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Hi everyone - Thomi - 05-18-2013

Hi guys!

I'm new here and I came for warm welcoming hug. (smiley face) (I hate smileys)

After rediscovery of Freelancer (played it about ten years ago) I finished SP and was looking for something more because I was caught by the game again. That's how I came across this mod and forums and I want to give it a shot-being afraid I could become addicted.

I've spent some time reading about rules and how Disco universe works. I suppose that general suggestion for newbies is to become a miner (at least some guides say that). Now I'm working on my RP and need an advice. Is there any mining faction I should try to apply for? (among others I was thinking about BMM) Or should I try to freelance a bit, grind some cash and try to fit in? Because I'm sure I'll need some babysitting, help with my RP and maybe with overcoming language barrier (English isn't my first language), also I'm not sure how much time I'll be able to spend in space..

Hope to jump in soon!! (for now I don't have internet connection stable enough for playing, not for long though)

RE: Hi everyone - Amon.Cire - 05-18-2013

Hey! Welcome to the server, (smiley face). I would say to give the img faction a try. Great active group, with some fun rp. I fly/flew with them when I came back and it was a great help. See you in space!

RE: Hi everyone - VerbalArtist - 05-18-2013

Welcome, Thomi.

BMM is a good choice, I'm sure they'll get you setup and teach you a bit about Disco. Make sure you know the rules by heart and know how to roleplay on the server.

Safe skies, pilot!

RE: Hi everyone - Johnathan Nox Carter - 05-19-2013

Well first off, Welcome to Disco!

Now, seeing that you've been reading around and you probably know what should be known at first - i can only recommend (and answer your question at the same time) that you check the factions' threads here on the forums to see who's who. Mining factions, for example, could be BMM, IMG, Kruger, DHC and so on... though you can just as well remain a freelancer at start. Joining a faction is helpful in general and may get you over the basics quicker, but it's your choice.

Aside from this - if you have more questions feel free to ask anyone. (me, others, Admins, Angels)

Good luck and have fun!

RE: Hi everyone - _Polarkreis_ - 05-19-2013

Welcome aboard!

RE: Hi everyone - Thomi - 05-19-2013

Thanks for welcoming me here..

I'm working on my char now, studying history and geography of Disco..

Suppose it won't hurt to revive some British vocabulary, Bretonia is well close to my heart..

Cheerio blokes!

RE: Hi everyone - VerbalArtist - 05-19-2013

Yes! Cya in Bretonia, lad!

RE: Hi everyone - Alan Martins - 05-20-2013

Welcome to Bretonia out for Gateway/Bowex can get pretty rough.