunt, so I'll need your word that you'll follow my directions, and refrain from attacking any other member of our little group without my express permission, or until we're all safely back in Bretonia, and payments have been distributed. Functionally, from the moment we leave to the moment we come home, you'll be flying as a member of my company, and my crew. You've got obligations to your organisation, and I understand that, but the mission has to come first here. Everything else can wait until we're all home, and safely out of my hair, okay?

Alright, I look forward to hearing from you.

Sarah McFarlen

[Image: MessageEnds_zps2c7e9add.png]

RE: To: James Dean, Sirian Vanguard - Occam Razor - 05-01-2013

Incoming Transmission

Comm ID: John Iris
Encryption: Highly Encrypted

John Iris here.
Since James Dean is currently .... not available, I will continue this. I lead the Sirian Vanguard Terror Squad which will work together with you in this action.

So you want to get some cargo in the Gallic core systems and then want to go out again?
Sounds generally doable, but I need a map of the systems where we will work in order to prepare our pilots.
Also, you want two ships from us? And who will that third member be?
Before we go into combat, I want to know who that is.

But anyways, when you answer these questions, I do not see any problems there anymore.
Our pilots will follow your commands as long as they do not include shooting on anyone we are friendly with, which doesn't contain Gallic Lawfuls.
Also we will not shoot on any other members of your "little group" as long as they do not.

Making noise is something we are good in.

Awaiting your reply,
John Iris out.

Transmission Terminated

RE: To: James Dean, Sirian Vanguard - Commissar - 05-01-2013

[Image: ContentsMayDiffer_zps49f84b8f.png]

Oh, Hello John.

Is there a thing for names starting with 'J' in the Vanguard? Just asking, because there seems to be a trend... Maybe it's just me.

Anyway, that all sounds quite agreeable. I'm still negotiating the third member of your team; however, it looks as though he's got plenty of experience with this sort of thing, so he'll likely be leading your fighter wing once I get his contract sealed away. Gods, when did I start sealing contracts? Oh, right, recording. Sorry. As soon as his place is secure, I'll be able to let you know who he is.

I'm working on getting a map for you guys too. The operations area is still up in the air at the moment, but as soon as my employer gets back to me with the whats and wheres, I'll let you know. You should have plenty of time to hammer something out by then, if you're satisfied with what I put together for you.

Anyway, welcome to the crew of the Contents, John. Look forward to seeing you in space.

Sarah McFarlen

[Image: MessageEnds_zps2c7e9add.png]