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The Chiefs Log - Printable Version

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The Chiefs Log - Thomas Cromwell - 05-27-2013

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Date: 05/27/818 AS
Subject: Log Entry #1 CSO Thomas Cromwell

Well this is change of pace from my military days. I can honestly say I think this was a good move for me. Better hours way better pay and the food is top notch, and lastly you get to meet a lot of interesting people.

My first few days as CSO was paper work and lots of reading. After a tour of the USI DoS facilitys and supplies i could honestly say there was a lot to do to get this place up to my standards.

First thing I as going to do was update the combat fighters and there weapons. Next I over hauled the DoS rank system and training plans. Next was the money flow issues.

I had manged to round up a few new people including one very interesting freelancer. <<<See attached file>>>

That covers the last week, tomorrow i am heading out to talk to a supplier about some new fighters.

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RE: The Chiefs Log - Thomas Cromwell - 05-28-2013

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Date: 05/27/818 AS
Subject: Log Entry #2 Reavers

We lost another shipment today, these reavers are really starting to be a problem. So i did some digging and made a few calls to some old friends. I now owe a few people a few bottles of the good stuff but i got the information i need.

I know who put out the hit and how much they get paid for killing one of us. I will need to bring this to the CEO in the morning. Now the other matter i need to deal with is my new hire, she hasn't not been fitting in as well as i had hopped. I cant do any thing about it openly for a lot of reason, chief among them i think she would take a chunk out of me. What could i do, if any thing.

On a brighter note, the "project" is coming along better then excepted for now any way. Need more <<redacted>> but i can make do with <<redacted>>. <<<See attached file>>>

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RE: The Chiefs Log - Thomas Cromwell - 05-30-2013

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Date: 05/29/818 AS
Subject: Log Entry #3 The Project

Phase 2 has ended and phase 3 is under way, currently we have one fully loaded and armed <<redacted>>. The <<redacted>> has granted us there full support, but are unable to provide funds, but will supply crew and ships we can help build.

Phase 3 will end once we have the need resources to get a <<redacted>> class <<redacted>> fitting it will be the hard part. The <<redacted>> fleet is starting to form. I just hope once its up and running, we will be able to put the hurt on <<redacted>>.

On a more personal i received a request from Dayayra to accompany her to the planet tonight, this should be interesting.

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RE: The Chiefs Log - Thomas Cromwell - 06-19-2013

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Date: 06/18/818 AS
Subject: Log Entry #4 The Girl

I know its been awhile since my last entry, but things have been busy...... gaw what am i doing the computer dose not care. Things have.... changed at least on a personal note. *low heavy sigh* Arnt I to old for this?

I knew we where getting close, but not like this, I at first kinda felt like she was the daughter i was denied once before. That said things have been changing between us, now some times i felt like she was my girlfriend then any thing else.

I guess stranger things have happened.... I am not sure if this is a something i should pursue or not.

On another note i have well be attending the governors gala, in about two weeks, she has more or less agreed to go as my escort. Personally I cant not wait to see her in a ball gown, or even a dress. One thing i could never deny is that she is extremely beautiful, even if she never shows it. All ways hiding it behind her rough freelancer persona.

Then again maybe i am biased, i do heavily favor her type. Gorgeous long dark hair that when let down will easily reach the middle of her back, made all the better by her equally magnificent dark brown eyes. You can quite literally see your self in them. All sitting on a small frame with that exotic dark redish skin.

I am over thinking this arnt I...... or maybe i am just thinking about her to much....

<<System search open>>
System searching..............
Retrieving File...

*An image containing a much young Cromwell holding a small girl in his arms while a women around she same age standing beside him with her arm around him, smiling.*

*heavy sigh*

Maybe its time i let go and move on.... I could do worse, a lot worse.

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O What the hell not like any one else can see this....

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