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Rep screwed up [GC]-Kuroi.Barra - Printable Version

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Rep screwed up [GC]-Kuroi.Barra - Blackstarr - 05-13-2013

By taking a Lane Hacker bribe (which is someone I am supposed to be green with so i thought it would help) I have screwed up my rep to EVERYONE - losing my iff in the process and locking me out of most of the bases I visit regularly. Is there any way this can be reset back to normal?

EDIT: I came back realizing what I had above probably wasn't enough information. My ship was GC IFFed with Outcasts green, Bretonia neutral, and Kusari of course red. I don't think any of the other factions matter (except for LH which was neutral before as i need to land on their bases as well.

RE: Rep screwed up [GC]-Kuroi.Barra - Narcotic - 05-13-2013

Why don't you just have a mate doing a few GC missions for you?

RE: Rep screwed up [GC]-Kuroi.Barra - Blackstarr - 05-13-2013

The rep for several different factions was screwed up. It would require me to find a freind for each fction(many of which i dont have contacts in) to do something like that

RE: Rep screwed up [GC]-Kuroi.Barra - SummerMcLovin - 05-14-2013

It might just be the characters I play, but this is rather a common solution to my rep problems. Shooting a lot of Corsair NPCs will get you back your GC IFF (eventually) while increasing your Bretonian and Outcast reps. Kusari is rephacked to the GC ID so you'll have no problems staying red to them.

RE: Rep screwed up [GC]-Kuroi.Barra - Connor - 05-14-2013

What reps do you want to focus on because I might be able to help you with some missions if you wish