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***Encrypted Transmission to the Corsair Elders*** - Printable Version

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***Encrypted Transmission to the Corsair Elders*** - Necroth - 05-16-2013

[Image: gULmo.png]

***Encryption: Maximum***
***Transmitting signal***
***Connecting...connecting...connections established...***

Greetings Members of the Corsair Elders,

My name is Captain Shade, I'm of the Phoenix Zoners. I'm transmitting this communication due to recent and troubling events that have occurred in the Omicron-74 system and several other near by star systems. I recently encountered one of your vessels that may be infected by Nomads. Or being manipulated by the foul things... This would seem to pose a serious threat to both of our peoples. I do not wish to over step my bounds as I greatly respect your people for their tenacity and endurance. Your people live the hard life out here on the edge very much like my own.

I was flying my personal shuttle craft in Omicron-74 when I noticed a power drain in my primary drive system. I went into the back section of my vessel to investigate when suddenly my vessel shuttered from the impact of a weapon system. The threat warning system alarms started blaring so in great haste I went back to the controls.

I could not believe my eyes, but I was under attack by a Nomad vessel of about gunboat size. It had rapidly closed in on my position and opened fire. I noticed on my sensor system that there was another vessel in the area. And this vessel had been transmitting signals. I mistook these transmissions as an offer of assistance on my behalf so I made my way towards the vessel. It was a Corsair Dreadnaught named: El-Diablo. I flew towards it when I realized that the communication was not a signal on my behalf but was sent to the Nomad vessel. The Dreadnaught threatened to open fire on my vessel as I was using it as a buffer from the Nomad vessels attack.

My vessel was badly damaged during the attack and I was unable to recover any gun cam images of this event. However I was able to retrieve the communication logs from my shuttle. I will provide them for you so that you may confirm the name of the Corsair vessel.

I only send this now as I'm concerned for the safety of your people and my own. I saw the above named vessel today, working in fleet operations against the [AI] of Gammu. And I fear that this may be an attempt by the Nomads to destabilize the inhabitants of the area to leave it more vulnerable to further attacks.

Thank you for looking into this matter, your actions honor me.
Shade out...

***Transmission terminated***

[Image: Jh16c.png]