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Inner Alaska - Sad - 05-19-2013

The shuttle left Denver’s atmosphere and headed towards the trade lane rings. There is one world on the surface and completely other one in space. First one is safe and normal. The other one is a place for every desperate moron, every lost soul. It’s filled by suicidal efforts, lacks common sense, offers everything in exchange of your very normality. Since the development of interstellar travel, colonies on the planets turned into oasis in the middle of desperate vacuum. Everyone who picks space exchanges everything for nothing. For no air, no safety, no real hope.

As the stewardess passed by, I ordered whisky. Living in Liberty for so many years messed up my tastes a lot. Sometimes I feel that that my face had stretched in a caucasian way as well and my skin turned pale. But that’s simply my exhausted mind tricking on me. I hadn’t been at home for ages, too much to do here. And even if I go there for a weekend, on the comeback everything will be the same. For how long am I here? Seven years in total? Empires fall, but the soldiers stay. I feel like a holdout.

The same girl told me to fasten the seat belt as we approached the Jump Gate. It’s an broken leap of universe’s digestive system. It swallows you here and vomites in another place. You are the faeces of the universe and it doesn’t need you inside. But you are a soldier. The splendiferous creation of society. Made up to protect it from itself. You are the beloved child of Kusari. And that’s why it denies the true nature of your ties.

And while you are in Liberty, sometimes it makes you feel like your digestive juice is boiling in the belly. You are surrounded by a crowd of animals, insects. From cockroach to elephant. Insignificant, fussy, meaningless, following simple program planted into its brain by media, that is everywhere in Liberty. Or big, gorgeous, powerful. Bending rules and seeking control over everything around. And still afraid of mice.

I’m the fear.

I’m the mice.

I’m the soldier.

RE: Inner Alaska - Sad - 05-19-2013

If sleep is a small death, the mornings are the way reality takes away the best moments. We got the minds and bodies to follow the simple program of being awake, eating or sleeping, but instead of valuing that precious shell the humans foil it in many ways. We are given the identity, we are given our unique appearance, we are given the overcomplicated mindset differentiating us from one another, but we pretend, we imitate, we copy, we are not being honest with the other people and ourselves. At least I got a reason for all this.

Lie is necessary for living.

I was Naijibun Shi for seven years. And I was something else before that. I will be something else after. In the morning it’s the hardest to pull off the mask and everything you get is the other mask under it. It’s a puzzle with the casket locked with the key inside it. I allowed myself a pleasure of being someone else but Shi when the delivery boy brought the boxes I ordered the last week. Some food, books, goods. When I get the news from home, they arrive on the pages of the books. People in Liberty don’t read books. So it’s the safest way. When I send the news back, I write novels. So people believe I’m just a freak.

Last woman Shi Naijibun’s spent nights with found that writing a beautiful hobby. I wrote a short novel about her. I hid the words behind the words. She’ll never know what was there between the lines. I myself don’t think of what happens with the text after it reaches my editor and who's him. But the idea of it being displayed prominently is amusing.

Today both me and Shi will be back to work. Shuttle will pick me up from Manhattan and bring to Alaska.

RE: Inner Alaska - Sad - 05-20-2013

I have my inner Alaska. Surrounded by minefield. Guarded by hundreds of guns. Filled with ice. It’s my prison and the place I commit a research on my deepest fears. It’s a lockdown that preserves my sanity. People are weak, I have no right for that.

The outer Alaska is the place I’m locked to serve the interest of Liberty. They constructed a fortress to keep the ones like me away and then let me in themselves. Sometimes I think that the wars aren’t won by the armies. We create the weapons of mass destruction, Houses’ war budgets clash, but in the end the balance is preserved by the ones like me. Thousands of the people like me. I am the soldier of the army no one can see.

Every day the materials from simple rocks to the most dirty things the Liberty Security Force may get its hands on pass through my hands and my mind. I’m the sensitive nerve that transfers the lines of data from Liberty’s most prominent and merciless operatives to its most beautiful minds. Everything was in the right place, so was me.

Yesterday I got the message. It was the order. And I had a little time to execute it.

RE: Inner Alaska - Sad - 05-23-2013

Anger is boiling in the belly. I’m frustrated.

It’s a strange spinocereberal feeling that isn’t leaving me today. The operation had started two weeks ago and I had everything plotted, everything planned, everything prepared. Nothing can get wrong, yet the thoughts crawl like cockroaches coming from my back. Like I’m rotten and can’t be saved. I hate myself for this weakness. I don’t know where it comes from.

I’m a soldier and I have no fear. I’m a puppetier that holds all the ties leading to people and events. Everything is predicted. Everyone is under control. Making people follow your plot requires constructing the overcomplicated social models. If you want the king to make the turn you desire, you should move the pawns first. There is a Pawn in my game, Paul Robertson. Too silly and ambitious. I’ll exchange his arrogance for illusions he craves and then will leave here. He is not capable of being what he wants. Sarah Parker is the Bishop. She is close to the actual target. She’s smart and she’s a dangerous enemy. She’s professor’s assistant. And that’s why she will let it happen - she desires to replace him. People are so egoistic.

Professor Kropp. Half Rheinlander. Employed by LSF soon after the Iseijin were discovered. A beautiful mind trapped here. He is in a cage. He’s paranoid. He got a family. He’s ours as we will keep the promise. They will be safe with him in Kusari, even if he exchanges a cage for a bit larger one. Not my business, but his own decision.

