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The Wilde of Tau-117 | [FINISHED] - Printable Version

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The Wilde of Tau-117 | [FINISHED] - Johnathan Nox Carter - 06-09-2013

[Image: Wild_Logo.png]
The Wilde of Tau-117
  1. Finished
    It's been done - the Colonials and Order have won in the second phase. The first phase also had an interesting turn-around as the K'hara Harbinger came to scare off the humans.

    Thank you to everyone who participated, especially since the numbers managed to even in the end

    Let's hope this will happen again, one way or another.

    Here's the link to the video made by JaaY:

  2. Background
    Though not a top priority, the Alien Jump Gate within the Barrier Cloud of Coronado has always been under close watch by the Colonial Republic. Since most of the Republic is now finally back on it's feet, both the Military and the C.I.S. are free to look onto other matters, one of them being this particular alien structure.
    Since recent operations in co-operation with the Order, the CIS has decided to send a combined team at the gate for further survey. The Order does expect danger, yet nobody suspects any tremendous force out of the blue.

  3. Involved Parties
    This event will technically involve 4 factions - forming 2 sides:
    • The Colonial Republic
      They are technically the ones who initiate the event as they begin their survey.
    • The Order
      Allied with the CR, their forces will probably be less numerous but (hopefully) from both Order| and 141|.
    • Das Wilde
      The guardians of the Ancient Jump Gate and the main assailants. They will attempt to kill all humans who came too close. Note: Considering the revival of the Iseijin, i believe they could attend as well, if interested.
    • Slomon K'Hara
      Coming in the aid of their "inside-brethren", they will probably bring the larger vessels on the Nomads' side.

  4. Event Phases
    Phase I - Reconnaissance
    CR and Order forces come to the Gate and attempt to use it, but before they can do anything, Wilde forces appear and fend them off. This will mainly be a "blitzkrieg" between the two sides. Since (theoretically) the CR/Order forces were not prepared for such overwhelming odds, they retreat.

    Shortly said - snub-brawl within the cloud.

    Phase II - Retaliation
    After their retreat - the CR and Order forces regroup and mount defensive positions, as well as they send scouts to cover the area. The Wilde bring in more Nomad forces and launch a full assault on the perpetrators.

    Full scale battle outside the cloud.

  5. Allowed Ships
    The first phase will consist of a "snub-brawl" - hence only Light, Heavy or Very Heavy Fighters will be available on all sides.

    The second phase, as it happens outside the cloud and in a more "prepared" manner, will allow the use of up to 2 cruisers per side (mainly Colonial and K'hara cruisers), as well 1 (or more, if we have the player numbers) gunboat(s) per side. Obviously the fighter-craft category will also include bombers this time.

    I hope there's no need to mention that balance is preferred.

  6. Time-table
    I would suggest for the event to take place Monday (17th June 2013/820), somewhere between the hours of 5pm/17:00 and 10pm/22:00 GMT.

    Still, this is a matter of debate and so we will keep in touch trough the already created Skype channel - in order to make sure we get a time when the highest number of participants is available.

  7. Participation
    First of all - as you may imagine, this will be an "official members" only event, since i doubt either Wilde or Nomads can bring in indies. Still, there is no number limit, as long as we have (at least almost) equal sides.

    Anyway, in order to register, please provide the following information:
    Registration Wrote:Chosen side/faction: <just say for who do you fight>
    Character used for Phase I: <in-game name and ship class>
    Character used for Phase II: <in-game name and ship class>
    Notes: <if you have anything to add/ask>

    Registered so far:
    • Phase I
      CR|-Sentry[17th] - Nyx(VHF) = John N. Carter.
      CR|-Eagle[49th] - Nyx(VHF) = Bloogal.
      CR|-Sage[17th] - Nyx(VHF) = SummerMcLovin.
      CR|-Sierra[17th] - Nyx(VHF) = Venetia (Alex).
      CR|-Sicarius[17th] - Nyx(VHF) = Drrobe (Finn).
      CR|-WO:Ravis - Eros(LF) = Tal.
      Order|Ghost.Of.Ray - Nephtys(VHF) = Ghost Radical.
      Order|Adriana.D'Angelo - ?(VHF) = Omicron (Golly).
      Order|Ray*Stantz - ?(VHF) = Dr. Peter Venkman.
      Order|Cynthia.Valence - ?(VHF) = Wulven.
      Order|Finley. - Nephtys(VHF) = Finleysn.
      Wilde. - - - Jansen, still undecided.
      Wilde. - - - Narcotic, still undecided.
      Wilde. - - - Slavik, still undecided.
      Wilde.McFadden - Scraper(VHF) = Ktayn.
      Wilde.Toutatis - Eagle(VHF) = Stoat.
      K'Hara|Tiamat - Sascya(VHF) = Lord Vipex.
      K'Hara|Namtar - Sascya(VHF) = Duvelske.
    • Phase II
      CR|-Falcon[49th] - Pytho(Bomber) = Bloogal
      CR| - - - SummerMcLovin, still undecided.
      CR|-Moonbeam[15th] - Pytho(Bomber) = John N. Carter.
      CR| - - - Venetia, still undecided.
      CR|-Gancanagh[49th] - Pytho(Bomber) = Drrobe (Finn).
      CR| - - - Yamamato, still undecided.
      CR|-WO:Ravis - Eros(LF) = Tal.
      Order|Rebecca.Blackburn - Sekhmet(Bomber) = Ghost Radical.
      Order|Michal.Golanski - Sekhmet(Bomber) = Omicron (Golly).
      Order|Owis - Sekhmet(Bomber) Dr. Peter Venkman.
      Order|Cynthia.Valence. - Sekhmet(Bomber) = Wulven.
      Order|Finley. - Nephtys(VHF) = Finleysn.
      Wilde. - - - Jansen, still undecided.
      Wilde. - - - Narcotic, still undecided.
      Wilde. - - - Slavik, still undecided.
      Wilde.Hammerschmidt - Bergelmir(Bomber) = Ktayn.
      Wilde. - - - Stoat, still undecided.
      K'Hara|Namtar - Irra(Cruiser) = Duvelske.
      K'Hara|Ennugi - Irra(Cruiser) = Hasteric.
      K'Hara| - - - Lord Vipex, still undecided.

