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New Alliance - Jamez - 05-09-2006

The SF is publicly declaring an alliance with the TG. :laugh:

So our faction status now is:

A-MAG: Ally
RM: Ally
TG: Ally
N.ORDER: Friendly
DVL: Friendly
DAG: Neutral
AW: Neutral
Bs|: Neutral
8492nd: Neutral
NovaPG: Unfriendly
Phantoms: Unfriendly
Cylons: Unfriendly

I would also like to arrange an SF Fleet re-arming day.

I would like all members to post what time it would suit them to come to Leeds and get some equipment, then we can negotiate a time and what equipment you all need.

Also, i will be issuing 5 million credits to all SF members.

New Alliance - Fellow Hoodlum - 05-09-2006

Gosh ... I'm allies with the SF again already. Somethings just never change.
Nice move there neighbours.

Hoodlum :D

New Alliance - wedge antilles - 05-09-2006

cool an good job.
be on all day

New Alliance - Ripper - 05-09-2006

Nice...Jamez SF is a little thin in members?

New Alliance - Jamez - 05-09-2006

Yea only 5 members but SF is gonna be more like Bretonian Special Forces with few members (maximum of 10).

New Alliance - RazorBlade - 05-09-2006

huh.. we re-arming for what? some pirates? but ok anyway leeds my home!!

New Alliance - Jamez - 05-09-2006

The re-arming day is just to make sure that our equipment is the best we can afford.

For VHFs you will be issued with a Mk7 armor upgrade, an adv. or nomad thruster, a discovery scanner, a heavy tractor beam and 2 codenames.

For capships its the same minus the codes.

If a member already has equipped their SF-tagged ship with the above-mentioned or better equipment then nothing will be issued.

Only 1 SF-tagged ship per member can be equipped.

New Alliance - Titus - 05-10-2006

TG and SF were already allies for some time :laugh: Well i did think of canceling the alliance at Lance`s second return with the war on AW....actually in my mind i did cancel it...but i don`t think i made it official :laugh: . Anyway, i`m not leader anymore, hope you`re gonna lead the SF well ;)