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Rheinland-Wide Activity Event - Sunday 26th 16:00 to 20:00 GMT - Printable Version

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Rheinland-Wide Activity Event - Sunday 26th 16:00 to 20:00 GMT - Lobster - 05-18-2013

[Image: rheinlandfreelancerflag.png]

This weekend, we are going to come together to make one four hour segment "Rheinland Day."

This point of this event is for anyone and everyone who plays discovery to log their Rheinland ships and go at it.

The entire point of this event is to have a normal day in Rheinland, but with more then the usual 15 players. By coordinating and all of us logging in at the same time, rather then different times, we can fill Rheinland with the entire server population for a 4 hour segment of fun. It is our goal to see the server busting at 225 slots, all taken, between the hours specified for this event!

  • Events will be organized by their respective official factions!

  • Trivia quizzes will be held in front of New Berlin!

  • Traders will have the opportunity to trade, escorted by a full complement of protection!

  • Pirates will have opportunities to raid RFP defended convoys!

  • Smugglers will be able to use unlawful strikes against military and police to sneak through the house and mingle with other unlawfuls!

  • The system of Bremen will be temporarily excused from all reengagement rules and the Navy will be able to try to take over Bremen in a massive battle!

Factions who can sign up:


Junkers, Military, Hessians, DHC, Liberty Navy, KNF (Sigma 13 and Frankfurt only), GMG, IMG, BAF (Omega 7 only), Corsairs, Bowex, Zoners, Nomads, SCRA, Ile-de-France Shipping, etc.

It would take too long to list every faction that can come. The point is, between the hours of 16:00 to 20:00 GMT, log any ship you like that has Rheinland in its ZoI and come join us for a day of fun!

Event time: Sunday 26th 16:00 to 20:00 GMT

Please sign below to show your participation with the name of your ship and the faction it belongs to!

Who is coming to the party:
  • Lobster - Event Hoster

    Rheinland Lawful:
  • Narcotic - Military
  • Gentlefood - Military
  • .Flash. - BDM
  • Kaiwren - RepEx
  • Karst - ALG
  • Cris - DHC

    Rheinland Unlawful:
  • LunaticOnTheGrass - Bundschuh
  • aerelm - Red Hessian
  • Landers - Unioner

    Foreign Factions:
  • AshHill07 - Navy
  • CommanderX - Navy
  • Hone - ?
  • Just.Dave - Navy
  • Tal - Navy

Fine print:
By signing up for this event you agree to use rule 0.0 and waive any and all reengagment rules for PvP deaths in the system of Bremen.

RE: Rheinland-Wide Activity Event - Sunday 16:00 to 20:00 GMT - Narcotic - 05-18-2013

First sign in - then read, correct?


RE: Rheinland-Wide Activity Event - Sunday 26th 16:00 to 20:00 GMT - AshHill07 - 05-18-2013

What the hell, I'll go for it.

What I log will depend largely on what else is going on but I'll bring either:

SFC|LNS-California - Liberty Dreadnought
SFC|Patrol-5 - Liberty Guardian
Soaring-Eagle - Lawful Freelancer

RE: Rheinland-Wide Activity Event - Sunday 26th 16:00 to 20:00 GMT - LunaticOnTheGrass - 05-18-2013

Hopefully I'll get a chance to be there.


RE: Rheinland-Wide Activity Event - Sunday 26th 16:00 to 20:00 GMT - Hone - 05-18-2013

4 AM to 8 AM my time eh? I could probly come for an hour or so.

RE: Rheinland-Wide Activity Event - Sunday 26th 16:00 to 20:00 GMT - CommanderX - 05-18-2013

SFC|Assault1 - navy gunboat

I will also join this event on my trusty gunboat, do it will be fun I will see on the event itself.

RE: Rheinland-Wide Activity Event - Sunday 26th 16:00 to 20:00 GMT - Petitioner - 05-18-2013

Ah, what the hell. I'll probably bring a bunch of stuff. Things I'm most likely bringing:

AL.Kleist - RepEx Behemoth
Stahlgewitter! - Mercenary Touketsu (if it exists by then)
Bobi.Xiter - Closed econ character, because risks are fun.

RE: Rheinland-Wide Activity Event - Sunday 26th 16:00 to 20:00 GMT - Karst - 05-18-2013

Mmm, yes, dis pleases me.

I'll be ALG'ing I suppose; not sure yet whether I'll be escorting or transporting though.

Probably transporting though, at least to start out.

So consider the [ALG]-TGX-Thaya in.

RE: Rheinland-Wide Activity Event - Sunday 26th 16:00 to 20:00 GMT - Flash™ - 05-18-2013

AWESOME! Im in, sign me up as one of the BDM|s, or my RMC.

RE: Rheinland-Wide Activity Event - Sunday 26th 16:00 to 20:00 GMT - Just.Dave - 05-18-2013

could be fun let see

Dante.Lyons - Guardian
SFC|LNS-Silvana - Liberty Siege Cruiser
SFC|LNS-Vanguard -Liberty Dreadnought
Claus.Von.Hagen - Wraith