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Anyone want a Dota2 key? - Printable Version

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Anyone want a Dota2 key? - Omi - 05-12-2013

I have tons in my Steam inventory which I'm not using. Already gave out one to everyone on my friends list, but Valve just keep throwing them at me.

RE: Anyone want a Dota2 key? - Duvelske - 05-13-2013

Om me one Please Its a fun game. Lost my Old account some time ago.

RE: Anyone want a Dota2 key? - glassofwater - 05-13-2013

Lol how do people get so many of these keys for free? When they like.. sell it for $30...? Also, I'll take some if you want to give them to people. I'd love to be able to send gifts to people ^_^

RE: Anyone want a Dota2 key? - Stuffz - 05-13-2013

I have about 15 now. And I already gave like 10 away.
wat r u doin vavle
vavle pls

RE: Anyone want a Dota2 key? - glassofwater - 05-13-2013

<-- glassofwater on steam. Same picture. I'll take'em if you don't want'em