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Event proposition regarding the Zoner Aliance - Printable Version

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Event proposition regarding the Zoner Aliance - Scumbag - 05-22-2013

Let me start by saying that i am not a member of any of the factions that should be involved in this event.

As far as i gathered from the coms and different discussions on the forums i understand that the Zoner Aliance has managed to uppset several corsair players, independent ones mostly it seems. Also there has been talk about the capital ships of the zoners and the excess use of them by the Zoner Aliance.

Thus i propose the folowing event:
The zoner aliance will be given by the admins one of these ships: Persephone. Along with a fleet of several other zoner ships of their choosing but with a maximum of 2 Nephilims they will engage the fleet of the disgruntled corsairs who will invade Omicron 74 in search of plunder.

The number of the fleets should be balanced while the corsairs should have more snubs, considering they are not backed by any official corsair faction.

Those win this event should get the following:
Zoners: The Persephone + bragging rights + a major victory against corsairs in lore.
Corsairs: 1 billion credits divided amongst the raiding party + bragging rights + another major victory against the zoner warlovers in lore and.

The winners will be the ones with the last ship flying.

Considering the zoners have an aliance with the Order, a small fleet of them with maximum one cruiser should try to enter the Omicron 74 system to assist the Zoner Aliance.
Also considering that the Zoner Aliance has managed to piss off the Core, a similar fleet of them should ambush the Order one before entering Omicron 74.
Considering both of them fight against the nomads, after the Order and Core fleets engage unlimited number of K'hara and nomad indies should wipe out both human fleets and then retreat to their lairs.

Of course this is just a proposition and is subject to improvement and debate, especially since i don't know if everything i said is correct inRP and lore.
At least one admin should supervise the event in my opinion.

What do you think about this possible event?

RE: Event proposition regarding the Zoner Aliance - EisenSeele - 05-22-2013

You might want to consult Jinx about this first, since the Persephone is his personal ship. Since the Persephone is RP'd as a one-of-a-kind relic, it's unlikely that another will be given.

RE: Event proposition regarding the Zoner Aliance - Scumbag - 05-22-2013

I had no clue about that.Sad

The ideea behind this proposition is to resolve this conflict without people getting banned and with a proper fight group vs group so people can have some closure.

Anything else the Zoner Aliance may want in exchange for 1 billion credits?

RE: Event proposition regarding the Zoner Aliance - Zen_Mechanics - 05-22-2013

Well I agree to the terms, I'll pay that 1bill myself divided with the sair pilots. In terms of RP, it should be fine, haven't seen any corsair cap ships for a long time in 74 and that will surley raise some blood pressure to other zoners as well.
Regarding The Persephone, its jinx's ship, and in thruth its unique, i'd rather have a different ship than that, unless jinxs... how about the old corsair/order umbrage. That'll do it.

RE: Event proposition regarding the Zoner Aliance - Rodnas - 05-22-2013

Currently no Corsair faction is trying to escalate small scale mishaps that get blown out of proportions. Thus i cannot support this event, nor any influence on it on the lore.
Other than that....a Corsair, Zoner, Order, Core, Nomad event- that might have gone over the top and i am not sure if you are up to date who likes whom and wwhatnot Wink
No hard feelings mate, but thumbs down for this event from me

RE: Event proposition regarding the Zoner Aliance - Omicron - 05-22-2013

(05-22-2013, 01:25 AM)Scumbag Wrote: The zoner aliance will be given by the admins one of these ships: Persephone.

You're serious with this one?

Those win this event should get the following:
Zoners: The Persephone + bragging rights + a major victory against corsairs in lore.
Corsairs: 1 billion credits divided amongst the raiding party + bragging rights + another major victory against the zoner warlovers in lore and.

Won't happen.

Considering the zoners have an aliance with the Order, a small fleet of them with maximum one cruiser should try to enter the Omicron 74 system to assist the Zoner Aliance.

No, Order does not consider ZA a "Zoners" and therefore they are not our allies.

Also considering that the Zoner Aliance has managed to piss off the Core

They angered Core AND Order.

RE: Event proposition regarding the Zoner Aliance - Duvelske - 05-22-2013

(05-22-2013, 01:25 AM)Scumbag Wrote: Thus i propose the folowing event:
The zoner aliance will be given by the admins one of these ships: Persephone. Along with a fleet of several other zoner ships of their choosing but with a maximum of 2 Nephilims they will engage the fleet of the disgruntled corsairs who will invade Omicron 74 in search of plunder.

Well it could be done maybe, but in my view a Nephy suits it much better. But an pewfest.. well it could be nice indeed. seeing the reply of tel-aviv i guess they would like it too. I would prefer snub fights as my personal experience they are just much more fun.

RE: Event proposition regarding the Zoner Aliance - Zen_Mechanics - 05-22-2013

Into order does not like us because we dont let ourselves to be picked like headless chickens but they won't have a choice if nomads are involved. I don't mind about this even, as rod said, major factions will not participate and for a good reason. Though they are not responsible to Indie corsair gameplay

RE: Event proposition regarding the Zoner Aliance - Szpaku - 05-22-2013

I was laughing my a** off for about 30 minutes
My answer to this is No

ZA didnt have any cotact with Jinx IN RP and didnt EVEN SEE the ship IN RP
So asking for one is just pure metagame here

RE: Event proposition regarding the Zoner Aliance - Duvelske - 05-22-2013

(05-22-2013, 03:28 PM)Szpaku Wrote: I was laughing my a** off for about 30 minutes
My answer to this is No

ZA didnt have any cotact with Jinx IN RP and didnt EVEN SEE the ship IN RP
So asking for one is just pure metagame here
You are kinda mistaken. That ship is currently docked at Livada shipyard (at least last i saw it was this week). And i am pretty sure the ZA have seen it. But it is completely irrelevant for an event like this.