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Discovery Official RP release - mrlance - 06-29-2008

I want to draw the attention upon few things that create a kind of permanency and keep forum customers informed.
1) Bravo to LSF leaders + Republic of Liberty for the CNS official Press release here
Clearly stated, perfect font, draw the attention and the most important it is under a thread everyone should consider "Official".

2) Bravo to everyone trying to create some kind of reportage to show that Sirius is alive. The problem is that it is so hard to find the different topics.

3) Bravo for the Royal Edict here, but once again, the question is : is it an official or unofficial event ?
Could we just create a sub-forum, strictly moderated, under the forum Discover Role-Playing Hub, call "Discovery Official RP release" with sub-forum like :
- Laws of Sirius (ex: post of Xoria + declaration of Liberty)
- Press Releases (ex CNS press release, and all volounters that posted very good things already in the Watering holes)
- Major Events (like the King George event in progress, or tension between Corsair)

Why am I asking such a forum ?

Because I have the feeling that most players are lost between what we should consider official on server and what we read on the forum (when they can find the right post)
When LN declares in the CNS official Press release the joint venture, ALL should consider that is an official event on the server. This is the kind of informations that everyone should know to feel how words written on a forum become a constant key to interact on server.

Everything that fall under the Sub-forum Official Info should become THE reference for all the players and characters. Everyone, i said everyone, should be able to get into a major Event. We must dare to declare that major events can change Sirius, and they are "events for all".
Easy to read, easy to find, strictly RP, strictly moderated.

What is a major event and how to run it ?

Most of us have already played on MMoRPG with Admins running events. Disco server is different, but not so much. We need a bunch of dedicated Admins who do not make the police (with superpower) but help to develop the Major Events, to diffuse the official informations on server for ALL the players and especially those who barely consult the forum.
If such a team exist, then the Laws and the history of Sirius itself will have a solid, official and permanent ground.

When the ground is permanent, everyone, even a new comer, can feel how Disco server is organized. They will not feel the unfairness of "old conservators", they will not hate "the factions", the "rules" but they will understand that they are entering on a server which has an common RP ground where they can develop their own RP.

Official info release should be a perfect reflect of what happened, happens, or will happen on our dear Disco RP server.
Remember folks, it is the one of the last FL server and one of the most active. Make it PERMANENT. Cast aside the strife and all the childish "i'm right, you're wrong" to work together.

//Yes, it is my second attempt to draw the attention, but in the proper forum.

Discovery Official RP release - mrlance - 06-29-2008

Second act :

I read a lot of topic about BHG. Following the same idea, there is few factions who have a true independent spirit, mostly those who have no chain of command. There is already the Council of Zoners, there could have been a Junker Congress, a Freelancer Council and the last step a BHG council.

Keeping the same spirit, we could have a sub-forum named : official council (I dunno exactly)

I will take the BHG as example :
Under the sub-forum we could have
The official reward list up-to-date (by players willing to give time using a shared account)
The official BH Registration (the Robert's Fitzgerald's list)

The purpose remains always the same, a fast easy access to the information, and especially for the BHG giving her a "official" administrative structure without requiring a player faction. In the same time, all the others faction can know that the BHG exist even if it is not an player clan. A BH is, by nature, in the Guild.

I remember a Freelancer faction proposal and some came to same conclusion that only an administrative structure can be useful for Freelancer. I can say the same thing for Zoners. I am a bit maniacal when informations is in stake; I like to find it and read it without any doubt, so the presentation matter a lot.
i will resume "mon monologue" later, giving few templates.

All we need is not Admins in such a case but active players on the forum ready to update and give the clearest informations for the community under this sub-forum : "Discovery official RP release"

Discovery Official RP release - Boss - 06-29-2008

I agree, something to this effect will reduce the number of (relatively) useless (to me) threads that I have to wade through to get what I need to know.

Discovery Official RP release - Unseelie - 06-29-2008

Uhm, define official?
The Royal Edict is a real RP, and not in any way a joke..but...well, its made by someone who isn't recognised as the King.

Discovery Official RP release - Srkad - 06-29-2008

If any more subforums are added then some are gonna have to be taken off, the forum is so cluttered it is really confusing.

Discovery Official RP release - mrlance - 06-29-2008

' Wrote:Uhm, define official?
The Royal Edict is a real RP, and not in any way a joke..but...well, its made by someone who isn't recognised as the King.

Official Events is something that happen or will happen on the server and can change static data that everyone should know.

For the Royal Edict that I consider a real RP of course - but it is me maybe not all players on the server - there could be consequences : Carina is the Queen (static data), the BAF could separate into two factions, a civil war could start = lawful BAF can shoot at lawful BAF (not really within the server rules). BUT, as it is an official event, supervised by Admin/moderator all is good, and ALL players characters can participate, have an opinion, jump into the major Event.

