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To: Unioners - Printable Version

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To: Unioners - Moka's Loyalists - 05-22-2013

[Image: plr1small.png]

Tag, Mein Herrs

We regret to inform you that
divisions have split amongst
the once mighty Liberty Rogues.
As it is, the dominant group is run
by a yellow bellied sewer rat. How
ever, there is hope for all Rogues yet.

It has been been decided among us
that we are wanting to expand the Padua
Liberty Rogues interests in the Blood
Diamond and the Corsair Artefact
trade, and to disrupt all Cardimine
dependency from poisoning our
brothers all over Liberty.

As we know it's never easy to
just open the doors and straight
away become best pals, so we are
eager to offer you as many vessels
as you require to begin trading with
the Liberty Rogues. Not only does this
benefit the Padua Liberty Rogues,
but it benefits us all no matter
our allegiances.

~Long Live The Unioners!~
~Long Live The Liberty Rogues!~

RE: To: Unioners - Landers - 05-22-2013

Comm ID: David Giese
Location: Wedel Mining Facility

[Image: 307220462Giese_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg]

’Tag, Herr

Those are terrible news indeed, I find the Liberty Rogues as my favourite ’partners’, when it comes to business. The reason of this split is not known to us yet, nor it is our business but an explanation would strengthen our friendship. You know we’re always ready to give a hand.

Or course, we’re professional with the stuff you need, good you contacted us. However, business is business. We need to know hom much do you need exactly from the mentioned ’goods’ and the destination. Information about the route and possible dangers would raise the morale of our transport captains.

As for the vessels, ours are busy with other assignments and it’d be complicated to relocate them. Two pirate trains would do the trick though and boost both the business and friendship between us.

Giese out.

RE: To: Unioners - Moka's Loyalists - 05-23-2013

[Image: plr1small.png]

The division with in the Rogues is merely
a difference of belief. Many Rogues believe
that the only future is the Orange one where
as the PLR is fighting to rid the poison that
leads the Rogues to believe they are indebted
to the money hungry Maltesians. So dependent
on the Cardimine trade the dominant Rogue
groups are, it shrouds their ability to see
what is truly happening to them.
Being lead on strings like puppets
We no longer want to be dependent
on the Maltesians, we are our own people,
our own culture and most of all; we are not Outcasts.

As it is, we simply do not see eye to eye with the
current temporary regime. And so of course our
trade and funding is severely impacted by this
internal squabbling. Our aim is simple;
Unify the Liberty Rogues without the dependency
on Cardimine and the Outcasts.

Down to business; How much you say? Let's look
into the bigger picture. We're looking for a stable
supply of both goods, our intention is to dominate the
market to sustain our efforts, and in return we have the
many gifts Liberty have to offer at our disposal.

It would be our pleasure to gift two pirate trains,
built by the best engineers the Rogues have to offer
(which I must admit isn't saying a hell of a lot. Just know
that they seem to work...) We will have them available from
Dawson with in the week. If there is anything else you
find we can help you with, please feel free to ask.

~Padua Liberty Rogues~

RE: To: Unioners - Landers - 05-23-2013

Comm ID: David Giese
Location: Wedel Mining Facility

[Image: 307220462Giese_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg]

I think I got your point there...

Independency is something we fought for, successfully. We know it's a hard way and not everyone will survive on the route. We wish the best of luck to you on that.

Consider our deal accepted, mein Herr. As soon as the two trains arrive on Wedel or any of the Unioner bases, we start supplying of yours immediately. Let's see how is this going and we might talk about some... 'greater' business.