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Hello! - Riess - 05-07-2013

Hi gals and guys!

Despite hearing lots of bad stuff 'bout GC, I've actually decided to give it shot. Myself I've only tried to play here once, five years ago when numbers here were trough roof. Back then it was lags and my noobishness what scared me off from game.

Since then I've been playing on other, much smaller server, but seeing how its activity went down to crawl few months ago and little happens to fix it, I've made decision to give GC another chance.

I've heard lots of bad stuff bout you guys, but so far my experience here is pretty great. I've meet some cool guys who've helped me a lot to start fresh here.

For now I'm working on setting up my chars and learning bout big players and bussiness around. Ultimately I would like to have Lib. Unlawful (started with LR), RM (started with that too) and Zoner (just plans for now).

See ya in space!

RE: Hello! - VerbalArtist - 05-07-2013

Welcome to Disco,

but you have me curious. Who's talking bad about Discovery and why? What servers were you playing on before? What mods?

Of course, only answer if you're wanting to share, some people are shy like that.

RE: Hello! - Johnathan Nox Carter - 05-07-2013

Well, first off - allow me to give you a warm Welcome to Disco!

Obviously, i would recommend you give a read to the rules and guidelines here on the forums as well, just to make sure you can dive in the environment and understand it as well. Smile On the other hand - if you have questions or need help with anything, feel free to ask here or send a PM to someone (me, others, Angels, Admins...).

I'm also curious, just as VerbalArtist - if you're willing to share - who was it that spoke ill of DiscoveryGC and/or what exactly (s)he/they said?

Anyway - have a nice time here and good luck!

RE: Hello! - Venkman - 05-07-2013

Welcome to Disco, have fun.

PS. Discovery is the best! Smile

RE: Hello! - _Polarkreis_ - 05-07-2013

[Image: welcome_to_the_club.jpg]

RE: Hello! - Riess - 05-08-2013

Thanks for warm welcome!

(05-07-2013, 08:37 PM)Johnathan Nox Carter Wrote: Obviously, i would recommend you give a read to the rules and guidelines here on the forums as well, just to make sure you can dive in the environment and understand it as well. Smile

So I've did, thanks Smile

(05-07-2013, 08:37 PM)Johnathan Nox Carter Wrote: I'm also curious, just as VerbalArtist - if you're willing to share - who was it that spoke ill of DiscoveryGC and/or what exactly (s)he/they said?

I'll keep to myself, but it was more folk who were unlucky here than server's official line. Smile

So far I've got myself with three chars: Grunt that is helium miner, Raoulf that'll be RM fighter when I get money to equip my wraith and Sundowner that'll be LR fighter when I get money to equip my eagle. Smile

RE: Hello! - Johnathan Nox Carter - 05-08-2013

Quote:I'll keep to myself, but it was more folk who were unlucky here than server's official line.
Ok, well i guess i'll have to forget about this then.

Good to hear you're starting off well. Perhaps we'll meet in-game someday, who knows.
Then again - have fun and good luck!

RE: Hello! - Di'taraAlpha - 05-09-2013

Hi man!

Just a word of advice; if you want to be a Zoner then joining one of the many Zoner factions might be good, but be sure to pick the right ones as some of the Zoner factions are a but... um.

Well I won't say anything bad about anyone else in the community xD, but if you want a Zoner faction to join two good ones which have been there a while are the Temporary Autonomous Zoners (TAZ) and Pheonix. If you want to be part of a startup the Commonwealth is a good bet (srry bit of shameless recruiting here).

Other good Omicron factions are some of the OC guys (you'd have to ask about them) and some of the Corsair guys (again i'm not the guy to ask). Order and Core are about on par i'd say for growing into, maybe Core's a bit more new guy friendly.

But hey if you want to be a Robot you can always try The Consensus (AI) (again, lots of self advertising)! Big Grin

See you in spece.

RE: Hello! - Luke. - 05-09-2013


yeah factions are rife here, plenty to choose from. OC factions are cool...namely the CL}...*cough*

ANYWAY, enjoy your stay and see you in space! If you use a zoner I'll probably see you at some point Wink

RE: Hello! - Landers - 05-12-2013

Welcome to Disco! Have fun!