Everyone pays for the decisions he made sooner or later. The more they are important for the future, the higher is the price.

RE: Inner Alaska - Sad - 05-26-2013

We almost made it out. We almost succeeded. But there was yet something to put things in order.

Future is resisting.

When energy bulbs pierce your hands and legs like stigmas it’s the most obvious. Someone should be crucified in the end of parable, so the moral will be easier to understand. It hurts. My role was like that and I couldn’t change anything but kept playing.

That whore was a deus ex machine. A demon ex machine, to be precise. She was a Kempeitai operative, but she was playing up to her own scenario. She should had let us out, but she had left me out there paralyzed, unable to put a bullet in my head at best. The more effort you put into changes in the future, the stronger are the aftereffects. The butterfly effect has its obvious drawbacks. Here are mine.

And my parting consciousness whispers to me that everyone should be ready for the unforeseen consequences.

RE: Inner Alaska - ChillerMiller - 05-26-2013

All these years of preparation for this very moment. And when that moment finally came, Shi Naijibun faced the unexpected demise. He was simply an asset for me...for us and our goals. This asset, however, has served its purpose and was no longer needed. It was therefore discarded and is now nothing more but a worthless pile of flesh.

I am Miyoko Sato and I was given the task to deceive those who are blind, people like Naijibun or Kropp. The previous blindly followed the orders that were given to him. He served us and Kusari well. The latter, however, still has to achieve this and it is my task to ensure that this happens.

The stage has been set and all the puppets are playing their roles.

RE: Inner Alaska - Catbert - 05-27-2013

Finally... The pieces of the puzzle have finally come together. How long has it been since we found out that Shi Naijibun wasn't the one he pretended to be? Months? Years?.. I've lost the count of sleepless nights I spent trying to figure out what he was up to. Before he had been just another agent of Kusarian origin, like quite a few actually. After we found out that he used to respond to other name before becoming Shi, he became a thorn in the LSF's side. And in my side personally.

I wonder what he managed to find out and send to his true superiors before we started tracking his movements. I checked his access level as soon as I was told to watch him. To put it short, the thorn turned out to be less significant than we thought. Sadly, it was significant enough for my boss to decide that we'd better take it slow.

We couldn't arrest him. Well, we could actually... You see, it's not a matter of whether we need a solid reason for such things. But when you have a lead, you follow it instead of cutting it. That's why we let him think that he was in control. I wonder whether he knew that he wasn't. I guess it is irrelevant now.

When I think of all those sleepless nights I wasted on analyzing that guy's profile... And it all going down the sewers when his unconscious body was found on Kodiak Station... Whatever, I digress. Something big is happening. The Kusarian Intelligence has made its move, it seems. A few minutes ago I found out what happened to Shi. I sounded the alarm.

RE: Inner Alaska - ChillerMiller - 05-27-2013


A wonderful place, where one can find both peace and death, two things that have no meaning to me. Where I can remain calm, people such as Kropp, the one I’m supposed to protect now, start to panic and become a threat to me and my task. However, I fear he’ll slow me down and I can’t treat him like Shi, as he still has his uses. I have to protect least for a while.

This base was fairly interesting. I’ve seen countless laboratories, in which scientists tried to understand something they would never understand. Something far greater than they’ll ever be.

We’ll be out of Alaska soon. It does appear that the little bomb I left in the hangar managed to delay any possible pursuers, at least from this base. It might have bought us a little, yet crucial advantage and we’ll enter the final stage.

One side will win...and the two other sides will lose.

RE: Inner Alaska - Catbert - 05-29-2013

Everything happened before people could realise it. All in all, it's a mess. Probably the worst kind of mess this station has seen. The alarm, then the explosion... I can think of a few people who tried to escape this place in the past. A detained rogue LSF agent, an infectee, a spy or two. But these Kusarians were unique in a way. I mean, they did slam the door like no one else had done before them.

Anyway, keep focused, you've got work to do. The shuttle is none of your concern right now. You have this Kusarian to deal with. Just put on the sunglasses, press the button and watch the world fade around you. You've done it so many times already, yet the impression still hasn't worn off. Not fully at least.

I like this moment when the colours fade, yet the world around me becomes sharper. It helps me to abstain from reality and concentrate on the task at hand. The sunglasses show me holographic projection next to the body: a slow, yet steady heartbeat rate. Shi isn't dead, he's merely unconscious. Good to know. At least we might still have the lead we need.

Now, what other clues do we have? Looks like our Kusarian friend got a couple of wounds. The degree of the burns suggests a civilian-grade blaster. That's not going to help. Detroit Munitions alone produce hundreds of thousands of those. Wait... Why would someone shoot him and leave him here? If those were Kusarians, it would have made sense to finish him off, make sure he doesn't talk... I'll have some time to think about it while they chase that shuttle. Once they catch the intruders, the puzzle will be complete.

RE: Inner Alaska - ChillerMiller - 06-03-2013

Encrypted transmission to the KPT forces stationed in Hiroshima:

The cover has been compromised. Operative Naijibun turned out to be a traitor and has been dealt with. I am on my way to Oita together with the professor and should reach the system within the next minutes.

LSF forces have probably started to chase us already. I cannot provide you with any information about their location or their strength.

Proceed to Oita immediately and head for the arranged coordinates and prepare yourselves to face the LSF in combat.

Operative Shusui out.