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Milano - a criminal?? - Stefan_Steinar - 05-23-2013

Hi girls and boys...
i hope i post this here at the right topic... the story how Milano became who he is now... i hope someone really reads it Angel


Full name: Marco Milano diCassano
Age: 24
Date of birth: 11 of October 1988
Location of birth: Battleship Fes, Omega 47
Height: 6‘1“
Weight: 84kg
Eyecolor: green-brown
Haircolor: brown

Milano was born on BS Fes in Omega 47 on a rainy cold day in October. His father a Corsair-Cruiser-Commander and his mother had been a Transporter-Captain for the Corsairs he was also a born Corsair. As a little kid he got all he wanted as his father was earning good money hunting and selling BHG and BHG|Core Pilots.

At the age of 6 he was sent to school in Rheinland at New Berlin – he had been a great student there, but was often bullied because he was born as a ‚Corsair-Criminal‘. After he was beaten down several times by sons of decorated Rheinland-Militaries his father send him to a Dojo were he was trained in hand-to-hand and later in advancend hand-to-hand combat. He was training every day after school and as time went by he was able to defend himself against 3 or 4 attacking kids at once. From then on he was never bulllied again but he also never stopped training either and he’s still training today.

After his time at school he was inviteted to the Military-Academy of Rheinland. As for this training and education a Fightercraft was needed. His father asked him which ship he wanted as money was never an issue when his son needed something. Milano doesn’t wanted a vessel from any of the House-Systems – as he was a born Corsair he asked his dad to buy him a Titan.
The first day at the academy became a mix of positive and negativ feelings for him. The teachers and trainers were not pretty happy to see how an Corsair-Battleship was bringing his brand new ship to New Berlin. His Titan was the most armored ship of all students with the following equipment:

Armor Upgrade Mk VIII
CM-5 Heavy Countermeasure Dropper
MX-17 Nuclear Mine Dropper
Adv. Champion H. F. Shield
Enhanced Thruster
Discovery Scanner
T-96 "Sunslayer" Torpedo Launcher
2x Colada Del Cid
4x Salamanca Mk II
1x Salamanca Turret

Many very rich students from all over Sirius were very impressed by this almost show-like introduction of diCassano. And soon he got more and more friends even the sons and daugthers of politicans and militaries liked him and his style of piloting his vessel. Just very few other classmates were able to fight him for a while, but noone ever defeated him and his Titan.

His ship was so powerful that during a combat-test in the first year he shot down his teacher who was flying a way more agile Manta and had 25 years of combat and flying experience.
From then on he was some kind of rolemodel for other students – of course something the teachers weren’t so happy about – but even they were respecting his skills in combat.

As the second year begun he was informed that his mother was killed when she was flying towards New Berlin to visit him. This had a huge impact on the grades of his second year at the academy but as time went by he went over it and got it all back together. At the end of the second year he met his girlfriend Sonja Narcano. A girl from Liberty and the stepdaugther of Tony Narcano an retired Destroyer-Captain from the Alaska System.
During the break between the second and third year the young couple spent the first 4 weeks at Los Angeles with Sonja’s family. First they were very skeptical about the relationship after he told them where he was from and what ship he was flying – he needed special permission to be allowed to fly through Liberty with he’s Titan as this vessel is considered hostile in Liberty space. But after a few days they started to like him the way he was and respected him for what he had accomplished so far. And after they first part of their holidays the were all good friends and he was part of their family as their doors were open for him.
The second destination of their holidays was Crete – the Corsairs Stronghold. First Sonja didn’t knew what to think of it. Milano’s dad and his friends were awaiting the couple for a little welcome-party as diCassano sen. was an important and highly respected person on Crete Sonja had permission to fly her imported Onuris. As she got out of her ship she immediately recognized that everyone was talking to her and showed her that ‚criminals‘ aren’t beasts and monsters like everyone in Liberty said.
She really enjoyed the easy-going way on Crete and the big house of the diCassaon’s that she promised to come back again with him the next time and to try to convince her family to come to Crete too for a family reunion. As their holidays were over Gianluigi diCassano, Milano’s dad escorted them back to the academy for their third year there.

The third year was alot about trading and hand-to-hand combat. A torture for Marco as he never was trading anything and he had luck that he passed that subject. On the other hand-to-hand combat he became on of the top-students. His honey Sonja did great in both subject which impressed him alot, as he didn’t knew that she was able to fight too. The third year they both considered boring – no dogfighting, no EK-training and little time in their fighters.

