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Ideas for an Alternate Future - Printable Version

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Ideas for an Alternate Future - Croft - 05-19-2013

Last night I got a tad bored and decided to write up an alternate future for Disco with the focus of getting every House involved in some form of conflict. Admittedly I did miss out a lot of player and trading factions mainly because they are difficult to work-in given their generic nature.
Instead of using the old fashioned Disco story method, I opted to try to make sense of the conflicts and the probable reactions by those effected by them. I've even attempted to make Gallia interesting which is no mean feat I assure you.

I'd like to see the community's reaction and thoughts and if any of you wish to use some of the ideas here you are welcome, so long as you give credit where it's due and link this thread as the source. Enjoy!

Be warned this is a damned long list of single sentences.

Leeds lost to Gallics.
Islay Base destroyed by Gallics
Newcastle cut off from Leeds (Gate destroyed by BAF)
QCP deloy to Inverness/Newcastle/Dundee from Battleship Derby in Newcastle. (Supplied by Liberty)
Cortez fortified by Liberty
Gaian’s and Molly’s ally for mutual protection (both cut off from Outcasts/Faroe & Lib Rogues)
Battleship Essex moved to New London
IMG abandons the Hood, becomes shared base.
Graves Station abandoned then taken over by the Gaian’s.
Dublin fortified again BAF and Gallic’s.
Corsairs pushed out of Cambridge and Omega 3 by Bretonian retreat, focus attacks on the newly freed Dublin.

Expansion in the Tau’s (Jumpgates)
All forces focused on Bretonia, Kusari is ignored.
Kusari Exiles destroyed in Tau 29 attempting to flee back into Kusari, Emperor is killed.
Reserve fleet deployed to Kyushu gate in Tau 29
Declares war on Liberty.
Marquis and Brigands claim Picardy.
Council/Brigands/Marquis attack Burgundy, Halted at Djon.

Blood Dragons, Samura, Golden C. and Kishiro attempt to assume power.
Golden C cuts ties to Blood Dragons backed fully by Outcasts.
The Order and FA back the Blood Dragons.
FA becomes neutral to the Hogosha
Hogosha begin to police Kusari.
Kyushu, Nagano, Risirhi and Hokkiado claimed by Samura.
New Tokyo, Honshu, Okinawa and Shikoku claimed by Kishiro.
Armed Forces and Police split into Samurai (Samura) and Militia (Kishiro.)

Ceasefire agreed with Liberty.
Red Hessians/LWB move for control, taking over Stuttgart, Dresden and Bonn Station.
Unioners (Supplied unknowingly by Corsairs) attack Republican shipyards in Hamburg, crippling their production.
Bundschuh actively campaign in an attempt to stop bloodshed.
Corsairs take over Omega 5, 7 and 11 cutting off the Mollys/Hessians.

Agrees to Ceasefire with Rheinland amid fears of Gallic advance.
Colorado and Kepler heavily patrolled to ensure flow of H fuel.
Lane Hackers gain substantial profit selling Liberty fleet and fuel convoy movements to the Rogues.
Sudden influx of refugees overwhelms Liberty, Xeno’s gain more support.
Liberty Navy battleship captured by desperate refugee group, renamed El Dorado and converted into a floating city currently hiding in the Galileo system.
Majority of fleet moved to Cortez to aid Bretonia.
Refugee group fight against Xeno’s.

Refugees swarm freeports and freelancer bases. Some band together in order to survive, seen in all corners of Sirius (except Bretonia for obvious reasons) begging, pirating and smuggling.
Outcast’s take over Omicron Eta and Tau 37, begin moving into Gallia.
Nomad’s start moving forces into close proximity of the Houses.
The Order alerts the Blood Dragons and Bundschuh to the Nomad’s movements. Omicron Minor and Alaska are fortified.
Zoner and Freelancer bases face starvation due to overcrowding.

