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Flame Thread - SMGSterlin - 05-17-2013

My guide on how to start a flame war/thread.

Step 1. Say something offensive and highly opinionated.

Step 2. Watch the world burn.

I believe Disco would be better off without cap ships for pirates, except for Corsairs and Outcasts, as long as they're caps stay around Alpha/Gamma.

RE: Flame Thread - Korny - 05-17-2013

I like you, SMG

RE: Flame Thread - Tyler - 05-17-2013

Limit access to shiplines to light fighters only for indies, throughout Sirius. If they want more, RP for it.

RE: Flame Thread - Bootsiuv - 05-17-2013

Hmmm....Burn you say?

RP sux.

That should do it....

RE: Flame Thread - Reid - 05-17-2013

The dev team has never made a mistake and Gallia was a genius addition

RE: Flame Thread - Veygaar - 05-17-2013

Pirates should be able to subtarget Cargo inside a ship.

.... actually that's a brilliant idea!

EDIT- Why did I capitalize cargo?

RE: Flame Thread - Marburg - 05-17-2013

MLP fans make Twilight fans look masculine by compairison

RE: Flame Thread - t0l - 05-17-2013

Feeding is bad.

RE: Flame Thread - Cris - 05-17-2013

All lolwuts make LN characters

RE: Flame Thread - Tyler - 05-17-2013

So much win so far.