After all the grades were written and all tests were over the next summer break started. From New Berlin the couple flew to Los Angeles with a plan in mind. To get the Narcano family to Crete for a big summer-beach-party – but they knew this won’t get easy.
They took the way over the Omega and the Cortez system, arrived in Cortez they were stopped by a group of Corsairs who wanted them to pay toll to them for letting the couple continue their journey.
Just as Sonja made her guns ready Marco opened a channel to the leader of the group. He didn’t had to say anything more after he told them his full name they gave up their formation and apologized for disturbing them. Afterwards Sonja knew what kind of influence his name really has within the rows of the Corsairs. Few hours later Marco and Sonja arrived at LA and landed on the property of the Narcano family. Happy about the surprising visit of the kids the family came together for lunch. After everyone finished eating Sonja stood up and asked everyone to come with them to Crete – silence – no word – everyone was shocked by the imagination of visiting the home of ‚Criminals‘ as they were all loyal inhabitants of Liberty. As she was asked to explain why she wants that, she told them how she enjoyed last years visit on Crete and her holidays there. A long discussion started then noone knows how long it really took but in the end they agreed to go there with them.

On the next day Marco sent a message to his dad, which then startet to collect the permission for them to travel to Crete, look for a squad to escort them and to plan the party. After another day on LA they were all ready to go and they startet as soon as they could, even Sonjas dad was curious about the life on Crete and how it would be. On their way they met the escort in the Omega 3 system near Sprague – the escort was impressive 8 Imperator-Gunboats, 12 Titan’s and 3 Legate-Battleships.
The journey was quite, they reached Crete without any trouble or problems.

After everyone landed an left his ship they were surprised by the beauty of Crete and the easy-going people there. For the next weeks both families enjoyed getting to know eachother and having a great time. Two days before Marco and Sonja had to get back to the academy for their last year and the others back to Liberty the biggest party startet – good food, show-acts, fireworks everything you can think of was there – even members of the Benitez family joined the party. And then Gianluigi had to tell something to everyone…

Listen everyone, please listen to me i got something to tell you all.
Im 62 years old now, i’ve served the Corsair-Empire for over 40 years now it’s time for me to step back and enjoy the rest of my life.
For all the young people here i got a special guest here … Edison Trent… if there is a young pilot looking for an other future with higher meaning then to earn a lot of money – you might join the Order.
For further informations please ask Trent himself.

With this words he went back to his guests. As this beeing said Marco and Sonja were already talking to Trent, asking him about the Order and the 141 Taskforce. Trent told them everything they wanted to know about the Nomad War and the work of the Order against the Aliens. The young couple looked at each other and they knew what they were going to do after they finished the academy at New Berlin.
Trent then promised them to pick them up after their graduation at the academy. The parents of Milano and Sonja knew what they had in mind and gave them their blessing for this future.

The Narcano family and Marco started their way to New Berlin on the next day. The two kids were looking forward to the final year in Rheinland. Back at the academy the year started as they wanted it and it continued and ended with it… Combat-training the whole year. At the last day after everyone got his certification Trent appeared in his Bastet fighter. He kept what he said and picked up the two young – now Order pilots directly from New Berlin. They first went back to Crete where the whole family was together again to wish the young couple good luck. The day after Trent took Marco and Sonja to Taba Border Station where they bought new ships for them. Milano a Bastet and Sonja a Sekhmet Bomber. Here at this station they started their new training and life under the eyes of Trent.
This is where their journey goes on today…

RE: Milano - a criminal?? - Kampanom - 05-23-2013

Wrong subforum, Cisalpine connational (are you Italian?).
Also wrong date of birth, I guess.

RE: Milano - a criminal?? - Laura C. - 05-23-2013

(05-23-2013, 03:14 PM)milano Wrote: Hi girls and boys...
i hope i post this here at the right topic...

Almost... Smile
Stories and bios belong here -

(05-23-2013, 03:14 PM)milano Wrote: Full name: Marco Milano diCassano
Age: 24
Date of birth: 11 of October 1988

Date of birth is not correct as in game world is currently year 820 AS (or A. S. which means After Settlement of Sirius). So your 24 years old character was born on 11th October 795 AS.

Also, little advice for your story - it is impossible that active Corsair would send his son to a Rheinland school and later military academy. Rheinlad is at war with Corsairs. Corsairs which serve to Corsair empire are considered as criminals and war enemies... So no Corsair would send his son to school of their enemy (even what a shame for proud Corsair nation...) and there is no chance that Rheinland military academy would train such a person. Even flying Titan in Rheinland house space is illegal by Rheinland laws.

RE: Milano - a criminal?? - Stefan_Steinar - 05-24-2013

thank you laura

i just wrote a story i let all wars aside - he wouldn't be allowed to go to Liberty either.

i wrote it for fun and it was my first try so wait for my second story it will get better