New IDs:
ID: Desperate Refugee
This pilot is a refugee who is fleeing from one of the many conflicts around Sirius. Forced from their homes with only the clothes on their backs, they have banded together in order to survive.:
May Beg, pirate and smuggle.
May escort traders.
Cannot Ally with Unlawfuls Except other Refugees.
Cannot claim bounties.
ZoI: House Space Excluding Bretonia and Gallia, Borderworlds.
Ships: Light Fighters, Freighters and the Gull Transport.

ID: Samurai
This pilot is a member of the Samurai and has pledged to fight for Samura during the Kusari Civil War. They are honour bound to serve the Imperial Family and uphold the ancient traditions of Kusari.
May actively hunt members of the Kishiro company and Militia for the glory of the Emperor!
(Insert standard Navy ID limitations)

ID: Militia
This pilot is a member of the Militia and has pledged to fight for Kishiro during the Kusari Civil War. They have chosen to fight for a democratic Kusari, free from oppression of an outmoded, xenophobic and sexist monarchy.
May actively hunt members of the Samura company and Samurai for the future of Kusari!
(Insert standard Navy ID limitations)

Future Direction
This section is the continuation of the timeline as events unfold and each area adapts to the changes.

Gallia pushed out of Bretonia by combined assault of BAF, LN, Council, Brigands and Marquis.
A ceasefire is signed and Planet Harris is deemed Bretonian space. The Council and it’s allies continue to fight, eventually being pushed out of Picardy and into Burgundy.
QCP harass Royalist supplies in the Taus
UC set up operations in the Taus buying supplies raided by the QCP and selling them to Brigands/Marquis.
Junkers and Gallic Junkers clash in the scrap fields of Leeds and Taus.
Outcast/UC drug war in Kusari.
Brigands open up the Gallic blackmarket to Bretonia and Kusari.
Council distance themselves from the Marquis, relations with Brigands suffer.
Corsair forces are recalled from Dublin to fight the Outcasts.
BAF attack Dublin with their remaining forces, capturing the gold fields to pay the war debts.
Gaian’s split from Mollys, shifting focus to the Taus and Omega 3 terraforming.
Molly’s find new allies in the Marquis and Brigands, gold for weapons trade opens.
BIS station battleships at Newcastle and Chester with Order support

The Blood Dragons become popular with the people after a strong wave of propaganda.
Samura recaptures Shikoku, the GMG ally with Kishiro fearing a blockade of H-fuel sales.
Kusari split in two as civil war grinds to a halt
Blood Dragons conquer Anu Depot in Hokkaido.
Nomad’s and Wild capture Ryuku Base, moving into Chugoku and Hokkaido. Order and Blood Dragons focus efforts.
Liberty Rogues push into Shikoku, fighting against the Hogosha and Refugees.
GMG suffers attacks from Outcasts, H-fuel supplies limited.

Outcasts assault Lambda.
Xenos attack the El Dorado, Refugees counterattack Nome Base.
Nomads take Zeta and Delta.
BHG Core retreat from Zeta into Kappa.
AI remain neutral.
Alaska falls to Nomad and Wild forces.
Corsair fleet removed from the Omegas fortifies Omicron Gamma.

Stuttgart is reclaimed from the LWB, Dresden remains under Hessian control.
Lane Hackers attempt to move into Rheinland, rebuffed by Hessians.
Hessian/Bundschuh/LWB attack Frankfurt disabling battleship Koblenz and raiding Schatten Research Facility.
Hessians take control of Omega 11, engaged by Nomad/Wild forces.
Das Wilde encroach on Cayman and Omega 41
BHG Core flank Nomad and Wilde advances in Omega 41, decimated by overwhelming numbers the Core retreats.
Coalition moves into Omega 5 and 50, raiding Cambridge, Omega 3 and Omega 7.
Nomad/Wild attacks from Omega 41.
Omicron Theta and 74 are fortified. Zoner’s ally with Corsairs for mutual survival.

Zoners flee into the Houses, Refugee and Zoner conflict begins.

