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To GMG Guildmasters - Eyes only - Printable Version

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To GMG Guildmasters - Eyes only - Maddox - 05-23-2013

--- Incoming transmission ---

--- Source system: Okinawa ---
--- Origin: Torii Outpost---

--- Message begins ---

Hi there. This is Vincent Maddox, Captain of the GMG vessel GTS-Komohashi_Maru.

Whilst docked at Torii outpost, I noticed that several commodities required to complete the building of a defence module for the base were outstanding.

I have completed supply of both robotics and industrial materials and am in the process of supplying the required munitions. Unfortunately, the base has run out of funds. If someone would refill the base's coffers, I shall complete delivery of the neccessary materials.

Maddox out.

--- Message ends ---

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RE: To GMG Guildmasters - Eyes only - Asbestos - 05-23-2013

[Image: tarokatsuorevamp.png]
To: Vincent Maddox
From: Guild Master Taro Katsuo
Location: Shuri Base, Okinawa

Konnichiwa Maddox-san!

Great work, I must say! I'll make sure to deposit enough credits on the Torii so your supplies can keep flowing.

Guild Master Taro Katsuo,

RE: To GMG Guildmasters - Eyes only - Maddox - 05-31-2013

--- Incoming transmission ---

--- Source system: Okinawa ---
--- Origin: Torii Outpost---

--- Message begins ---

Hi there. This is Vincent Maddox, Captain of the GMG vessel GTS-Komohashi_Maru.

I have completed delivery of the remaining goods required for the module and can confirm that the defence platform has been deployed.

Maddox out.

--- Message ends ---

--- End transmission ---