For the Treaty of Dublin, there are consequences : everything concerning the diplomacy with the Mollys in Dublin change. I started a BMM character and it is not easy to determine what is my position.

QCP are also a kind of major event. When they have been created, a Major change came on server : lawful doing piracy for war reasons. No server rules define them, but officially they can do piracy. If a new player read the official release, he will understand that QCP are allowed by RP even if they're breaking server rules.

IMO, theses Major Events stated above are excellent and change Bretonia history. As you know politics define the way people live together in a country (house, space) => the way characters interact. We don't need to wait for a mod change to create such a change, only the common acceptance of the whole community to become an "official" edict.
They are RP stories in progress who includes all the players and their characters on the server because there will be consequences. In other words, Major events transform static data into dynamic data.

Discovery Official RP release - mrlance - 06-29-2008

' Wrote:If any more subforums are added then some are gonna have to be taken off, the forum is so cluttered it is really confusing.

Indeed. I'm considering myself a regular forum reader, and the Forum I read the most is the Discovery server Role-Playing . But when you compare to the others, there is only two sub-forums and many many many threads. Sometime, I don't even know where I should post.
Add only one sub forum, remove the pinned topic (which are already the official posts) and increase the official releases classified under the Discovery official RP release sub-forum.

To resume
"Discovery RP Faction" is for faction info
"Discovery Role-playing hub" is for personnal/faction RP info
"Discovery Official RP release" is for server RP (very distinct from server rules) under the agreement, and subject to modification of the Admins, moderators and of course, Igiss if he considers that a major event are going against the Discovery mod)

EDIT : I realise that "Official" is a word that can be misinterpreted. Official informations/releases means all players characters should know, the permanency, what make the History of Sirius on Disco server specific to this server. Official should not be understood as "Rules" but "Critical RP informations"

Discovery Official RP release - mrlance - 06-29-2008

[Image: siriussamin3.png]

Here a template and a short example of what could be a major event.

Sirius Sam is a serial murderer who kills without a noise civilians (which means even character under lvl30). Nobody knows his identity and the LPi start the investigation. The truth is that Sirius Sam is a former member of the LN. He is now working for the LPi and work as detective himself.

The major event will take place on a whole week.
Three characters will be created with different name
The last character is the LPI-det-firstname.lastname.

The Administrators will receive the name of characters in order to not sanction him (or better, give temporary a terrorist ID to the two first characters.

Step 1:
day 1 2 (first CNS release)
Sirius Sam flies on an Eagle and start to destroy lonely Civilian ships. (the lvl is not is concern, what he need to do is striking and leaving the faster he can.
Step 2: days 3 4
Second CNS release a reward is offered for any clues about Sirius Sam.
When the first screenshot arrive on the admin desk (report sanction) or on the forum, the second ship is activated so no one can use the long range scanner to stop him. This is an Ageira Bomber now (target can be transport)
How is it possible? Remember, Sirius Sam is a detective in charge of the investigation.
Step 3: days 5 6
The LSF discover that Sirius Sam was married and his ex-wife joined the Zoners. They are the only one able to go to Delta for an interrogation.
Now the identity of Sirius Sam is becoming known: he was an ex navy boy and now work in the LPi
Final stage: sunday 8pm GMT
Sirius Sam starts to panic. An organized event to hunt the Liberator of Sirius Sam and this event could be restricted to not overkill the poor Sirius Sam.

What do we really need?
Complicity of the Admins, a shared account to RP the three characters by different players in order to cover different time zone, and the complicity of one player inside the LPi or the leader himself.
At the end of the event, Sirius Sam will be killed or captured. The characters can be deleted. End of the event.

Do you see the whole picture?

Everyone on the server, even those who never read the forum, will be aware that a major RP event is running. That the event is supervised by Admin and anyone will talk about Sirius Sam, the LPi and LSF and even the LN will be implicated in the scenario. Regular feedback will be made on the Press release, etc…
It is something that happens on live, that involve everyone, and remains a strict RP, not a 2 hours battle; it is something that will stay alive during a week.

Discovery Official RP release - mrlance - 07-08-2008


* Persistent world
* RP consequence
* Permanency
* Game mastering or Story Telling (White Wolf fan)
* Scenarii & events

I'll be honest, the community are looking for administrators, I want to find people who are ready to become event managers (on line) and moderators (on the forum), and form a team.
If every words sound familiar to you please PM or reply, then e-mail. I cannot do it alone, and will not waste my time for that alone.
If such a team already exists, then show me the light and give me a hand.

Discovery Official RP release - Jazz - 07-08-2008

*raises paw* I give it an aye vote. This is a good Idea.

And if anyone dosent like it *starts growling angerly* well you wont live long enough to say so.