RE: Ideas for an Alternate Future - glassofwater - 05-20-2013

I'd like to see Kusari have more equal rights for women. As I play a GC character, maybe more influence? Just an idea.
But on another note, I really like most of these ideas. Interesting idea for the Gallic war.

RE: Ideas for an Alternate Future - Occam Razor - 05-20-2013

(05-19-2013, 12:34 PM)Croft Wrote: BHG Core retreat from Zeta into Kappa.
AI remain neutral.

The BHG Core has no base in Kappa, and won't get I think.
The AI Consensus fights the nomads, mainly because communication to them is impossible, and Khara for example shoots everyone who doesn't RP with them.

But else, Interesting idea. I like it.

RE: Ideas for an Alternate Future - JayDee Kasane - 05-20-2013

(05-19-2013, 12:34 PM)Croft Wrote: Coalition moves into Omega 5 and 50, raiding Cambridge, Omega 3 and Omega 7.

Coalition already claims Omega 50 as its system. We allow traders to go there, but warships will get driven off from it. Omega 5 is Corsair/Hessian battlegroud. We assist Hessians in fighting Corsairs there. If you speaking of SCRA, we already doing all that. We raiding everywhere actually, not just Omegas, but its closer to us ofc.

RE: Ideas for an Alternate Future - Croft - 05-20-2013

Do keep in mind this was done with quick glances at the FL companion map and what I remember of NPC faction diplomacy so 90% of the possible movements are from bases listed in system.

Regarding the BHG Core, I didn't envision a base in Kappa just a small fleet of static ships hidden about the system.
The AI I assumed would be non-entities to the Nomads since there is no mind to feel or communicate with, similiarly I assumed the AI would remain neutral since it's not logical to be embroiled in a war that doesn't effect them.

I didn't mean the SCRA or the Consensus, as player factions are tricky as each have their own agendas so I tend to go for the overall faction. Since the Omegas have been pretty much abandoned as each faction draws it's forces back home in a fight for survival. The Coalition would fill the vacuum, seeing this as their chance to gain a substantial foothold and be one step closer to the Houses. It may not be Sun Tzu but I think it pushes the feel of conflict nicely.

I'm actually impressed that folks took time to read through it and I'm glad you like some of the ideas.

RE: Ideas for an Alternate Future - jammi - 05-20-2013

A lot of these ideas are actually already a part of future mod plans. A lot of the finer details are different, but on the whole this seems like a logical deduction.

RE: Ideas for an Alternate Future - Lythrilux - 05-20-2013

Very nice!
I like the first section the most, with the ideas about Gallia. I would love to see them nuke Bret, then move onto nuking (or attempting to) nuke Liberty. It might put some much needed activity back into Gallia.
Though, I wonder what it would be like if the Rheinland ceasefire is simply a ploy, and that they strike Liberty whilst it's being attacked Gallics.

RE: Ideas for an Alternate Future - Omicron - 05-20-2013

(05-19-2013, 12:34 PM)Croft Wrote: New Tokyo, Honshu, Okinawa and Shikoku claimed by Kishiro.

Kishiro would get only another war on new front with GMG if they would try that. These guys are persistent.

RE: Ideas for an Alternate Future - Timmy - 05-21-2013

Sir, don't try and make something for next mod, unless you know situation in all factions. Kusari was already splited, and you know what? One part of it already died, second is somehow holding. If you try to split it again, will be exactly the same, if not worse.

RE: Ideas for an Alternate Future - Occam Razor - 05-21-2013

(05-20-2013, 01:09 PM)Croft Wrote: The AI I assumed would be non-entities to the Nomads since there is no mind to feel or communicate with, similiarly I assumed the AI would remain neutral since it's not logical to be embroiled in a war that doesn't effect them.

Thats not true, because Nomads are known to shoot on everything, that doesn't speak with them. And AIs just can't speak with them, also they flood the AI homesystem, so its just logical to attack them / defend against them.