  8. Right - seeing that the numbers seem to be over-whelming on the CR/Order side, we'll balance things by giving a number of 10 lives PER TEAM. This will go as follows:

    -In the first phase, it'll start as a 6v6 snub-fight.
    -The other 6 CR/Order snubs will stand by "on the side-line" (at... 12k+ maybe) and when one of the CR/Order who are already fighting die, one of these fellows on the side-line replaces him.
    -The Wilde/K'Hara snubs will be, in return, allowed to rejoin the battle, once for each of them.

    -In the second phase, the concept will be the same, though in the appropriate numbers for each team. Also - capital vessels will not be allowed to get replaced or rejoin.

  9. I'm happy to say that the event will also be "archived" by our newly volunteered camera-man, JaaY.
  10. Thank you for reading. Feel free to leave any comments or feed-back if you wish.
    The above information will be updated if/when needed.

RE: The Wilde of Tau-117 | Event: Next Week - Jansen - 06-09-2013

Chosen side/faction: Wilde
Character used for Phase I: Evan Lewis/Frevel/Somethingelse (bandit) Templar/Scraper/Wraith
Character used for Phase II: Evan Lewis/Frevel/Somethingelse (bandit) Templar/Scraper/Wraith or Sünde/RNC-Panther a Scorpion/RM GB depending on what is needed

[Image: PpMQ5Jh.jpg]

RE: The Wilde of Tau-117 | Event: Next Week - Apollon - 06-09-2013

Chosen side/faction: Order|
Character used for Phase I: Ghost.Of.Ray (Nepthys)
Character used for Phase II: Rebecca.Blackburn (Sekhmet)
Notes: For the Ordur, Let's enjoy the event

RE: The Wilde of Tau-117 | Event: Next Week - Haste - 06-09-2013

Chosen side/faction: K'Hara|
Character used for Phase I: None?
Character used for Phase II: Ennugi (Irra Cruiser)
Notes: Whoops, didn't actually read it all.

RE: The Wilde of Tau-117 | Event: Next Week - Moberg - 06-09-2013

Chosen side/faction: K'Hara|
Character used for Phase I: Tiamat (Sascya | VHF)
Character used for Phase II: Tiamat (Irra | Cruiser)
Notes: Cruiser won't be a very active part, more as a mobile weapon platform.

RE: The Wilde of Tau-117 | Event: Next Week - Johnathan Nox Carter - 06-09-2013

I guess we mainly have our caps on the Nomad side, but if we'll get enough people, more Irras are fine i guess.

Also, Vipex, the Cruisers will get involved only in the second phase, outside the cloud - so i doubt you'll be anywhere near the gate.

RE: The Wilde of Tau-117 | Event: Next Week - bloogaL - 06-09-2013

Chosen side/faction: CR
Character used for Phase I: CR|-Eagle[49th] - Nyx
Character used for Phase II: CR|-Falcon[49th] - Pytho
Notes: Ships may change.

RE: The Wilde of Tau-117 | Event: Next Week - Narcotic - 06-09-2013

Chosen side/faction: Wilde
Character used for Phase I: Not sure yet. Can be LF, HF or VHF, whatever suits everyone best.
Character used for Phase II: Same. Either fighter, bomber or scorpion.
Notes: As for the time; the earlier the better.

RE: The Wilde of Tau-117 | Event: Next Week - SummerMcLovin - 06-09-2013

Chosen side/faction: Colonials
Character used for Phase I: CR|-Sage[17th] (Nyx)
Character used for Phase II: Possibly the Nyx, or CR|-Sage.[17th] the Pytho. Might even bring out the Euryphaessa or Athena, see how the Irra rape is when I am not getting insta-d.
Notes: Timing is fine for me
(06-09-2013, 08:12 PM)Johnathan Nox Carter Wrote: if we'll get enough people, more Irras are fine i guess.
I'd really rather not... two cruisers a side is plenty.

RE: The Wilde of Tau-117 | Event: Next Week - Zephyranthes - 06-10-2013

Chosen side/faction: Colonials
Character used for Phase I: CR|-Sierra[17th] (Nyx)
Character used for Phase II: CR|-Khamsin[49th] (Pytho), or possibly the Argo (Thanatos)
Notes: Time's good for me, especially on the earlier end.