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Encrypted Transmission towards: The Administrator of Freeport 10 - Printable Version

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Encrypted Transmission towards: The Administrator of Freeport 10 - Johnathan Nox Carter - 05-27-2013

[Image: yriamtbpossible.png]
Relaying Transmission
::: Source: {A}-Yriam
::: Encryption: Medium


*The image of a woman appears after the video-link is established.*
Well met. *She smiles shortly.*

In order to begin properly, allow me to introduce myself. I am Yriam, the current Consul of a community known as the Aurigae Union. We, by your standards, could be considered as Artificially intelligent beings, yet that is of no importance right now, since like you all, we simply seek our place in this universe.

I've spoken previously with some representatives of the group you call The Commonwealth, who mentioned that me and my kind would be friendly greeted upon your station. Still - the Union has come to a decision which we would like to propose to you. *She releases a deep sigh.*

Since our arrival in Sirius we have gathered various information about humanity and it's culture, structure - or lack of one, in some cases - technology and so on. Still, given our "abrupt" entry in this sector we have lost quite much, including what resources we had to begin establishing ourselves anywhere. Because of this, I would like to ask on behalf of my fellow constructs if it would be possible to arrange a temporary - though long term - establishment of our kind on your station, Freeport 10. Since we know it is a Freeport, we understand it is a location of neutrality, so trough this we could have a "base of operations" without impeding anyone, until, perhaps, we would have the resources to construct our own station.
Of course, since we've been told that the Commonwealth is also based on this Freeport, i imagine their word also matters on this.

Still, I assume we can make this into a mutual benefit - considering that in exchange for granting us this request, we may help bettering the station or aid you and the Commonwealth towards any goals you may have.

Then again, this is an issue that may need further debate, so i'll be awaiting your reply.
*She bows her head as the transmission cuts off.*

Closing Transmission

RE: Encrypted Transmission towards: The Administrator of Freeport 10 - Lucky - 05-28-2013

** Incoming Transmission **
Comm ID: Lucky LeRoux
Location: Freeport 10

Encrytion: Medium

To: {A}-Yriam

Yriam, thank you for considering Freeport 10 as a base where you might rest and recuperate between activities, I'm flattered that you should you should think the base a safe enough place to stay in these turbulent times. And from my own, personal viewpoint, you could not be more welcome, M. d'Autoine of the Commonwealth has mentioned contact with you in a most favourable way.

However, I have to think of the overall customer base here and how some of those people might view Freeport 10 if it were to become the home of "non-humans". To be brutally honest you might well be met with acts of random violence and hatred that our society has been liberally handing out to strangers and foreign elements since time began, and this may well end up to the detriment of the Freeport, a proposition that I'm afraid I cannot risk.

So whilst I'm happy to provide services to your ships and "people" in a discrete way, I'm afraid that developing an establishment on Freeport 10 in the current climate will not be possible or practical for you. Perhaps there will come a time when the AI have assimilated themselves more closely into our society?

I remain open to persuasion, but for now,

Most sorry,

Lucky LeRoux

RE: Encrypted Transmission towards: The Administrator of Freeport 10 - Johnathan Nox Carter - 05-28-2013

[Image: yriamtbpossible.png]
Relaying Transmission
::: Source: {A}-Yriam
::: Encryption: Medium



*She looks around and sighs shortly, then looks to the screen.*
Well, your answer is understandable and i admit we expected this possibility. I assumed that some arrangements could've been made to avoid the events of which you speak, such as humans seeing us as a threat and acting towards the detriment of the Freeport, but then again - we still need to know more about you.

Still, even if this particular "deal" could not be reached, maybe we could arrange some co-operation between us. I've recently seen a transmission regarding the opening of a new bio-dome on your Freeport, and i imagine this might not remain the first addition to your station. Maybe the Aurigae Union could arrange a... "contract" (i believe that is a proper way to say it) trough which we may aid you with acquiring resources. Or perhaps something else?

I will be honest, this second proposal comes from a different angle. We are not yet accustomed to the human economy, so we would need a starting point, so to speak. We thought this could be one.

Either way, i'll be waiting for a response.
*She bows her head shortly.*

Closing Transmission

RE: Encrypted Transmission towards: The Administrator of Freeport 10 - Lucky - 05-29-2013

** Incoming Transmission **
Comm ID: Lucky LeRoux
Location: Freeport 10

Encrytion: Medium

To: {A}-Yriam

Yriam, thank you for your understanding, I see you are becoming aware that not all humans are as tolerant as others, a sure sign of absorbed wisdom......

You are right about Freeport 10, we do have plans for its continued development and I look upon your alternative proposal with some favour, we are in need of resources and in return for the provision of some supply lines I would be prepared to teach you something of the nature of human business and commerce and how the laws of supply and demand operate, if you are interested in that area?

In any event I suggest we keep this line of communication open to explore future possibilities.

Let me know your *thoughts* and in the meantime I'll too ponder possibilities of how we could learn and benefit from each other further.

Lucky LeRoux

RE: Encrypted Transmission towards: The Administrator of Freeport 10 - Johnathan Nox Carter - 06-01-2013

[Image: yriamtbpossible.png]
Relaying Transmission
::: Source: {A}-Yriam
::: Encryption: Medium


Good day, again.

I'm happy to hear you're open to discussion, and so are my colleagues.

Though it would be nice to converse, we are all busy, as are you, i believe - so getting to the point:
Seeing that you've recently opened a new Bio-Dome, we have "surveyed" the human markets and noticed the existence of this particular FloraGro commodity that may be of use to you. Since we've recently just repaired a few of our transports, we could bring some shipments with this resource at your station.
*She grins for a few moments.* Alternatively - we may also provide other supplies that you require, if you name them.

Still, the manner in which these shipments will be brought should be further discussed. Perhaps face to face, as i'll attempt to visit you today at the Freeport.

Until then, safe travels.
*She bows her head as the transmission cuts off.*

Closing Transmission